Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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3 posts in this topic

So, I have been fortunate enough to play and spend quite some time in both Terrafirmacraft, and its derivatives (or extensions), like Technodefirmacraft. There have however always been one thing that has been missing -Other dimensions.

I have tried a bit for myself to get it working, eg. with galacticraft, and on a small server it was functioning fine with the moon and mars dim, with some slight problems with regards to inventory, which I hacked in with tinkers inventory system.

On that part, I have never been able to grasp what the problem with supporting other dimensions were, and I have not been able to search up any answer. Could someone here perhaps please enlighten me? I write this because I just learned about a mod that supposedly handles dimmensions fully by itself, and I wonder if this somehow could serve to extend the regular TFC modpack with its own dimmension handling. This could be really exciting! Just enough dimensions is the mod in question, could some of you that are more learned on the subject take a look?

Thanks in advance. VonNeuman


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this issues has been debated long and hard by a lot of the community, and i cant remember the exact issues, but if i recall correctly (its been a year or 2, so dont quote me) the issues seeemed to stem from the fact that the end overwrote the overworld when you traveled there (hence why you cant get back, even if you die) and the nether doenst properly hook onto the loader or something like that (which is why it works part of the time, but most the time it crashes you) and all other dims use a codebase similar to those two, so until they work, nothing else will completely.


tldr: the way TFC handles its world gen and other "behind-the-scenes" stuff, makes it not like to play well with other dims, period. most of us have just accepted that and modded the hell out of TFC's overworld to make up for that slight loss. lol. hope this was helpful.


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So here's the basic go. All dimensions (end, nether and other mod dimensions) have various bugs based on the various handlers not being written to work in other dimensions. The obvious one is inventory issues, where items vanish and reappear, likely some sync issues. There are also issues with the chunk handler, messing up environmental variables and loading. These bugs shouldn't corrupt saves, but the bugs may require client and possibly server restart to fix  

The Nether used to crash and corrupt saves for a couple of reasons. The corrupting crashes are fixed. However the other bugs persist. 

The End is still a copy of overworld with the end skybox. Traveling to the End used to reset your spawn point to that dimension. You'd have to cheat in a end portal to get to End and the only way I could get back to overworld was to die. I could not figure out a way to get endportal, cheating or killing dragon, although I'm sure there are ways to do it with commands. Other bugs still exist. 


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