Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by spAnser

  1. Counting Thread

    Directions: Start with 1 then the count goes on. No double posting. Don't Post more than twice per page. Copying the code below wont work properly in the Forums Editor unless you paste it in notepad first to remove the formatting. [center][b][i][size=8]###[/size][/i][/b][/center] 1
  2. Whispers #1

    Change only one word in the sentence with each reply using the previous replies sentence. Each sentence must make sense. My puppy tracked mud all over the kitchen floor.
  3. Types of Games

    This or That You post 2 choices THIS or THAT. The next person picks their preference. Then posts the next two choices. Last Letter You take the last letter of the previous word, and make a new word with it. Counting Thread Start with 1 then the count goes on. Three Word Story The person to start states 3 words that must make sense together then each reply will be 3 words added onto the last posts words. Yum or Yuck You post a food. The person after you will say either yum or yuck to it then post his own food. I Love ... Write "I Love ..." ... being a word of something or someone you love. I Hate ... Write "I Hate ..." ... being a word of something or someone you hate. I Need ... Write "I Need ..." ... being a word of something or someone you need. I Want ... Write "I Want ..." ... being a word of something or someone you want. A-Z Food Each post is a food in a-z order one item per post start with A, then B, then C, and so on. A-Z Male Name Each post is a male name in a-z order one item per post start with A, then B, then C, and so on. A-Z Female Name Each post is a female name in a-z order one item per post start with A, then B, then C, and so on. A-Z Movies Each post is a movie in a-z order one item per post start with A, then B, then C, and so on. A-Z Places Each post is a place in a-z order one item per post start with A, then B, then C, and so on. A-Z Words w/Double Letters Each post is a word with double letters in it in a-z order one item per post start with A, then B, then C, and so on. A-Z Words Ending in "er" Each post is a word ending with "er" in it in a-z order one item per post start with A, then B, then C, and so on. A-Z Words Ending in "ing" Each post is a word ending with "ing" in it in a-z order one item per post start with A, then B, then C, and so on. A-Z Words Ending in "ed" Each post is a word ending with "ed" in it in a-z order one item per post start with A, then B, then C, and so on. Things that Belong Together Name two things that belong together. If Game Make an if statement. ex. If cats were cookies I would eat them. Guilty or Not Guilty Make a statement then the next person says whether he/she is guilty of doing it. Would you Rather Give two scenarios for the next person to choose from for which he would rather do or have happen. Whispers Start with a statement and then change one word in the statement with each reply. Each statement must make sense. Prediction Game Make a prediction about the next poster then they say true or false and make their own prediction. ASCII Art Create some ASCII art or post something you found online. Funny Animal Pic Post a funny animal picture and say what the animals are thinking. Word Changing Game Start with a word the next person either adds one letter or changes one letter to create a new word. Each new word must be a real word. Monopoly Card Create a monopoly card.(just the text) ex. "You ran over a cat with your car, collect $400 dollars for public service." ABC Game Post a saying that ABC stands for. ex Addicted Blind Couples Name 5 Pick 5 Game Name 5 things from the previous persons topic then choose the next persons topic to name 5 things from. What are You Doing? State what you are doing besides writing what you are doing. ex. *listening to music* Finish the Sentence Finish the previous sentence then write the first half of a sentence for the next person to finish. Finish My Sentence Finish of the first person's sentence. Random Statement Make a random statement about anything. The ^ < v game Use ^ to describe the poster above you, < to describe yourself and v to describe the poster that will post below. Have a game? Reply to this post and tell me what it is.
  4. bug css in forum

    No need I added it I am around when needed I try not to hide to much. I am always so busy.
  5. Monopoly Card

    Directions: Create a monopoly card. (just the text) You ran over a cat with your car, collect $200 dollars for public service.
  6. Deleting Self Topics/Posts

    I enabled an option for you to hide your own topics and/or posts but not delete them. In-Case anyone was wondering.
  7. How can we promote TFC better?

    Your free to hop in IRC and chat with the IRCers. I've been trying to be around more often again. I mainky work on the website but have let Kitty keep an eye over it for the most part.
  8. Website Error on Smartphones/Mobile

    I think it is fixed now let me know...
  9. This is the exact reason why they wont let you on their server your aren't even handling rejection in a proper manner. The second reason they wont let you on because you aren't mature is they don't want to be responsible when your mom walks in and looks at your minecraft chat window and seeing adult content being discussed.
  10. The title of the thread has the word mature in it. However he probably could add that to the post as well.
  11. Quick Update

  12. Log Gathering / Processing

    First Idea is aesthetics. Trees leave behind stumps which then have to be dug up before being able to plant a tree there again. Someone in the post mentioned really long decay timer on some stumps which sounded like a good idea as well. ( I used the wood planks because I couldn't chisel logs down to slabs ) Second Idea Having a chopping block for early game wood processing. A single swing is enough to yield your 3 planks. This idea ties in with the tree stump idea in that a tree stump can be used for wood chopping if there is no tree stump idea there would have the be an item / crafting recipe to create a wood chopping station. This would not take as long to get wood later on in game because saws would continue to work in a crafting table because where else would you saw wood. Reasoning: using axe on wood << See all the logs getting chopped on tree stumps using saw on wood << See all the wood getting cut on a work bench Quick Mod Emris_Morath put together to demonstrate it. The chopping station is a temporary design, the mod is to demonstrate the feel of chopping wood instead of crafting it. I got through 32 Logs in 40 seconds. This is where you can place the block for chopping And this is how it looks like when your almost finished Download => edit: If you are not getting 3 planks, re-download the mod. It's fixed now edid2: Punching with bare hand caused a crash. Fixed now.
  13. Achievements

    Been discussing achievements on the irc. This is a diagram me and another IRC guy came up with some things need some new titles and most of the stuff could use a good description. Feel free to reply with a new achievement or a change to a current one. Not every part of the diagram is an Achievement but most is. If we get a nice list together we can have Bioxx start working on implementing it.
  14. Log Gathering / Processing

    So for a crafting table ?or you could make it available to make firewood that works in the firepit...?
  15. Log Gathering / Processing

    It is very relevant to the direction of a real stone age so what exactly are you trying to make us do in the stone age if not something realistic and so simple as this. Someone made a working mod that shows how easy it can be to implement and it doesn't require the player to really spend that much time chopping wood and chopping wood is only required in the stone age because like I said before you get saws which work as normal. So if this idea has nothing to do with the stone age we would all love to know what direction you are planning on taking the stone age?
  16. Torches burn out!

    Did you knowingly refer to http://www.minecraft.../topic/1535985- or just have no idea that mod existed ? He had planned TFC compatability not sure if he ever did implement it though.
  17. Log Gathering / Processing

    I chopped 32 logs in 40 seconds with some minor misses on right clicking with the axe instead of the log. If I had it practiced I could probably hit about 34 secondsNow that it is mostly working I would definitely suggest you look at the code for chests / furnaces I remember seeing code in their classes that make items drop in random directions right now the mods seems to kick them all in the same direction.
  18. Log Gathering / Processing

    It is a nice idea but still it sounds repetitive in nature but once you make a saw it would work in a normal crafting table it would only be labor intensive until you get past the stone age. But that is a nice idea to at least requiring a chopping station for making planks early on. Started a new world to test it crashes onPlayerInteract when I tried to punch a rock or dirt to pick it up.
  19. Log Gathering / Processing

    The stone-age in TFC is extremely short. It only sounds like extra work because we are used to having planks automatically, but take a look at the new build wool is a whole lot harder to make now but I do like that it yields more + you get some leather out of it for armor as well. I don't think its a problem to be fixed. I think with how everything else works in TFC it would fit in perfectly and would only be tedious during the stone age of your world. And it is a problem that needs to be fixed in my eyes axes should not work on a crafting table and here is something that supports my idea. using axe on wood << See all the logs getting chopped on tree stumps using saw on wood << See all the wood getting cut on a work bench
  20. Log Gathering / Processing

    if rendered properly they wont be floating .5 meters above it and I have never chopped wood myself but I bet it is mindless repetitive chopping, the point is once you can make a saw you wont need to chop logs anymore only initially. Making torches is mindless repetitive clicking
  21. Log Gathering / Processing

    Having to place down the same block three times to get planks seems like over-kill, where even placing one at time once would increases the time it takes to convert logs to planks.
  22. Log Gathering / Processing

    If trees left behind stumps then that would be the chopping station but if trees don't do that then idk maybe 2 logs next to each other like making a pressure plate.
  23. Custom Render - Firepit

    The IRC chat went like this... so pretty much all the textures for logs but could change depending on whats burning and i know how to do that without making it as hard as it sounds.
  24. Barrel Breaking Texture Bug

    Found some wild wheat growing same thing happens
  25. Custom Render - Firepit

    ECC I really like this model aside from the rock like we discussed but that can be replaced easy the logs do look cool this way the coal burning is a little iffy but technically there would be some burning looking things as well i would imagine