Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Monarch_of_Gold

  1. 7 hours ago, UnlimatedStone9 said:

    Hey there, I was wondering was it actually possible this mod could still be being maintained? I was wondering because I have one little issue, I mean it's not really an issue modwise but it is for my modpack, Cooking with TFC forces the tables to use the textures from TFC, I have retextured the support beams textures to be made of metals because I am working on a hardcore technical modpack with gregtech and a whole bunch of other mods in it, the cooking with TFC tables have metal posts as table legs which I find bothersome, I can live with it if nothing can be done but a quick update that makes the tables pull their textures from a different assets folder that contains copies of the TFC textures would be extremely useful

    Again if it's not doable then sorry to bother, I can probably live with it

    I do believe he intends to come back to it and get back into maintaining it, but life has gotten in the way. Give him some time to decide what he wants to do.


  2. TFC v. is only compatible with Minecraft version 1.7.10, meaning the latest version of forge you can use is 10.13.4. You can find downloads for all forge versions (past and present) as well as changelogs, faqs and other info on the Minecraft Forge website: Forge Website


  3. Hey guys! I've been around here long enough to start wanting to play TFC with more tech mods involved in an effort to extend gameplay. However, when I looked around, I couldn't find very many scripts set up for compatibility between TFC and any tech mod I may have installed. Because of this, I decided I'd try and make one mega post with scripts for compatibility with most tech mods in the game. I'm going to try to make all of these as standalone as possible, but I'm not much of a coder, so.

    Currently I'm working on a script for IndustrialCraft2  which will hopefully includes a more realistic rubber process. None of this is finished yet as I've only got 3 recipes done, but When it is done it'll be uploaded here. This will be true for all the mods I end up working with.

    So, I guess I send out my apologies for not having much of anything to show for this idea yet, but When it's done I'm sure we'll all enjoy playing with them.


    Thanks, guys!


    The script for IC2 is complete! Link [Update: ReadMe changed to require download of Custom Items mod]

    Please let me know if you encounter recipes that don't work the way they should. I only claim to have written the script and item Json and created the item textures to go with it -- nothing else. I included the water compatibility mod because it appears to have been discontinued with no download links anywhere. All credit for the mod goes to the original creator, Vidaj.

    NEI is not required but highly suggested.

    [EDIT] I'm going to make a sort of progress tracker here so you guys'll know where I'm headed with this.

    • All-new early-game rubber process: DONE
    • A somewhat realistic process for creating obsidian: DONE
    • Glowstone creation process sort of based on real life: DONE
    • A way of obtaining quartz? Not necessary for IC2
    • A way of obtaining Iridium: DONE
    • Platinum can now be ground into IC2 Silver Dust for use in Fibre Cables



  4. Because it'd be a while before you'd make it. You need leather for books, which includes the entire tanning process. If you have nei or jei installed you can find most recipes. The wiki would just make it easier to find uses for new blocks.

    Tl;dr: there isn't a good way to implement a book in tfc cus they're already difficult to craft, so that's one reason why he's probably using a wiki. And wikis are easier to update.


  5. You don't have to be that fast. You can put your ingredients in before you even light the fire. As long as the correct amounts of food are in the pot and there's broth or water in there (whatever the recipe calls for), it should be able to begin cooking as soon as you light the fire and it gets hot enough. I would imagine allowing bellows to heat a campfire would result in burned food. Bellows (as far as I know) are only supposed to work on forges, not campfires. And why would you use a forge for a pot when campfires work fine?


  6. I would say his ability to mess with taste code is limited since it's hard-coded into the original mod (that is to say it's hard-coded into tfc itself).

    And I guess I'll just avoid making any more salads for now.

    Thank you!


  7. There was no breaking sound. I'm partway through another salad. I'll tell you if I consume the bowl again. If I do, I'd say it's less likely that the bowl is breaking and more likely that it's being consumed. Breaking two bowls in a row when there's supposed to be a 2% chance seems a bit off. Why do you get more full from a salad when there's no grain and just 4 ingredients? Is there more of each thing going into a salad than a sandwich? I got tired of salad a lot faster, too. Nearly filled my hunger all the way just from one and filled myself well with just half of another one later. Seems a bit unrealistic to get full from a salad consisting of onion, celery, green beans, and bell pepper. I know celery takes more energy to digest, but I wouldn't think that'd make it more filling.

    [EDIT] And yes, I consumed the second salad, bowl and all. No breaking sound. Don't think it's the 2% break chance since it happened twice in a row with no sound.


  8. Sorry to double post but I just tried a salad and did something quite alarming.

    I ate the bowl.

    At first it's all "Wow! This is quite filling! I like this!" When I didn't get my bowl back I was questioning why it was so filling.

    Did I just eat a ceramic bowl? I can't seem to find it in my inventory anywhere. :/

    I'll look around more and let you know if I find it.


  9. Q n Q  Then I guess using it will just have to be inconvenient. Either that or I need to find a way to expand things by a few blocks to have better access to it. orz

    And thanks for looking into that. I know it kind of depends on world seed and player, but, again, I find it constantly saying sweet and savory to be annoying.


  10. Yep. Never fear. It works as described. I was just... ah.. making sure you knew what you were doing! ;)

    I think I was just a bit too impatient to check that I was doing it correctly. I have another question though because I haven't tested it yet (currently on a beach making glass) - Does the mixing bowl have to be on the table to work or can it be on any surface? Also, can you move the clay oven or did everyone decide that was cheaty? If not, mine is now in a really inconvenient location (kinda tucked in a nook outside the castle - didn't think I was that close to building it when I made the oven... woops). How long until it breaks so I can make a new one in my kitchen space?

    Oh! Right! I also wanted to ask if you'd done anything with taste profiles. I'm asking because it doesn't seem to matter what kind of sandwich I make, if I use wheat bread (haven't currently made any other bread but I'm considering it), the sandwich ends up being ridiculously sweet and ridiculously savory. I thought the sweet was from berries, so I omitted them from a sandwich - still sweet. Venison? Omitted it. Still savory. What can I do to change this? I wouldn't think a sandwich composed of green beans, onion, and I think celery would be considered sweet and savory.

    Here are some pics of the aforementioned things:





    Thanks again!


  11. So I played some TFC today and tried to interact with some of the new features.

    In my travels, I found some celery.



    Looks nice! Can't wait to use it in my sandwiches!

    And then I got caught up making some bismuth tools with an armload of sandwich stuff and remembered the table is supposed to store things. Great! I'll just go and take care of that and..... er...? It won't let me store things! How do you store them? I tried sneak-clicking on both halves of the table, removed the mixing bowl and tried doing that - nothing! Looked in NEI to see if maybe there was a new table, too. How do I store items in the table? *looks at the wiki* well, I also tried removing the knife from my hotbar and right-clicking and sneak-clicking and everything. I might try again later, but huh. Shouldn't require the wiki to figure out. I'll test it more later. For now I've got some IRL potato soup to make.


  12. Was not aware that the raw meat icon on sandwiches was a bug. Huh. Oh well. They still look cook and can be kinda tasty. Trying to figure new ways to mess around with taste profiles. So far all I've managed are extra savory and extra sweet sandwiches (which sounds disgusting to IRL me). Completely forgot that I can boil seawater to get salt. Duhr. And the pumpkin thing sounds cool! I like the idea of slamming torches into a pumpkin's face to make it a jack-o-lantern. I also didn't realize the flux bug was from your mod. Really frustrating. Guess I'll have to wait before I start getting into some of the other stuff that requires sulfur. I'm assuming you're adding in pumpkin stuff for future pies and things? And all this time playing I never realized TFC doesn't have lettuce or celery. Huh.

    Nice work!


    [EDIT] So I looked at that food history time line you're using and looked at the old recipes for ice cream. I understand the process of making old-fashioned ice cream as I am a southerner, but the old recipes are still interesting to read. That'd be a very fun process to implement in TFC, though I'm not sure how many people it'd drive mad.


  13. For now, your English is pretty good. The main issue I'll address is that, in English, we usually add a space after punctuation to make it easier to read. So I'd look at our (often complicated) punctuation rules and maybe go back over some verb conjugation (big word for how we make verbs agree with objects). Otherwise, you're doing well and we can all understand you. :) Just gloss over your verbs and punctuation rules.

    I guess to help make my point clear, I'll make an example from one of your sentences:

    "After all,the good mod is takes time to complete." I understand what you are meaning. There are just some small rules that will help make this clearer. The first two words are fine - "After all," which continues into the rest of the sentence. The next part gets into some tricky territory - articles. Our articles are "a", "the", and "an" (there are others, but I'll stick to these for now). You used "the". "The" is helpful when talking about something specific - "the chicken", "the map", "the train". "A" and "an" are more useful for less specific things - "a ball", "a pen", "a mouse". In this case, you're talking about mods in general, so you would use "a". "A good mod". We continue into the next part. You have two verbs - "is" and "takes". We don't need "is" here if we have "takes". You can make this sentence two ways and mean the same thing - "A good mod takes time to complete" or "A good mod is time consuming." I'm going to assume you meant the first one, since it has the most words in common with your sentence. So, the correct version of your sentence "After all,the good mod is takes time to complete" would read as follows: "After all, a good mod takes time to complete." Note that I inserted a space after the comma in the middle of the sentence.

    See? You really don't have much more to study. Just small things. And probably vocabulary. I say this because I'm studying a couple languages myself and can tell you the main thing holding me back right now is vocab. In Japanese, kanji is also hindering me. It's a slow process to learn them all. I think I recently passed number 300. 1,900 to go (out of 2200). French is much easier. Je parle francais tres bien. Je parle japonais mal. (thank you google translate for those adjectives).

    [EDIT] I would also suggest going to It's a great website where you can write sentences, paragraphs, and stories and have other people correct them for you. Some people explain more than others. I try to be one that explains the "why" behind everything because I know how frustrating it is to not understand "why". You can also correct sentences other people are trying to write in your language. Win-win!


  14. Woo! I noticed the icons for meat changed to the raw version when put on sandwiches. They look so cool. Hope to try the oven soon, but probably not before making it to the next stage of the challenge I'm doing.


  15. No, I was able to make the soup, but only after I had put the ingredients into the pot in the order specified by NEI. No other order worked and I had to remove the ingredients several times before finally getting it right. I'm not sure how else to explain it, except that, for some reason, the tomato soup recipe wouldn't go through until I had inserted the ingredients the way NEI told me to. Garlic before onion? No dice. Salt before everything? No dice, and the broth is gonna take your salt. Once I had it put in as onion, garlic, salt, and tomato it ran. I'm pretty sure I'm running I'll check again to make sure.

    [edit] Yep. It just wouldn't go until it was in the shape specified. I don't know why.


  16. As far as I know, I'm using the latest version. After I got some broth and a bit of sea salt, I thought I'd finally be on my way to getting some tomato soup (because I can't find carrots anywhere for the other two varieties).

    The first go-round I think I put garlic, then onion, salt, and the tomatoes. That didn't go. Then I somehow thought I had put onion and garlic in but didn't. Instead salt had gone first, and was promptly retrieved by the broth and never seen again. So, for I think the third try, I retrieved my broth, got another bucket of salt water, boiled it again to get more salt going, and put things in in the way NEI said it should be done (2 oz of onion, garlic, and salt and 14 oz of tomato) and then I think I finally got soup.

    Ultimately the whole fiasco wound up requiring 5 or 6 campfires worth of wood because of the need for broth and salt and then the recipes refusing to go.


  17. Sorry to double post. I've been waiting for answers to my questions. Mainly the one about making recipes "shapeless" because I don't plan to go through that much firewood again. I know you're working hard on features and updates. I just wanted to know if there was a way to make that possible.
