Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ItchyFlea

  1. B57 Bug

    It is? I've always shoved it into the .jar without problems.
  2. B57 no animals sounds

    I can confirm that animals don't make noises in b57.
  3. Creating a stone anvil

    The small stones you pick up off the ground indicate what kind of stone is underneath the soil. You'll have to go around collecting the small stones until you come across an igneous type stone. Dig down a few blocks (usually 3-4) to get to the stone layer and that stone should be able to be used as an anvil.
  4. Crash At Startup

    I managed to reproduce the error you are getting by not installing PlayerAPI. Either you didn't install it correctly or the copy you downloaded was somehow corrupted.
  5. Crash At Startup

    Perhaps there is an issue with how the profile manager sets the different profiles on Windows 7. I tested it on Windows XP and there were no problems. Try installing TFC into the normal location Minecraft gets stored in, %appdata%/.minecraft and see if that works.
  6. Build 55: Mobs take forever to be killed

    I can. Why would Bioxx fix a vanilla diamond sword to bring it in line with the new health system if it can never be obtained legitimately? I tested the swords. Tin and Zinc swords kill sheep in two hits.
  7. Previous Versions

    Yes it is possible, here's a link for Build 52e, which is for Minecraft 1.3.2: You'll need an older version of forge (The recommended version I believe was
  8. Cobblestone, Iron, Gold, etc...

    Its about both. Using other mods with TFC.If you wanted to use the BTW mod with TFC, would you accept being told to not ask such a question?
  9. Requesting help with some info regarding texture packs

    I'm fairly sure the folders 'armor', 'bioxx', and 'mob' in the TFC mod zip file contain the textures for the new stuff added to the game by the mod. At the very least, they are the ones I include in my personal texture pack. EDIT: Perhaps I should have read your post a bit better. Hopefully what I've said still helps.
  10. Anvil buttons problem

    The buttons on the anvil will only work if the temperature of the metal is blue or green, as shown on this wiki page:
  11. Black screen after Mojang

    Nevermind. You got it working.
  12. MultiMC Forge PlayerAPI need Help

    Its normal for stone tools to be slow, chopping down a tree with a stone axe takes just as long as it would to punch it down. Metal tools work quicker than stone. The better the metal, the faster it'll do its job.
  13. TFC Beta 2 Build 52e For MC v1.3.2 MultiMC Crash log

    Do you get the same random crashes when you've installed the mod according to the installation instructions?

    I get the same warnings from the Linux launcher with a fresh clean install of TFC Build52e. You can ignore these as they do not appear to cause any problems in-game. If they do cause problems, I have yet to encounter them.
  15. SMP Fruit trees issue

    Fruit trees I've planted on two different servers, in build 51 and build 52, never seem to produce fruit. I'm currently growing several different varieties, but so far my Plum trees, which are supposed to be harvestable in July, have no fruit on them at all. It isn't a visual bug either, as I've tried harvesting them, but no fruit drops. They definitely are plum trees, as they drop plum saplings when I break the branches. I'm running a fresh install of Minecraft 1.3.2, with the following mods: Forge Smart Moving 10.5 Rei's Minimap 3.2 Player API 1.4 TFC 52e Someone exploring new terrain on the server I currently play on found a plum tree, and was able to harvest plums from it. Any ideas as to what's causing player planted fruit trees to not bear any fruit?
  16. Well that sucks, but you've got fair points. I hope to see DHB return in the future. It's been great. I've met several new people who are all awesome on there, and hope to see them again on another server.You ran a good server, and stuck with your principles from what I saw. If/When you start DHB again, I'll be there. Thank you for the awesome experience slink. DHB was my first TFC server, and will always be the basis of what I judge other servers on.
  17. I'm also a little curious as to when the server is going to be updated. I'm just hoping that the world isn't going to be reset with the new update. But if it is reset, so be it. I can always rebuild.
  18. Build 51.Here's a download link:
  19. Here:
  20. The mod doesn't work when I start it

    How are you installing the mod? I see this was solved in another thread.
  21. Well in my SSP world, the new recipe for making plans for a bucket would give me a wooden bucket, instead of the plans for it.Deleting the config file and letting TFC recreate a correct one changed several items in my chests. Rocks turned into metal knives, ores turned into other ores or stone knives, and various other unimportant items got changed as well.
  22. What's going to happen with player items with build 51? There have been several block id changes.
  23. The server has crashed.
  24. I see that the server crash is caused by the sequoia bug. Can anybody explain what that is, and how to avoid it? The only thing I've been able to gather is that it has something to do with sequoia tree leaves. EDIT: Found out the bug is caused by cutting down a large sequoia tree, and the method of avoiding it is to not cut one down.
  25. Another player who got on tonight had a similar problem to that. He said updating forge fixed it.