Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Meteoric Iron?

12 posts in this topic

How about meteoric iron? with possible extrapolation into item enchantment?


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... Can't you extend the idea? How would meteoritic iron help in enchanting? Wouldn't meteorites be a little hard to code in the game? What makes the iron extracted from a meteor any different from the earth one?

There exist a extremely rare metal in earth that's found commonly in meteors, and it is Iridium. Maybe it would be more believable to have it only found from meteors, rather than having some iron that, due to space exposure, and for no specified reason, has magical properties.

Although the idea of getting metals out of meteors isn't that bad -actually, i like it-, i simply don't understand why it would be only iron, and why that space iron would be different from earth one, since they both share the same origins -something related to the big bang, i don't remember right now.-


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There is a long history involving meteoric iron in the smithing process, Arthurian legend etc... I thought it might be interesting to include meteoric iron as a rare surface occuring resource picked up in the same way as a piece of flint. It provides a shortcut to small quantities of pre-forged iron for the player lucky enough to encounter it in the same way it was useful to pre-medieval smiths. Or possibly Telluric iron deposits:


I believe the supposed mythic properties of meteoric iron had much to do with it's high nickle content....At any rate, it would definately rate as invaluable if found, even in small quantities...And as I mentioned the mythology surrounding meteoric iron and enchanted swords peaks my interest...


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Oh... okay... ._. after some investigation, i found out what you were really talking about. Sorry for that... xDU

Although, granted that it was supposed to be mythical, it doesn't mean it is... linking with the bsb's thread about the enchantment system, maybe the new enchantment table could be make out of this metal, or even the lighting-atracting-thingy -can't remember the name right now,my brain is being far too lazy today-


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The lightning rod, ya that would be cool and probably make more sense. A magic metal would make for a good catalyst also.


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Liking the directions this is going. I think Bioxx has stumbled into exponential complexity and scope with this thing, but it proves how beautiful the Minecraft game engine can be ;)


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meteoric iron has several odd properties that allowes it to be very fexable yet incredibly resiliant to fracture and stress. these properties come from the high nickel content within the ore, and its fall to earth from space. as the rock desends all impurities are brought to the surface as the rock melts. these impurities burn off and leave the ore very pure. when the rock impacts with earth, the intence heat and pressure create a very strong and stable metal.


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well the current enchanting system lists variable 'enchantability' for the various toolset materials (iron gold diamond etc...)

I didn't read BSB's document because I have a job and other RL things that prevent me from having hours and hours of free time on hand, but if it includes this 'enchantability' mechanic as well, meteoric iron could be the same as wrought iron in all respects other than enchantability, for which it would have the highest value of all the other metals.


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ooh maybe you could find these random "meteors" generated they would more be just deposits of iron that you could dig up and then melt down into ingots that would be just iron but tools and other things made with it would last quite a bit longer due to the sttrenght of the metal

although the thought of iridium is nice too but im not sure what practical use it could be put to


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ooh maybe you could find these random "meteors" generated they would more be just deposits of iron that you could dig up and then melt down into ingots that would be just iron but tools and other things made with it would last quite a bit longer due to the sttrenght of the metal

although the thought of iridium is nice too but im not sure what practical use it could be put to

iridium is a very useful elment, when used in steel manufacturing, you can get steel that will last hunderds or even thousands of years without noticable decay. a great example of this is the sword at a chapel in itally that is thought to have been forged from sky iron in the 12 century. this sword though damaged from countless ettempts to remove it from its resting place, has undergone little to no metalurgical decay over the past 800 years.

heres the site that explains this "sword in the stone"


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-the post up here... daaah-

Mmm, which, if applied to minecraft, would give... more durability? or maybe, if some kind of degrading for the metals is ever added, make the tool invulnerable to this degrade -since Steve can't live 800+ years, enought to see it degrading?


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