Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Necoxus

  1. [TFC 0.79.23+] Merchants Addon for TFC

    You could just sell the double ingots, like seven at a time so that once someone buys them they can just craft the anvil.
  2. Adding Anvil Recipes

    I know your anvil works a bit differently, but you could try just using the standard anvil manager and require the recipes to use your anvil.
  3. (0.3.5) of TerraMisc is Released! See the Changelog for more details.
  4. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    Anyone know where the minecraft bow renderer is at? Or the TFC one either way I need to take a look at how bows are rendered and I can't find any sort of good info online.
  5. (0.3.4) of TerraMisc is Released! See the Changelog for more details.
  6. [Offline](79.20)(Forge 1291) TFC RP Server

    Its been all day, I tried messaging MiracleSpoon but no response.
  7. [Offline](79.20)(Forge 1291) TFC RP Server

    Is the server down?
  8. Released (0.3.3), crafting of the bow limb and of sinew fibers should no longer consume knives/hammers, instead damage should be applied to the tool.
  9. [Solved] Bloomery problem

    Try instead of using the drop key just dragging it out of your inventory window and clicking.
  10. [Offline](79.20)(Forge 1291) TFC RP Server

    found some normal grass south of spawn in the -10000 z range around 150 x. Not much but some clay.
  11. [Offline](79.20)(Forge 1291) TFC RP Server

    Hey, um there is not a such thing as grass on the map...only dry grass which means no clay and no progression. We tried searching for about an hour swam like 4k across the ocean and nothing cause the ocean was too large to travel without boats. Maybe find a place with grass and clay and move spawn location.
  12. [Offline](79.20)(Forge 1291) TFC RP Server

    Quick Question will there be any addons in use? I can name a few that would make role play more interesting. Currency and Market Stalls: Merchants Addon (This would be awesome to have for the server just cause it makes trading easier and it adds a whole new layer with currency.) Refillable water sack: Leather Water Sack Addon (This is just a lot nicer than using clay jugs and its balanced for mid to late game.) P.S. My addon is kinda cool, if you want to look into it: TerraMisc
  13. Roofing?

    I usually set up a chimney of sorts so that things don't catch on fire and use wood as roofs, so anything flamable is isolated from the fire sources.
  14. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    No not axes its for my custom weapons and they currently work fine just I want to give them a little bit more so they are closer to real TFC tools/weapons. P.S. Thanks Kitty
  15. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    Quick question how does TFC handle doing the extra damage/durability for tools and weapons based on smithing skills?
  16. [Offline](79.20)(Forge 1291) TFC RP Server

    IGN: Powerman913717 Do you pledge to not be a dingus?: Yes Age: 14 Timezone: Eastern US How often would you be on?: 2-3 hrs a day, I can almost promise more...however with school starting up in a about a month that is that max that I can contribute regularly. IGN:Jacobmc123 Do you pledge to not be a dingus?: Yes Age: 15 Timezone: Eastern US How often would you be on?: He will mostly be online whenever I am just cause we usually play games together. Double app cause my friend doesn't have an account here on the forums however he really likes role-play things, and he thinks TFC is cool so this is a way for him to get more into it.
  17. Updated to (0.3.2), Check change log for more details. Made minor changes to the weapons. If you are a modder and know any thing about doing custom item renders such as how the item is held and how large it is please reply here or in at this post to help me with some stuff. I just need some sort of guide or outline cause there is almost no information out there at least from my searches about this.
  18. I need help deciding on something for my mod regarding the longbow and arrow types. I will look for a solution but this is just a temporary thing, but from what I can tell from the code. I will have to remove quiver compatibility in order to implement arrow types; just until I figure this out. There probably is a way I'm just not bothering with it atm.
  19. Lol, thanks I was just covering my bases. Glad you are enjoying the addon.
  20. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    Follow up question anyone know of good guides for learning how to do custom item renders? Like controlling how the player holds the item and where the item appears in the hand and other parameters like size.
  21. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    I just tried changing null to is and that seems to have worked, meaning no crash and no block.
  22. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    Ok I got another problem and of course cause I decide to do weird things there isn't much info out there about how to do this. I'm to disable the ability to block with a sword like item, how should I go about doing that? I tried overriding on item right click and returning null but that crashes.
  23. (0.3.1) Has been released Halberds and Warhammers have been changed a little, and poniards have been added.
  24. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    I've got it working now, Thanks again Kitty.