Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Necoxus

  1. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide're a genius Kitty...I completely forgot about the clever in TC...I'll go take a took now and see if I can figure it out.
  2. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    I've tried that was having issues cause of how my items are setup, I would have to do something like creating a class for each item or figure out a way in my custom weapon class. So I guess I'll retry that method. I was also worried about pushing the bounds of what is believable...cause would be kinda odd if one picked up a weapon only to get weird particles flying around them.
  3. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    Ok I've solved most of my weapon issues...however I'm working on some additional features and I can't find much information on to do what I want to do. So I want to create a delay (or maybe in other cases speed up) the rate at which a player can hit(left click/hit entity) with a weapon. I found a post about it on the minecraft forums but I think it may be outdated and/or the information is hard to understand and follow. I'm only concerned with changing stuff in my own custom weapons stuff from vanilla or TFC.
  4. TerraMisc 0.3.0 - Weapons Update Check change log for all the details.
  5. That's fine, I'm very glad that you are enjoying my addon.
  6. Tree mechanics

    Instead of using percents the stick could only account for X amount and if its soft wood then you reduce X. That way the metal is still the focus Ex. X=Stick Amount M=Tool Head C=Completed Tool T+X=C, in the event of a softwood stick this would happen: T+(X-Softwood)=C. This keeps the focus on the metal working but would give a little extra for those that want it.
  7. Tree mechanics

    I'm aware of these drawbacks, I was just trying to contribute constructively. Maybe if it was a little bit more than marginal, lol...but you have a point.
  8. Tree mechanics

    You would only end up with two types of stick NBT data therefore it can't get too crazy with that...I was not suggesting 17 different sticks. Using NBT data or metadata or whatever a different durability would occur based on if it was soft or hardwood. You would only need to store the category information not what type of tree, granted a array or some other list would need to be put in place to tell if a tree/log drops a softwood stick or a hardwood one.
  9. Tree mechanics

    I like the ideas here, but based on what has been said about other things that add lots more detail like this most likely won't happen for the sake of keeping the game somewhat simple and not making the smallest of things a pain in the butt. An addon could be created to do something like this as far as a drying mechanic. What could be used from this thread is the idea of wood strength, different types of stone are currently better than others for tool making with slightly higher durability. From what I can tell they split it up into categories and assigned the stone types to those categories. (Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic) A similar thing could be done with woods such as softwood and hardwood, the category information could be stored as NBT data on wood items (sticks). They would affect the end durability of the tools/weapons but for the sake of not making it a pain in the butt all sticks would still use the same texture. The only problem with this is that sticks of a different type wouldn't stack and I'm not sure how sticks debris on the ground would register themselves...maybe based on what the local tree type is.
  10. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    Bump...updated issues in above post with more detail and updated info based on the changes and progress I've made.
  11. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    Nope I was wrong I'm getting Kitty/Anyone else how would one go about adding in new tools and weapons following the method that TFC uses? Update: I rewrote a lot of my item registering code to be more like how TFC handles it just because its neater and cleaner. I know that the issue lies with the weapon items cause when I comment them out of the classes the game runs fine. Currently it crashes while initializing with the weapon registering uncommented out; Now after checking the error that the crash report gives me that line has to do with the material stuff. My weapon class is similar to the ItemCustomSword, but I think the error is with how I'm referencing the material stuff that assigns the damage and durability. So the Question is how do I reference the material(copper, bronze, etc) stats for the new weapons I'm creating?
  12. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    I figured out the bow thing so no big deal there now.(Except the render that's still a bit odd) However I'm trying to add in additional tools and weapons and I'm doing it in a similar way to how they are created in TFC's ItemSetup problem is how do I call up the materials without having to try and implement copies of TFC's materials. (Cause that currently seems to cause errors.) I've created a custom weapon file much like the Custom sword file and I'm using that to create the new tools the problem lies in using the TFC materials. I think I figured it out just took more tracking through TFC files to find what I needed.
  13. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    Ok so if one was extending the TFC custom bow and they wanted to increase the damage that the extended bow does how would one do that? Of course this is hypothetical for sneaky reasons. Also if one wanted to get said bow to render in 3D but for it to be positioned more in the middle of the player hand instead of like that of a sword; how would they do that?
  14. Updated the Redstone update to 0.2.1 with ore dictionary support.
  15. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    Well in that case I'll go ahead and switch to the ore dictionary method then. Thanks for the info Kitty
  16. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    Oh that explains why TFC was using those...ok well I used an Item stack to handle it so either way it works. My newest release is using the lumber item for a recipe. code: final int WILD = OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE; ItemStack lumber = new ItemStack(TFCItems.SinglePlank, 1, WILD); //Item Stack GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ModItems.itemPistonBase), new Object[]{" ","PRP","PPP", 'P', lumber, 'R',}); //Recipe
  17. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    I had an issue using the ore dictionary strings so I ended up using the wild value and I created an item stack to handle it.
  18. Hardcore Roleplaying Servers TFC server is going to be in 1.8.7...TFC hasn't left 1.7.10. Due to the extreme amount of changes that 1.8 presented.
  19. Released Redstone Update, recipes will be posted later have to work on editing screenshots for the forums. TFC NEI Addon should display everything correctly until then.
  20. Fixed a very strange bug that was causing some to crash when loading my addon with TFC, should be fine now. (By strange I mean it was throwing a fit over my version naming. )
  21. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    Thanks for the info, you seem to have answers for everything.
  22. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    Thanks I saw that being used in TFC recipes but I figured that I would need to create my own Item Stack for that to work.
  23. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    I'm trying to use planks in a recipe but I don't need a specific type of wood just any of it but the recipe doesn't work by just leaving the meta data field or whatever blank. GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ModItems.itemPistonBase), new Object[]{" ","PRP","PPP", 'P', TFCBlocks.Planks, 'R',});
  24. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    Ok new issue, I think the handler that registers/initializes my anvil recipes is having issues on world loading. Any source code out there for anvil handlers that I could take a look at? Working with Bletch on fix.
  25. Rare Meteoric Iron ore

    Maybe have the really rare chance for it spawn at all, but then have a second chance for there to be a meteor that's intact with a small vein inside. It makes sense that some of the meteor would survive the atmosphere and the impact. It could also world gen a crater around the surviving part like how AE2 does.