Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Necoxus

  1. I'm testing a fix right now, if it works a new version will be out in a few moments. Edit: The mob drops are working correctly with leather water sack installed now, still having issues with the textures but I have narrowed down the source of the problem.
  2. Ok, I'll do some checking on the mob drops. About the crossbow so are you saying it has no texture at all, like the purple/black pattern is appearing? Is it invisible? Or are you having trouble telling when its loaded? The loaded texture places the tip of the bolt behind the front of the crossbow. Everything worked fine in eclipse but sometimes things get screwy once its exported. Edit: I see what you mean about the texture, I'll check it out this afternoon when I get back from school.
  3. TerraMisc (0.8.0) Released! Crossbow Update! Check changelog for more details.
  4. I'll think about this, I want to make sure that TFC maintains its normal progression with my addon. This addon is intended to provide additional cool things to TFC that don't altar the balance of the core mod. Sure, it should be part of the next release.
  5. TerraMisc (0.7.1) has been released, check changelog for more details. I did some testing with the bow and longbow, at five blocks away shooting at a bear the normal bow delt about 400 damage less than the longbow. (Bow: 1367 damage, Longbow: 1753) I did however do some testing with the range and noticed that they were about the same, so I tweaked some values to increase the range, however that is a very tricky thing to test and Idoubtit would make much of adifference to the usage of the longbow.
  6. I'll do some testing, it is intended to draw slightly faster, and deal more damage than the normal bow. I know the draw speed is unrealistic, but the longbow is intended to be an upgraded version of the standard bow.
  7. All of those things are WIP, everything that is completed and fully functional is on the main page with descriptions.
  8. TerraMisc (0.7.0) has been released, check changelog for more details.
  9. TerraMisc (0.6.8) has been released, should be bug free now!
  10. I hope it isn't immune to projectiles(piercing damage), that would be so difficult to fight.
  11. Slightly offtopic from this thread, but it relates to thaumcraft. Thaumcraft 5(1.8) is now in beta and is rumored to be released endish of october according the FTB wiki, and here is a let's play of it. This video literally just got posted.
  12. Just a heads up to other devs, 0.79.25 causes an error(if you are creating any sort of tools or armor of your own.) due to a minor change in itemTerraTool, regarding the tooltip functionality.
  13. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    Ok even with the class renamed, there is still an issue somewhere. I don't see anymore occurrences of onServerWorldTick anywhere in my addon, so what else could cause such an issue? Thanks for the help again Kitty.
  14. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    No I hadn't renamed it, I just renamed it to WorldLoadHandler so I'll see if that does it.
  15. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    Ok so these are the changes that I made in the spoilers below, and according to my tester the problem with the ticks still exists. I did another full search for "onServerWorldTick" and it is no longer coming up in the search so then it has to be something else that's interfering with TFC's server slow down, any ideas on what that could be? Before @SubscribeEvent public void onServerWorldTick(WorldTickEvent e) { if (e.phase == Phase.START) { if ( == 0) { ModRecipes.initialiseAnvil(); } } else if(e.phase == Phase.END) { } } After @SubscribeEvent public void onLoadWorld(WorldTickEvent e) { if (e.phase == Phase.START) { if ( == 0) { ModRecipes.initialiseAnvil(); } } else if(e.phase == Phase.END) { } }
  16. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    Ok, then I'll get started on redoing that, odd that udary doesn't have a similar problem though as I'm fairly certain that he his doing his the same way as both addons are based on the same template. Thanks for the help Kitty
  17. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    I've done extensive searching for anything and everything relating to how server ticks are handled and I've only came across one file from TFC the "ServerTickHandler", and my version of that does nothing to cause issues with that as it is just used to load anvil recipes. So I did more searching to see if there were other files relating to server ticks and I found another file however it was only part of the minecraft code not part of the TFC code making it something irrelevant to me as minecraft doesn't slow down servers like TFC does when players are offline. So the whole point of this is to track down a bug that is causing time to roll backwards whenever my mod is installed on a server and the players go offline. Is there any other place that comes to mind that I'm overlooking that could causing this issue potentially? This also contains more information about the issue:
  18. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the suggestions forum?(Yes/No):Yes Answering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted. With the new addition that causes players or mobs to catch on fire from contact with the campfires/forges it would be nice to have a safety mechanism for those that want to be extra careful. I know that campfires/forges will eventually go out when the fuel runs out/is removed; however sometimes it can take a few minutes for it to completely go out. So as a solution I think the ability to take a water bucket and right click on a campfire/forge to extinguish it would be beneficial. (Also a little burst of smoke particles and a sound effect would be cool, but the functionality is the focus here. )
  19. Very odd I'll look into it, I suspect it could be the candles at work being that they are the only thing I've coded that has to do with time at all. Thanks for the bug report, for the time being I would suggest caution to those using the addon.
  20. I'm attaching thumbnails that show the recipe, however I suggest that you get NEI and the TFC addon for NEI so that you can view TFC custom recipes (knapping, alloy, etc) in game.
  21. TerraMisc (0.6.2) has been released, check the change log for more details. Special thanks toMymag for creating the Chinese and Taiwan translations.
  22. Thanks for the translations I'll get them added in for the next release.
  23. [TFC] TerrafirmaPack

    Very cool pack Bunsan, I suggest looking intoLocalized Weather & Stormfronts as another optional mod.
  24. TerraMisc (0.6.1) has been released, check the change log for more details. Special thanks toBoneHawksEyefor creating the German translation.
  25. 3 sinew string horizontally in a straight line should yield a bowstring. XXX SSS XXX S - String X - Empty Edit: I also tweaked the info in the main post on the crafting for these items so that its easier to understand in the future for those that do not use NEI.