Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by aeroc

  1. If you want a use for diamonds then enable diamond conversion recipes and vanilla recipes in the TFC config file. It will give you more stuff to build once you've exhausted the few products TFC offers. It also gives an incentive to build automated sand dispensing sluice arrays, since sluices can produce diamonds rarely.


  2. aeroc, what did you use for the block count?

    I made my own in java.

    I am wondering is Nickel more rare now?

    Even though 47000 chunks is a decent amount, it could be just luck that the areas I generated didn't happen to have gabbro in the Y60 range. I thought that garnierite count was a bit low from other worlds I've played in.


  3. Here's the block count from a B73-B75 generated world with 49014 chunks:

    Native Copper: 174582

    Native Gold: 17890

    Native Platinum: 0

    Hematite: 46736

    Native Silver: 7035

    Cassiterite: 385729

    Galena: 115335

    Bismuthinite: 576428

    Garnierite: 1105

    Malachite: 2147

    Magnetite: 53367

    Limonite: 75567

    Sphalerite: 1020753

    Tetrahedrite: 85425

    Bituminous Coal: 710168

    Lignite: 652299

    As you can see those ores you mentioned are the rarest.


  4. Did you end up near 0,0? If so, yeah. That's a bad idea. There's a nasty bug around 0,0 that causes the server to shit the bed.

    I saw your post about that, no I wasn't near there, I avoided it on purpose. I believe I crashed it again just now. It happens when any TFC cactus grows. So I recommend to other members to run the other way if they see a desert with cactus, because it will crash.


  5. digging at 90 for about 3 hours and not one ore, nothing.

    If you want to go from underwhelmed to overwhelmed, dig at the infamous Y60. Here's a a compilation of screenshots I took at the entrance to mineshafts I dug 36 meters apart from one another:

    Posted Image

    On a 16000 chunk world I have saved only around 4% of all ores spawned near Y90.


  6. I'm having a problem joining, I've installed the latest forge for 1.4.5, Player Api, and placed TFC in the mods folder. But when I try to join the server it goes through all the normal connecting and logging in screens, then comes to a blank screen with a "done" button at the bottom, and when I hit it, it takes me back to the main menu. Does anybody have a fix for this?

    This thread's original post is misleading, use Forge 436 only, newer versions have caused similar problems recently. If you go back a page or two, Gwinans mentions this. Hopefully that works for you right away. If not, post the versions of each of your mods just to be certain.


  7. Anyways, that doesn't really mater, I just need to be more carful about running out of nutrients.

    What I need to ono is if crops grow while they are in unloaded chunks, because my farm is a fair ways away from my house.

    Technically crops don't grow in an unloaded chunk, but once you visit them any time that has passed since the chunk was last loaded will be processed all at once. If that amount of time is significant, then your crops will grow at that time. This happens in SMP, if you plant a crop and don't log into the server for a day or two, you'll find all the plants will grow (or pop out of the ground) instantly as you log in.


  8. having to relocate over and over to find a spot that has ores is extremely dangerous and bothersome.

    This is one of the best features of TFC. It's an improvement over vanilla MC where you can plop down your home anywhere you like with certainty that all the resources you need are underneath you leaving no real challenge or incentive to explore.


  9. -Plum and red apple trees never seem to be harvestable

    Here is the entry for red apples in FloraManager.class:

    instance.addIndex(new FloraIndex("red apple", 1, 2, 8, 7, new um(TFCItems.RedApple, 1)));

    The 8 is HarvestStart, and the 7 is HarvestFinish.

    And here is the method in FloraIndex.class that determines if a fruit tree's leaves are harvestable:

    public boolean inHarvest(int month)  {	return (month >= this.HarvestStart) && (month <= this.HarvestFinish);  }

    HarvestStart must always be less than or equal to HarvestFinish in order for a fruit to be harvestable. Red Apple is the only fruit where HarvestStart is greater than HarvestFinish. Maybe this was set intentionally to prevent red apples from being harvestable due to some other bug related to TFC red apples.


  10. Here is the part of the deobfuscated code from TFC's "WorldGenPeatPit.class" where peat only generates in swamps:

    TFCBiome biome = (TFCBiome)par1World.a(var8, var9);			if (biome != yr.h)			  continue;

    The problem is yr.h is a vanilla swamp biome, here it is in yr class in minecraft.jar:

    public static final yr h = new zj(6).b(522674).a("Swampland").a(9154376).b(-0.2F, 0.1F).a(0.8F, 0.9F);

    And here is what the code should be instead:

    TFCBiome biome = (TFCBiome)par1World.a(var8, var9);			if (biome != TFCBiome.swampland)			  continue;

    Here is TFCBiome.swampland:

    public static final TFCBiome swampland = new BiomeGenSwampTFC(6).setColor(SwampColor).setBiomeName("Swamp").setMinMaxHeight(-0.1F, 0.1F);

    So peat never generates because the code tells it to only generate in vanilla swamps, which don't exist in TFC world generation.


  11. TFC Gold, iron, diamonds and cobble convert to vanilla equivalents in a crafting table if you enable them in the config file. TFC cobble only seems to drop from explosions, or maybe caveins.


  12. Yeah, right. Let's also make it so you can't have in your inventory more than a single block at a time, and can't drop blocks - only place them. That'll make mining hard, now will it? Not tedious to walk back and forth carrying a single block of cobble from mines to the surface or nearby cave, not at all.

    You know what will also make mining harder in similar respect? Making it so blocks take at least one minute to mine with steel pickaxe. It's a cubic meter of stone after all, and you but a tiny human, we can't expect mining to be as fast as it currently is.

    Way to take down setup that strawman!


  13. But when implemented, it will make mining very tedious process.

    You say this like it's a bad thing. Mining in TFC's current form is far too easy. Dig to a certain notorious Y-coordinate, and branch mine a few kilometers within a relatively short time to reveal endless amounts of all the ores and minerals you desire. Not very different from Vanilla MC, which is terrible.

    Pickaxing should be slower and it should generate heavy rubble that must be disposed of or at least displaced. The shovel should be used not only for digging, but for displacing rubble (into minecarts, pack animal carts, off cliffs). And absolutely, the player should not be able to carry large amounts of dirt, sand, gravel, stone and ore.
