Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by abculatter_2

  1. The idea of using barrels to make essentia crossed my mind, though there's unfortunately no way to automate that, and I feel that automation is a major feature in Thaumcraft. Also, I would prefer if it were make in a non-wooden barrel, since it doesn't really make sense to make something that supposedly can break down anything with MAGIC, but somehow doesn't break down the wood. I also had the idea of adding an Incalcinate Clay, which would be used in a large number of recipes (including Arcane Stone)

    Actually, now that I think about it, I might as well post the ideas thread I made a looong time ago here again;

    That's basically what I envision for a TFC + TC integration mod, and describes it in some detail. I don't know how much of it has been updated with some of my newer ideas, but there it is.


  2. On 9/1/2016 at 5:29 PM, TaeoG said:

    Currently 100% non-configurable, but that will change before Beta release. I can add a configuration to disable the world-gen if you want, but that is honestly the bulk of this port.

    What fluid would you want to use in the crucible? It would have to be a Forge Fluid, and you would have to fill it with a Forge Fluid Container item at the minimum. I'd have to redo the render code if it was going to be anything other than water

    Arcane furnace is completely unchanged, and will remain that way I imagine. I don't see any potential incompatibility between it and TFC, and the changes I've made to the aspect system are universal across all devices, ie thaumometer, crucible, etc.

    Personally, I feel that there is enough useless default-on world gen in TFC that you can just use all that stuff, instead of going through all the work you did to get the Thaumcraft worldgen to work in TFC. It also would feel more like TFC, in my opinion, though to each their own, and I know you've already put in the time and effort to get Thaumcraft world gen to work in TFC...

    For the fluid I'd like to use in the crucible, I was actually hoping to add my own fluid, made from combining limewater and salis mundus, called Aqua Salis. I was actually hoping to make this be a kind of 'base' which you 'combine' with items using heat to create all essentia, and also have a way to convert all essentia back into Aqua Salis, though that would obviously require someone to code it.

    In any case, I think you should probably just ignore my suggestion. You're obviously doing this port very differently then I would've done, and I don't feel partial implementation of my ideas would really be worth it.


  3. How configurable is this add-on? In particular, is it possible to disable the world gen features? I have a pack I'm making, and I have my own ideas for implementing all that.


    Also, how difficult would it be to make it so that your crucibles require a fluid other then water, and making that either a config option or adding your own fluid that it can be configured to?


    EDIT: Also, have you made any changes to how the vanilla Thaumcraft essentia-smelting Arcane Furnace works? Or is it just like how it is in vanilla Thaumcraft?


  4. I am having issues with the following recipe:

    mods.Terrafirmacraft.Barrel.addItemConversion(<ImmersiveEngineering:treatedWood>, <ore:plankWood>, <liquid:creosote> * 100, 0, true, 3);

    I am receiving this error when I reload:

    ERROR: ImmersiveEngineering.zs:37 > 4 methods available but none matches the parameters (minetweaker.item.IItemStack, minetweaker.oredict.IOreDictEntry, minetweaker.liquid.ILiquidStack, int, bool, int)

    Is there something I'm missing? Or does this recipe type not accept oredict entries?

    Also, are your anvil recipes randomized based on world seed/material? If not, would it be okay to ask if they were?


  5. Flaxbeard's steam is fundamentally different from my idea here. That mod's steam is intended as a form of energy unit, akin to Redstone Flux or IC2's EU. This, meanwhile, is meant to basically just be refactored redstone power, where the only way to generate a signal is to provide fuel to the redstone torch (steam boiler) and with a number of mechanisms built-in.

    Of course, not to say that there's anything better or worse about either system. However, they are different enough that I feel you probably can't emulate one with the other. I still haven't really gotten around with playing with flaxbeard's steam, though...


  6. From my recently made mod suggestion thread, here: (To mods: Not sure if I should delete that one if I'm also posting here? You or I can go ahead and do that if you feel it's necessary)

    A long time ago, I had an idea for TFC/a TFC addon, to add a steam boiler and steam pipes as a more interesting replacement of redstone. Recently I was reminded of this idea and refined it a bit further, and since TFC 1 is no longer in development, I figured I'd put it here. I'm not sure if this suggestion is appropriate for TFC 2, but here it is.


    Lead pipe:

    Created by hammering out a lead plate, this pipe is, on its own, too weak to withstand high pressure steam on its own. It can, however, transport water and other non-hot fluids, which can be quite useful for many things. (Such as feeding a boiler) Additionally, it cannot transfer liquid upwards.

    Steam pipe:

    Lead pipe that has been reinforced with iron/steel, this pipe serves one purpose; to transport steam pressure.

    Mechanically, steam pressure would work in much the same way as redstone does in vanilla, with the exception that steam pressure can travel considerably farther, (I was thinking 256 blocks would be a good number) and that the pipe is much more insulated then a redstone wire is. A steam pipe will only transfer steam pressure into something it is capable of attaching to, such as another steam pipe, or mechanisms specifically intended and coded to allow the pipe to attach to it.

    Steam Boiler:

    Created with iron/steel plates and an inner lining of lead to prevent corrosion, the steam boiler itself has no GUI and will only accept water as input. To get it to produce steam, one must put a heat source underneath it, such as a forge or a firepit, and fuel that. This, as well as any higher-tier boilers. would be the only way to actually produce steam pressure, and the amount of pressure that the boiler produces at a given moment is dependent on its current temperature. (higher temperatures = more steam pressure, up to the max that a steam pipe can transport) Additionally, it probably wouldn't be a good idea to let your boiler run out of water, as it might allow the boiler to get hot enough melt! It would also probably be wise to let the boiler cool completely before adding water back in, as these boilers aren't really designed to handle flash-steaming...

    Unfortunately, infinite heat sources such as fire and lava will, eventually, cause steam boilers made of simple iron/steel to melt into slag due to the excessive temperatures these can produce. Blue steel steam boilers can be used to utilize these heat sources safely.

    Steam Mechanism:

    A simple 'catch-all' for integrating the steam pressure system into anything that would normally use redstone power, this block would be an upgrade to a normal steam pipe that would, when it receives steam pressure, output a redstone signal to its output side, with the strength of the signal dependent on how much steam pressure it's receiving.

    Steam Valve:

    Another simple 'catch-all', this would also be an upgrade to a steam pipe. When this block receives a redstone signal, it will stop allowing steam pressure to be transported through it.

    Steam Pressure Valve:

    Another upgrade to a steam pipe, the exact implementation of this I'm not 100% sure on. The first idea, which would probably be more generally useful, is to allow this valve to have a value set within it by the player. Any steam pressure moving through it that is above this value will be set to this value. The other idea is to have it subtract an amount of steam pressure equivalent to how large of a redstone signal it is currently receiving. (I suppose these could be implemented as two separate blocks, or as two different modes on the same block)

    Steam Tank Valve:

    This steam pipe will, when it receives steam pressure, use the value of the steam pressure to increase an internal pressure value every time it ticks. When this value is reached, it will stop increasing this value and will instead consume it in order to transmit steam pressure to its output side. Exactly how much steam pressure it will transmit is set by the player. Once it has finished consuming its internal pressure, it will begin increasing again. In order to prevent infinite loops, this process should have some amount of loss inherit in it.


    A simple mechanism to collecting water, this block will, when it receives a redstone pulse, suck up one block of water from its input face, and try to output it into whatever is in front of its output face. If this is a tank/pipe, it will output as water. If it's air, it will drop the water as a temporary block of water, which will flow outward and gradually decay over some number of seconds. If it is one of these temporary water blocks, it will refresh this water block Otherwise, it will get jammed and not do anything. As a possibility, one could allow/make these to drop water above the screwpump, and make it so they will treat flowing water as the same as a water source block, allowing the creation of vertical water pumping.

    Steam Quern:

    Pretty much what it sounds like, this would be an upgraded quern that uses steam pressure to turn. Its speed of operation would be dependent on how much steam pressure it is currently receiving, with max pressure making it turn at half the rate a player would be able to accomplish on a normal quern.

    Boiler Plate:

    Basically a copper plate that is heated by steam, this will gradually accumulate heat within itself, allowing one to transfer this heat into objects by placing them into it. Much like the steam quern, it heats up faster the higher the steam pressure it receives. Even at max temperature it doesn't get much hotter then what is necessary to cook food, but still, free heating! Also, unless your goal is cooking your own feet, don't stand on it.

    Steam Pressurizer:

    Similar to the steam boiler, except that instead of accepting water it accepts forge fluid steam, which it will immediately consume to produce steam pressure. 1ml of steam will give you 1 steam pressure in that tick.

    I might add more machines to this list later, though this is it for now.



  7. I have neither the time nor motivation to learn how to code, anymore. I'm putting this here in case someone else wants to take up the idea.

    Also, you reminded me of something I forgot to add...


  8. A long time ago, I had an idea for TFC/a TFC addon, to add a steam boiler and steam pipes as a more interesting replacement of redstone. Recently I was reminded of this idea and refined it a bit further, and since TFC 1 is no longer in development, I figured I'd put it here.


    Lead pipe:

    Created by hammering out a lead plate, this pipe is, on its own, too weak to withstand high pressure steam on its own. It can, however, transport water and other non-hot fluids, which can be quite useful for many things. (Such as feeding a boiler) Additionally, it cannot transfer liquid upwards.

    Steam pipe:

    Lead pipe that has been reinforced with iron/steel, this pipe serves one purpose; to transport steam pressure.

    Mechanically, steam pressure would work in much the same way as redstone does in vanilla, with the exception that steam pressure can travel considerably farther, (I was thinking 256 blocks would be a good number) and that the pipe is much more insulated then a redstone wire is. A steam pipe will only transfer steam pressure into something it is capable of attaching to, such as another steam pipe, or mechanisms specifically intended and coded to allow the pipe to attach to it.

    Steam Boiler:

    Created with iron/steel plates and an inner lining of lead to prevent corrosion, the steam boiler itself has no GUI and will only accept water as input. To get it to produce steam, one must put a heat source underneath it, such as a forge or a firepit, and fuel that. This, as well as any higher-tier boilers. would be the only way to actually produce steam pressure, and the amount of pressure that the boiler produces at a given moment is dependent on its current temperature. (higher temperatures = more steam pressure, up to the max that a steam pipe can transport) Additionally, it probably wouldn't be a good idea to let your boiler run out of water, as it might allow the boiler to get hot enough melt! It would also probably be wise to let the boiler cool completely before adding water back in, as these boilers aren't really designed to handle flash-steaming...

    Unfortunately, infinite heat sources such as fire and lava will, eventually, cause steam boilers made of simple iron/steel to melt into slag due to the excessive temperatures these can produce. Blue steel steam boilers can be used to utilize these heat sources safely.

    Steam Mechanism:

    A simple 'catch-all' for integrating the steam pressure system into anything that would normally use redstone power, this block would be an upgrade to a normal steam pipe that would, when it receives steam pressure, output a redstone signal to its output side, with the strength of the signal dependent on how much steam pressure it's receiving.

    Steam Valve:

    Another simple 'catch-all', this would also be an upgrade to a steam pipe. When this block receives a redstone signal, it will stop allowing steam pressure to be transported through it.

    Steam Pressure Valve:

    Another upgrade to a steam pipe, the exact implementation of this I'm not 100% sure on. The first idea, which would probably be more generally useful, is to allow this valve to have a value set within it by the player. Any steam pressure moving through it that is above this value will be set to this value. The other idea is to have it subtract an amount of steam pressure equivalent to how large of a redstone signal it is currently receiving. (I suppose these could be implemented as two separate blocks, or as two different modes on the same block)

    Steam Tank Valve:

    This steam pipe will, when it receives steam pressure, use the value of the steam pressure to increase an internal pressure value every time it ticks. When this value is reached, it will stop increasing this value and will instead consume it in order to transmit steam pressure to its output side. Exactly how much steam pressure it will transmit is set by the player. Once it has finished consuming its internal pressure, it will begin increasing again. In order to prevent infinite loops, this process should have some amount of loss inherit in it.


    A simple mechanism to collecting water, this block will, when it receives a redstone pulse, suck up one block of water from its input face, and try to output it into whatever is in front of its output face. If this is a tank/pipe, it will output as water. If it's air, it will drop the water as a temporary block of water, which will flow outward and gradually decay over some number of seconds. If it is one of these temporary water blocks, it will refresh this water block Otherwise, it will get jammed and not do anything. As a possibility, one could allow/make these to drop water above the screwpump, and make it so they will treat flowing water as the same as a water source block, allowing the creation of vertical water pumping.

    Steam Quern:

    Pretty much what it sounds like, this would be an upgraded quern that uses steam pressure to turn. Its speed of operation would be dependent on how much steam pressure it is currently receiving, with max pressure making it turn at half the rate a player would be able to accomplish on a normal quern.

    Boiler Plate:

    Basically a copper plate that is heated by steam, this will gradually accumulate heat within itself, allowing one to transfer this heat into objects by placing them into it. Much like the steam quern, it heats up faster the higher the steam pressure it receives. Even at max temperature it doesn't get much hotter then what is necessary to cook food, but still, free heating! Also, unless your goal is cooking your own feet, don't stand on it.

    Steam Pressurizer:

    Similar to the steam boiler, except that instead of accepting water it accepts forge fluid steam, which it will immediately consume to produce steam pressure. 1ml of steam will give you 1 steam pressure in that tick.

    I might add more machines to this list later, though this is it for now.


  9. Do you have any plans for a powered forge/firepit? Today I had an idea for a hotplate mod, which would be a block that consumes RF/EU to produce TFC heat, similar to a forge/firepit. It could also come in a few tiers of hotplates, with lower tier ones being more efficient, but having a lower max temp, and of course vice versa for the higher tiers.


  10. It really seems like, instead of just making it completely impossible for the player to build structures, you could instead implement a system of block physics (ala Enviromine) as well as add some way of limiting the availability of blocks, combined with the already-planned progression-based tiering of resources (with an adventure-mode-style limiting of their harvesting unless you have x material that you can only get after defeating y), the vast majority of blatantly cheesy strategies could be curbed. Tunneling? Good luck breaking that granite with a copper pickaxe. Pillaring? Oh look, that tower you were building just collapsed under your feet, and since it's made of wood and, if you do have some success, you can expect those fire-starters, even if they're only occasional spawns, to start teaching you why they have that name. And if you make that pillar out of stone, besides that being even more difficult to make with the physics then wood, you can also add a weight system to boating across islands, and add sharks and such that would be neigh impossible for a player to handle on their own without a boat. Now suddenly you can't bring a stack of stone without nearly sink the ship, and also that would mean you won't be able to bring adequate food and equipment. Ideally there would also be risks involved with boating between islands, to discourage regular ferrying of materials prior to securing the island, such as perhaps any chests that you put on an island would have a portion (or all?) of their contents 'stolen' if the island is unloaded. That way, you can't accumulate a large amount of heavy materials until you've gotten rid of the things that are stealing from you, so even if you bring as much sturdy stone as you can, this would be at the cost of potentially bringing a lot of wood, or food, or equipment. Now you have players having to make a choice between what resources they want to bring in order to conquer the island, which is an interesting decision that could be designed around.

    Granted, everything I just said would be a lot more difficult to make and get working (especially without some way to cheese your way around the systems) though I think it would lead to a stronger game overall.

    Also, personally, I think that the ability to manipulate the environment is the one and only good thing about combat in minecraft. It encourages creativity, and allows for the creation of unique challenges and enemies for the player to overcome, that is simply impossible to do in other RPGs. Minecraft is just not a good combat-oriented RPG, in my opinion, and it really was never meant to be. It was always meant to be a game about building and overcoming challenges, and combat was added as a part of the overall experience, not as something to be isolated and used as a core experience. Maybe I'm a minority in this opinion, however.


  11. Since we are in the subject of naming. A question? Where the name TerraFirmaCraft comes from.

    It comes to my attention that the word Terra means Earth or World in Portuguese and Spanish.

    The word Firma means Firm.

    Craft does not need a translation.

    In any case I would love to hear from Bioxx how did he come up with this name TerraFirmaCraft.

    While I don't know exactly why Bioxx chose the name he did, the likely intended source of Terra Firma used in this mod's name is latin, and according to , it is a latin phrase meaning 'solid earth', and is apparently used to differentiate between the sea and the air.


  12. Why don't you just make it so that gemstones are crafted into shards somehow? I had some ideas for such an addon not too long ago, and my plan was to use a low-cost arcane crafting recipe to convert gemstones into a specific type of shard, with the gemstone-shard type association list being as follows:


    Agate: Ignis
    Amethyst: Perditio
    Beryl: Perditio
    Emerald: Terra
    Garnet: Aer
    Jade: Terra
    Jasper: Aqua
    Opal: Ordo
    Ruby: Ignis
    Sapphire: Aqua
    Topaz: Aer
    Tourmaline: Ordo
    Diamonds would be able to be crafted into any shard type, and crafting a shard with flux would make it a bit more expensive vis-wise, but would craft the elemental opposite of the gemstone's shard type. (Aqua <=> Ignis, Terra <=> Aer, Ordo <=> Perditio)
    I suppose, to make finding a node for this easier, you could change the recipe to use one of any gemstone instead of a shard.
    Also, since Jet already spawns in the world and has no use, why not use that instead of nether quartz so you don't have to futz around with spawning something new yourself? Also, I'm not sure if you already got the thaumcraft trees working, but if you haven't yet you could save yourself some developer time by using TFC materials instead, such as changing the Greatwood Wand to be a Jet Wand, using lead plates instead of greatwood planks, using jet instead of silverwood for flux filters, etc.
    I also had a lot of ideas for making Thaumcraft fit better into TFC here: 
    though you said you're not willing to add things neither mod has, so I'm not sure if you'd be willing to implement them.

  13. I dunno if it's too late to provide input on the whole coke oven balance issue, but how about, instead of trying to get the railcraft coke oven to work in TFC, you add a 'wood sieve' block or something, which is supposed to represent a metal catchment basin with a mesh or just holes on top, which you put underneath a TFC charcoal pit and will produce creosote when the pit finishes its cooking? This would allow you to make creosote in TFC without messing with the balance.


  14. Personally, I feel that it would be more appropriate and thematic if, beyond the initial island of tier 0 safety, the difficulty distribution would be more like large rolling hills rather then a linear gradient, varying on both x and z but never in short, large jumps, and the crests and valleys of these hills getting higher as one goes farther east/west. That way, there is a 'maximum' tier based on the distance, as well as a range of 'normal' tiers, with the occasional or rare lower tier scattered around. That way, one can have access to both low and high tier stuff no matter where they are, though can still expect things to generally get more difficult the farther out they are.


    Also, how will one actually find their way from island to island? Will there be landmarks in the ocean? Will the islands be close/dense enough that one can expect another island in a reasonable time period if they simply go in a cardinal direction? Will there be a relatively easy way to make landmarks in the middle of the ocean, something similar to a lillypad or somesuch? Will the vanilla compass make a comeback? And what about mapping?


    Also also, what about the ocean itself, will it have anything of interest? Or will it just be a deadzone intended to provide an obstacle between islands? Personally, I think it would be very interesting if, beyond the islands, the ocean itself could have progression tiers, with certain regions being more dangerous then others, as well as probably being linked to island difficulty gradients.

    This could be coupled with new boat tiers, or even a somewhat customizable boat system, for example one can clad their wooden boat in metal to withstand more punishment, as well as have various forms of propulsion with their own strengths and weaknesses, such as rowing oars being the very first tier, being slow and requires a lot of food energy from the player, but is consistent, easily controllable, and reliable. Next tier could be wind/sails, which use some form of wind mechanic, which is semi-random and may or may not blow in the player's favor, but when it does is not only free but quite fast as well. There could also be tendencies that the player could pick up on, such as winds in the north tending to blow towards the east, south to the west, or simply random channels of wind directional tendency depending on world seed. With a final tier being steam, which is much like rowing but better, but requires wood/charcoal to run, which would be heavy and, thus, require a large boat/engine, and also of course be expensive.

    Another potential upgrade path could be weaponry, such as harpoons, ballistae, and cannons.


  15. Therighthon, I went on a bit of a minecraft playing splurge the last day or two, but your post has really motivated me to start on this again. Thanks for the ideas and constructive criticism. :P


    As for the specific points...


    The shards coming from gemstones just seems kinda obvious, really, given that gemstone have been seen as magical in real life sometimes. I've also considered the making diamonds directly into balanced shards, which is something I have been a little 'meh' about, since the advantage of them being a more easily found source of every shard, as opposed to the random drops of gems from stone and sluices (do sluices still drop gems?) seemed like a big enough advantage to make them worthwhile. However, giving it a bit of thought, I do have some plans for alchemy which might make that addition more of a convenience then anything. (doubling the amount of salis aqua per salis mundus, and making it replace water in an arcane crucible at one mb of salis aqua = 1 essentia. Obviously, this would also mean adding an arcane crafting recipe for balanced shards, so you can get them to start alchemy. Also adding my own versions of the arcane crucible and arcane furnace to facilitate this as well as integrate the whole process into the TFC theme IE making them have temperatures you have to maintain for calcification and alchemical binding. And finally adding an 'essentia scrubber' to convert essentia back into salis aqua losslessly, at the cost of spewing out flux goo and gas)


    I like the idea of magical metal working using vis, though at the same time I think the anvil smithing mechanic is more interesting then arcane crafting and infusion, and adding my own mini-game to replace arcane crafting DID cross my mind, and it's not off the table, but honestly I think I'm already being ambitious with what I've already stated, considering I have essentially zero coding experience. Personally, I'd rather just use a system that works well and already exists, then just add my own similar system simply because I think it would be cool. (Note that I do have justification for the above alchemy changes, mainly being that I feel that simply using water for calcification seems really odd in the TFC setting, and also to add a theme of 'I'm exploiting resources from another dimension to do impossible things in this one')


    I also do have a few plans for convenience arcane crafting recipes for making metallurgy a little easier at the cost of vis, (mainly just combining ingots) and I suppose I could add something for 'improving' toolheads as you craft the tool. But I'll have to think on it a bit. Maybe it could be that, if you do a poor job on smithing, you can make it a little less poor by using vis?


    My plans for transmutation is simply to make ingots be equivalent to 8 metallum and 4 secondary aspects each, adding some chisel/arcane crafting recipes to turn ingots into fourths and eighths (which I'm actually debating on, given that you can basically accomplish the same thing with just ingots), and add 4 permutatio to the recipe. (Which I plan to add to flux) So not too much different from vanilla, really, though that above mentioned alchemy change will make it a little more expensive... Though, considering excavation foci, arcane bores, and repair enchants, I feel that mining out huge amounts of stone and getting lots and lots of gems/shards won't to too much of a problem, provided the player makes a bit of progress.


    As for my decision to go with TFC worldgen instead of silverwoods/greatwoods, it's mainly because I feel that it is a bit of wasted effort, considering we already have materials in TFC that have no or little use currently. For example, when I first conceived of this mod,  was planning on making it automatically readd petrified wood, and using that instead of jet for wand cores, since it fit with the Thaumcraft theme of wood for wand cores and also added something interesting to go prospecting for. However, when I found out that jet is already on in the default configs, it really seems like it would essentially amount to the same thing just with a different name and wouldn't require people to regenerate their worlds in order to get. Plus, when I found out that jet is actually a form of fossilized wood, that pretty much sold me. :P


    As for the use of metal for wand cores (Which I assume you mean the use of Black Steel for silverwood-tier wand cores) I actually kinda agree with this. However, I'm not really sure what else to use... I did think of just infusioning a jet wand core with all of the shards, but then again getting all of the different shard types with the above doesn't really seem like it would be much harder then finding jet, anyway, so I scrapped that idea. I arrived at black steel mainly because it's black and jet is black and so is voidmetal, and it's relatively difficult to get, requiring progressing through pretty much the entire TFC tech tree as it stands right now. So it would add some interesting progression to the wand system, though I do agree it's not really entirely thematically approprate. I suppose I could explain it away as the vis storage actually coming from all the shards you infuse into it, and black steel just being special in that it is unusually good at absorbing infusion energies?


    I also do kinda disagree with TFC worldgen not being magical enough, but at the same time I also kinda address this with the above theme of having vis play a part in every aspect of thaumaturgy, so as to add a sense that you're not so much using magical elements already in the world, but rather importing magic from elsewhere, through the use of nodes.


    As for the advice/notes section, I had no plans of integrating the two vanilla dimensions, and considering that I plan on keeping arcane bellows and using them in infinitely fueled magical forges and firepits, I don't really see golems automating mundane bellows to really be affecting balance that much. Which, actually kinda makes me question the balance of the aforementioned forges/firepits... I'll have to make sure I make those suitably expensive.


    Oh, and obviously the lack of mention of my plans for tamed Taintacles was a massive oversight. They will, of course, be a huge part of the mod.


    PREDIT: Oh, and honestly I haven't really given the arcane tools much thought. I kinda dislike the idea of the pickaxe of the core just telling you where the ores are, though, which I feel would invalidate the currently very fun minigame of the propick... Though, then again, I don't really use the pickaxe of the core much. Maybe the feature has a small enough range that it's not a big deal?


    Also, my plans for ore improvement is to just remove the metallum requirement, and replacement it with permutatio and make the recipe accept either poor or normal ore and just upgrade it into rich ore.


    Also, thank you for the offer, but I'm capable of making my own art assets. It is nice to be able to discuss ideas before I spend time implementing them, though.


  16. Heheheee, I like the scariness, I might use it for something just because of that... Most likely though I'll just stick with replacing Thaumcraft worldgen with TFC worldgen.


    What I would really like to know, though, is whether thaumcraft nodes can generate normally in TFC worlds? And does it handle special nodes such as those dungeons and obelisks well?


  17. Sounds awesome!I started looking into TFC-Thaumcraft last week as well. Managed to get some of the worldgen working with a magic forest biome and silverwood. I'm currently trying to figure out how to trick thaumcraft code into believing it can work together with TFC, without me copying their code (which I won't do). I also believe I can get the trees to behave TFC-like with it chopping down all at once, and only with axes.If you like, I can help you out with the mod. Put it on github and I'll collaborate with you :) Who knows, maybe I can learn you a trick or two with java :)


    Well, I'm currently following Pahimar's Let's Mod Reboot, so not much of interest yet, but here's a github I started:


    Also, considering I've never actually programmed any complete projects in Java before, just did some tutorials and made some first-step modding attempts, I have a feeling it won't be hard to learn me a thing or two about Java. :P

    I've also made a few complete Computercraft programs, so I'm not a TOTAL programming noob, but yeah.


    EDIT: Also, I kinda figured the Thaumcraft worldgen would probably be buggy with TFC, which is one of the two reasons I chose to instead use pre-existing TFC stuff and say damn the worldgen. (The other being that it adds uses for the currently useless) It also feels more appropriate and integrated to TFC, rather then just something that's tacked-on.


  18. I had an idea for Herbalism and medicine just now, not sure if it's been suggested yet but this seems like a fine thread to put it in rather then just making a new one. Sorry if this is too much of a necropost.

    How about making a system similar to the current food system, where there is a block (probably made on a surface by right clicking with a mortar and pestle) where you can add items to the interface, press a button and it makes a meal-like item with a few stats that determine its effectiveness.



    You can also have a few options, where the medicine item is taken externally in the form of a salve, which can optionally be applied to a bandage first to make it more effective, or internally in the form of a potion. Salves and potions would have the following stats to determine their effectiveness:


    Restorative, which causes salve to heal wounds faster, and potions to increase overall health regeneration.


    Fragrance (which in a modern setting would more accurately be called anti-bacterial) which determines how effective salves are at healing wound-infections, and potions at how effective they are at healing illness.


    Bitterness, which determines if the potion/salve causes a negative effect in addition to the positive. This would be decreased by increasing your herbalism skill.



    Additionally, there could be a number of herbs added which when used in salves/potions have higher amounts of the three stats then other items, such as food. (Note that this would include bitterness as well)


  19. And a few new ideas, which are probably quite a ways out there but might as well put them here:


    These will act as replacements for the Infernal Furnace, which will be disabled.


    Nitor Pit:

    An arcane construct, using a wand and some vis, made by placing a nitor block above a copper or black bronze sheet block.

    This essentially acts as a firepit/forge, but will maintain a steady, fuel-less temperature of Hot***

    Research also unlocks the Arcane Bellows, which can be placed around the Nitor Pit to increase its maintained temperature. The first bellows will increase the temperature to Very Hot, the second bellows will increase it to Very Hot****, the third to Faint Red***, and the fourth to Dark Red*


    Nitor Anvil:

    An upgrade to the Nitor Pit, using a copper or black bronze anvil instead of a sheet.

    Has the same mechanics as the Nitor Pit, but has an anvil interface. Items in any slot will be maintained at the appropriate temperature.


    Infernal bricks: Made in the same way as fire bricks, but with Salis Mortar instead of normal Mortar


    Ignis Bricks: Made by arcane crafting infernal bricks with one or two fire shards


    Infernal Forge:

    An arcane construct, made with two rings of 8 Ignis bricks, an arcane bellows, and a lava source block. It might also require metal plates, though I'm not sure. If it does, it will likely be either Red Steel or a fire-infused Thaumlectrum plate. EDIT: Or, much more likely, it will require the vis of a Black Steel Wand.

    Like the Nitor Pit, it will maintain a free, fuel-less temperature of Bright Red

    Adding Ignis essentia or vis will cause items placed within the Forge, as well as the forge itself, to heat up at a faster rate, and also increase the temperature limit to Bright Red****. This ignis will be consumed over time.

    Adding Alumentum will increase the maximum temperature to Brilliant White. The Alumentum will be consumed over time, and higher temperatures will require more alumentum to maintain then lesser ones. (using Ignis vis will cause the Alumentum to last longer then it would in a normal forge)


    Infernal Anvil:

    Same as the Nitor Anvil above, but with the mechanics of the Infernal Forge. Made in a similar way to the Infernal Forge, but with a Red Steel Anvil added.


    As a drawback to the anvils, they will not have slots for ceramic molds, and also will either not accept anything that isn't made of metal, or heat non-metal things up so rapidly that it would be nearly impossible to use it in a practical manner.


    Also, both the Infernal Forge and the Nitor Pit would be accepted as heat sources for the TFC Crucible.



    Seems like an awesome idea if you can pull it off  :D My two of my favorite mods in one game 


    Well, 90% of the mod is just going to be adding and removing recipes, which from what I understand isn't especially difficult. I could even do it with ModTweaker if I really wanted, though unfortunately Modtweaker doesn't let you add new items, and doesn't have TFC support. It also doesn't have support for adding wand cores and wand caps.


    It would be great if you could pull this off! One thing i noticed though that seemed worth considering:

    "Thaumium will be made in much the same way as it is in vanilla Thaumcraft, but can be made with either a Wrought Iron ingot or a Platinum ingot."I hope you considered that iron needs the bloomery to be made, while platinum can be smelted in a crucible without the need of a bloomery. Thus even though being high tier, is lower down the techladder.

    This was considered, and is made irrelevant by the fact that Thaumium is only workable in a wrought iron or above anvil, and thaumium ingots will, on their own, be largely useless. You'll have to be able to work the metal to make anything with it.


  21. So a number of ideas I've recently had for integrating Thaumcraft into Terra Firma Craft has encouraged me to start learning how to Java, and I decided I'd put these ideas up here for input while I learn.


    I suppose if someone else wanted to take up making this mod, that would also be fine, though I do kinda like finally feeling motivated to program, so I'd probably make my own version anyway.


    As for the ideas...

    (Note: This is intended to be a full integration mod, not merely a compatibility layer. This means that, when completed, Thaumcraft should feel like it 'belongs' in TFC, be balanced and believable, and have as few rough edges as possible)





    Elemental shards would be made by arcane crafting different gem types, consuming vis of the appropriate type. Higher quality gems would give more shards, with chipped giving 2 (or maybe 4) and every level above that adding 2 to the previous level's output.


    Elemental associations will be as follows:

    Agate: Ignis
    Amethyst: Perditio
    Beryl: Perditio
    Emerald: Terra
    Garnet: Aer
    Jade: Terra
    Jasper: Aqua
    Opal: Ordo
    Ruby: Ignis
    Sapphire: Aqua
    Topaz: Aer
    Tourmaline: Ordo
    Diamonds will be unique, in that they can be crafted into any shard, varied by where the gem is placed on the crafting grid.
    Additionally, if it seems necessary, I may add an alternative crafting recipe that uses one flux dust, and instead produces a shard of the opposite type that the gem would usually make. Example: Ruby + flux would give aqua, instead of ignis. This would be added with the intention of hopefully making it a little easier to get all the shard types.
    Also, if it's not already the case, I will make fortune increase the chances of receiving a gem when mining a stone block. Fortune can already be acquired from infusion enchanting, it's just a matter of making the recipe work with TFC.
    Two alloys will be added by the mod:
    Electrum, made with a 80-20% mix of gold and silver, and will be the same anvil tier as its components, and cannot be made into an anvil
    Thaumlectrum, made with a 10-30% mix of thaumium and 90-70% electrum, and will be the same anvil tier as steel, and cannot be made into an anvil
    Mundane Rings will be made by working an ingot of either electrum or thaumlectrum, yielding either one or two rings
    Mundane rings can then be crafted with silk/yarn to make a mundane amulet, or leather for a mundane belt
    Thaumometer will be made from a Mundane Ring, crafted normally with a shard of any type and a piece of glass
    Thaumium will be made in much the same way as it is in vanilla Thaumcraft, but can be made with either a Wrought Iron ingot or a Platinum ingot. It can be worked like any other TFC ingot, with the vanilla Thaumcraft tool and armor recipes removed. It will also be the same anvil tier as wrought iron, and cannot be made into an anvil
    Will add Incalcinate Clay, made in much the same way as fire clay but with lapis powder and flux instead of kaolinite and graphite
    Ingots will get a recipe with the chisel, which will divide them in half, then the halves into quarters, for use in slightly altered metal transmutation recipes. These can be recombined either in an anvil with flux, just like welding together two ingots, or in an arcane worktable with a wand, at the cost of vis. There might also be an arcane worktable recipe for combining ingots into double ingots, which will require flux.
    Salis Mundis will be changed slightly, so it requires a hammer on a balanced shard instead of smelting
    Placing Salis Mundus into a barrel/ceramic vessel of limewater, and allowing it to percolate for an hour or two, will convert up to 1000mb of limewater per salis mundus into Aqua Salis fluid. Then adding sand to the barrel will make Salis Mortar, with the same ratios as normal mortar.
    Crafting stone bricks with Salis Mortar instead of normal mortar will make arcane stone bricks, which can be crafted with a chisel to make smooth arcane stone.
    Salis Mortar will also be used a lot in other recipes as well.
    Glowstone duplication will be removed, and a recipe for glowstone will be added to the Nitor research, requiring sulphur, lux, and sensus.
    Clay duplication will also likely be changed to use some other resource instead of just poofing clay out of nothing but essentia. Flux or Kaolinite powder seem like good candidates for this.
    Many recipes will also be changed, in order to better fit with the TFC theme and make use of otherwise useless resources. For example, essentia tubes and manipulation in general will primarily use lead, with electrum/thaumlectrum being used interchangably as a 'supporting' resource. Jet will also be used as a replacement for silverwood in vis filters, to provide it with more use and not require silverwood spawning.
    Aspects will, of course, be added to as many items as I can accomodate.




    Wands and Caps:




    Many TFC metals would get a wand cap, with the base cap being made in the anvil out of an ingot of the metal, yielding 2 caps. For tier 1 caps, this would be all they need. Tier 2 would require arcane crafting of the cap, while Tier 3 would require both arcane crafting and infusion.


    Tier 1:

    All caps of this tier would have a 110% vis cost, unless the vis type is listed, in which case it is a 105% cost.

    Bismuth: Aer + Terra

    Tin: Ignis + Aqua

    Zinc: Ordo + Perditio

    Copper: All vis


    For the initial wand, these can simply be crafted with a stick in the same way as the vanilla Thaumcraft iron wand caps.


    Tier 2:

    All caps of this tier would have a 100% vis cost, unless the vis type is listed, in which case it is a 95% cost.

    Bronze: Ignis
    Bismuth Bronze: Terra
    Black Bronze: Aqua
    Brass: Aer
    Rose Gold: Ordo
    Stirling Silver: Perditio
    Electrum/Thaumlectrum: All
    Tier 3:
    All caps of this tier would have a 90% vis cost, unless the vis type is listed, in which case it is a 85% cost.

    Thaumium: None

    Platinum: Ordo, Perditio

    Nickel: Ignis, Aqua, Terra, Aer

    Blue/Red Steel: All




    Greatwood Wands will be renamed and retextured, or simply replaced, with Jet Wands. They will be functionally identical to greatwood, and be made the same way, but with jet instead of Greatwood.


    Likewise, Silverwood will likely be renamed/replaced with Black Steel Wands, though I'm still a bit iffy about whether black steel is best for this. Blue/Red steel seem too far in the tech tree, and I'm unsure of what else might be a good candidate for material. This would be made in exactly the same way as a silverwood wand, just with a black steel ingot instead of a silverwood log.


    All of the self-replenishing wands will have their central infusion ingredient be replaced by pitchblende




    Infernal Furnace Replacements:




    (Thinking about this further, I'm thinking that maybe the Nitor and Infernal Anvil might be a bit OP, or at least make metal working considerably less interesting, so maybe not implement those)


    Nitor Pit:

    An arcane construct, using a wand and some vis, made by placing a nitor block above a copper or black bronze sheet block.

    This essentially acts as a firepit/forge, but will maintain a steady, fuel-less temperature of Hot***

    Research also unlocks the Arcane Bellows, which can be placed around the Nitor Pit to increase its maintained temperature. The first bellows will increase the temperature to Very Hot, the second bellows will increase it to Very Hot****, the third to Faint Red***, and the fourth to Dark Red*


    Nitor Anvil:

    An upgrade to the Nitor Pit, using a copper or black bronze anvil instead of a sheet.

    Has the same mechanics as the Nitor Pit, but has an anvil interface. Items in any slot will be maintained at the appropriate temperature.


    Infernal bricks: Made in the same way as fire bricks, but with Salis Mortar instead of normal Mortar


    Ignis Bricks: Made by arcane crafting infernal bricks with one or two fire shards


    Infernal Forge:

    An arcane construct, made with two rings of 8 Ignis bricks, an arcane bellows, and a lava source block. It might also require metal plates, though I'm not sure. If it does, it will likely be either Red Steel or a fire-infused Thaumlectrum plate. EDIT: Or, much more likely, it will require the vis of a Black Steel Wand.

    Like the Nitor Pit, it will maintain a free, fuel-less temperature of Bright Red

    Adding Ignis essentia or vis will cause items placed within the Forge, as well as the forge itself, to heat up at a faster rate, and also increase the temperature limit to Bright Red****. This ignis will be consumed over time.

    Adding Alumentum will increase the maximum temperature to Brilliant White. The Alumentum will be consumed over time, and higher temperatures will require more alumentum to maintain then lesser ones. (using Ignis vis will cause the Alumentum to last longer then it would in a normal forge)


    Infernal Anvil:

    Same as the Nitor Anvil above, but with the mechanics of the Infernal Forge. Made in a similar way to the Infernal Forge, but with a Red Steel Anvil added.


    As a drawback to the anvils, they will not have slots for ceramic molds, and also will either not accept anything that isn't made of metal, or heat non-metal things up so rapidly that it would be nearly impossible to use it in a practical manner.


    Also, both the Infernal Forge and the Nitor Pit would be accepted as heat sources for the TFC Crucible.



    Alchemy Changes:



    Crafting 7 incalcinate clay in a u shape like a Crucible will make an Alchemical Crucible, which will act similarly to the Thaumcraft Crucible but uses Aqua Salis instead of water, and requires a firepit underneath it above a certain temperature. Melting items into aspects will also consume temperature, and will consume Aqua Salis at a rate of 1mb of Salis = 1 essentia
    Also will add an arcane furnace, which has a tank within it for Aqua Salis and uses 1mb Aqua Salis per essentia, and additionally will use the temperature of a forge/firepit beneath it to melt items into essentia. Also will have a model that allows right-clicking the block underneath.
    Will add an 'essentia scrubber', which converts 1 essentia into 1mb of Aqua Salis, producing flux goo and/or gas as a byproduct. Praecantatio essentia will produce considerably more flux goo/gas, and also has a chance to produce tainted mobs.



  22. I just wanna throw my support to the Greenhouse idea, and also wanna say, that you really don't need a heater for greenhouses in basically anywhere that isn't tundra or arctic. Glass, if I understand correctly, is actually a pretty good insulator, though much more importantly it keeps out the wind, meaning that the air within is more stagnant, so any heat from the sun that ends up inside of it is insulated inside AND isn't blown away by the wind.


    This is even more effective if the glass is double-layered, as air is actually a great insulator when it's not moving around, and plus material differentials also slow down heat transfer.


    Although, since this is a game, I think that even just making glass not collect snow and make crops ignore it when they check for sky access (assuming they don't ignore it already). would be more then enough.
