Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ejzzje

  1. Vanilla horses?

    Where in the commits did you see metal spears? I'm running the latest commit and from what I've seen they don't exist.
  2. IGN: ejzzje Real Name: Joel Age: 21 Why you want to join: Need a server to play on, this one looks like it will have less drama than others. Agree To Rules: Yes Know that TerraFirmaCraft is a hardcore mod which is very difficult: No, vanilla is just easy. Who Referred You: The TFC forum server section.
  3. Brewing, Distilling, and Viticulture: Alcohol!

    Alcohol is already in 76, it's just in an unusable state, so you aren't really mentioning items that aren't yet released when talking about the recipes to create it. Also either apple works for cider, not just green.
  4. ejzzje 21 USA Native english speaker Yes I have read all the rules. TFC forum server section.
  5. This thread hasn't been used since the end of January, there was a new thread made for the server at the beginning of February, here's the link: http://terrafirmacra...with-teamspeak/ I suggest reapplying in there as the server uses a few more mods now than it did when this thread was relevant, thus it may no longer be what any of you are looking for.
  6. The issue is less that it can't be done and more that it would kill inventory space, each piece of food of the same type would have it's own value preventing them from being stacked on one another. You bring up item heat which is a great example of this, you can stack ingots in the same slot once they've cooled but while they still have heat you aren't able to because as far as minecraft is concerned they aren't the same item.
  7. So on topic but without numbers I feel it's best to list the orders of metals within tier 0 and tier 2 as there is misinformation floating around after they were reordered in a recent change to tool durability in b70. The following are the best to worst metals within tiers. In parentheses are the previous ranking of the metal within it's tier. Tier 0 1 Bismuth (3) 2 Tin (1) 3 Zinc (2) Tier 2 1 Black Bronze (3) 2 Bronze (1) 3 Bismuth Bronze (2) 4 Rose Gold (4) Just because they aren't as good as other tools doesn't mean the ones lower in their tier aren't worth using, Tin and Bismuth are near equal, and chances are you will have iron before you have the gold and silver for black bronze.
  8. TFC Won't load or create worlds?

    Well the reason is actually pretty simple for why tfc doesn't work on 1.4.7 and why it hasn't been updated. While doing some bugfixing and cleanup in the update to 1.4.7 forge removed the hook that tfc uses to override vanilla worldgen and without it there really is nothing that can be done as far as updating goes. Don't go bugging the people at forge either, the request for the hook has been made and it should be added within the next couple weeks, until then it's 1.4.6 for everyone.
  9. The complete range weapon revamp

    Sticks are far too weak to use for a bow, you are however correct on the branches part but for later bows, like the longbow, trees were cut down to use for bows, it even lead to a shortage of yew (the favored wood for the longbow) in england in 1350 that led to Henry IV ordering his bowmakers to go into private land to cut down trees to make bows. The construction of the english longbow was even done in a fashion that the heartwood was in the inside and the sapwood on the outside making it a sort of hybrid between a standard self bow made from a single piece of wood, and a composite bow made from multiple parts. Because of this he actually was correct is saying a plank for the normal bow and a log for the longbow as a plank represents just any wood while a log is both heart and sapwood allowing for the proper construction of each bow. In the americas milkweed was used but it would be more ideal to use cow tendon as a bowstring instead of plant fibers as it only requires a drop to be added instead of a new plant.
  10. Fletchery

    Near impossible with a stone knife? Native Americans used bows for hunting and warfare for thousands of years while also using predominately stone tools. Europeans used linen and hemp for their bowstrings, Native americans used multiple plant fibers including milkweed, silk has also been used and sinew or rawhide could also work but needs to stay dry to remain effective. As for wax it is more for the preservation of the string than it is to allow it to be used, any fiber with enough strength can be used to string a bow without wax. The only change I could see to the current bow is to change it's recipe to use a log or plank with a knife instead of sticks and possibly a woven plant fiber or sinew instead of string. Instead of increasing the damage of the current bow a more powerful version requiring higher level technology should be added, a composite bow. The composite bow body would be made by combining multiple wood pieces to create the core, horn lining the outside, lined on the inside with sinew, all held together using animal glue and finally strung.
  11. [Solved]B75 New to TFC, crashes while launching

    The issue probably isn't forge when it errors at the point it's trying to load TFC. I would try downloading TFC another time in case the download was somehow corrupted causing it to crash the client on attempts to load it. If that doesn't work, rebuild using forge 487, I've noticed that it's more stable than 486.
  12. Spelunking.

    Off-topic but interesting information: an aquifer and an underground river are completely different things. An aquifer is porous rock that is saturated by water which slowly moves through it while an underground river has an actual channel cut through stone and is usually in a cavernous area.
  13. Spelunking.

    So is the suggestion here to add caves? If it is, they already exist in tfc, they just have some difficulty breaking the dirt layer of the world. They're not extremely common but if you look near the base of large hills/mountains you should be able to find a cave network. As for underwater caves, underground rivers are also a terrain feature, they're like a flooded ravine the water is static on world gen, but if disturbed should start flowing again. Also, the caves in tfc even have stalagmites and stalactites, as do the bottoms of ravines.
  14. Clay Mechanics for the Clueless Developer

    Trying to get rid of the troll? Sure rook was a bit of an ass but the only people I've seen trolling in here are the active members of this forum. You suggested he edit the wiki on his second day playing the mod and instead of letting a topic die everyone railed against him. I edited the clay page in the wiki as it seems no one here thought it was worth doing because, in the words of halfmaster "The wiki is pretty much useless."
  15. Welding ingots

    If they're bright red the heat is probably correct. Are you using ingots that have been shaped or unshaped ingots? You can't weld unshaped ingots.
  16. X-Ray Mod compatible with TFC?

    An xray texture pack wouldn't work to see the ore gen, all it would reveal are pockets of air blocks (caves), and no xray mods work with tfc. If you really are interested in the ore gen just load a world up in an editor like mcedit and delete the layers of stone, they use the ids 209,210,211 and 212.
  17. Making armor

    Source is on github, Bioxx doesn't care if you poke around in it as long as you don't reveal the actual numbers so I'll do what dunk does and use percentages for all the tier 2 metals using copper as a base for the increases. Rose Gold has a 26.8% durability increase over copper and the mining speed is increased by 10% Black Bronze is a 29.2% durability increase and the mining speed is still 10% better than copper. Bismuth Bronze is 41.4% more durability and the mining speed increase is 15%, thus it's better than rose gold and black bronze within tier 2. Bronze is 46.3% added durability and the mining speed is 50% better than copper. As I stated in my earlier post bronze is by far the best for anything that needs the speed or damage such as a pick, axe, shovel, and weapons. Bismuth bronze is able to be used where copper can be conserved such as anvils, pro picks, chisels, hammers and anything else you don't need speed for. Bismuth bronze still has the tin content so compared to rose gold (1 copper 3 gold) or black bronze (2 copper 1 gold 1 silver) it is logical to assume that bismuth bronze would be the better of those three. P.S. J_A_G, normally your assumption would be right but in this case I think dunk is just forgetting that rose gold and black bronze even exist.
  18. Making armor

    Dunk, bronze is the fastest of all the tier 2 metals, but bismuth bronze isn't the shittiest, it's actually second place. Bismuth bronze has more durability than black bronze, which has more durability than rose gold. So for tools that need the mining speed bronze is the best choice (pick, axe, shovel, any weapon), while you can use bis bronze to conserve some copper on the others (chisels, hammers, scythes, pro-picks).
  19. Douglas Fir saplings don't grow

    To test in b60 you'll need to use the cheats option to give yourself the proper sapling. /give (minecraft name) 6 1 4 will give you a douglas fir sapling. You can also use /gt to find out which trees are in the area, it still reports douglas fir even though there are physically none there. Like you said, it's hard to judge if the sapling isn't growing or if it's just taking an abnormally long time. Assuming it isn't growing and because /gt reports douglas fir, the issue is with the tree itself and not the tree generator.
  20. [Offline][Beta 0.77.21] Small Community, Be Gentle

    ejzzje 20 grey Exploration, there is no real reason to in vanilla but in TFC it's key if you want to find new ores.
  21. 57 to 59 crash in single

    The changelog for b59 has a note added saying that it breaks any saves from earlier versions.
  22. Gem Cutting

    ECC said that if a gem didn't exhibit power on it's own it shouldn't add any effect to an object it was embedded into, Ryuugamo's post was more of a question asking what if said gem needed to to embedded before it could exhibit it's power, using the item as a focus. Hopefully that clears up some of the confusion.
  23. I'd also like to join the server. IGN:ejzzje
  24. Glass Blowing

    I've actually had some, not much, experience with glass working in the past and I've also been doing some research to make a similar suggestion, so here are my thoughts on the topic. First, the pipe used shouldn't have an effect on the opacity of glass. Frosted glass is made by treating glass after it's cooled by either sand-blasting or treating it with acid. Milky glass which is a solid color is obtained through the use of certain additives to the glass. Instead if a steel pipe were made it should make the process of working the glass easier as it would be able to be lighter, my reasoning for this being that the clay can't be worked as thin as metal and still be able to hold glass on the end. A narrower mouthpiece also makes it easier to blow a powerful stream of air into the glass. As for the working of the glass itself, currently three furnaces are involved in the entire process, one where a crucible of melted glass is stored, one at a lower temperature, and the last to cool the glass slowly over a period of hours/days to prevent the glass from cracking under a more rapid cooling process. The roman style was one furnace with cooler chambers off of it that had these functions. This could be made similar to the bloomery, except instead of building up it is built sideways to allow for these extra chambers. The cooling chamber could act as a chest except instead of cooling 3x faster it could accept only finished glass items and cool them at 1/3 the speed. The crucible and reheating furnaces could have a joint gui as the reheating funace uses the heat from the crucible furnace to function, making the crucible the only place that coal would be added for the process. Glass doesn't need to be as exact as forging as it is for decoration instead of tools/armor. Glass work has fairly few things that should need to be done to create a piece, gathering, the process of dipping it in the crucible to get more glass added, blowing to add air into the piece, blocking, using a wooden block soaked in water to round the piece, cutting to remove the piece from the blowpipe to either cool or move onto a punty rod, and widening which is putting closed jacks (sort of a cross between tweezers and shears) into a blown piece on a punty rod and slowly opening them to widen the opening from a small hole into the top of a bowl or whatever is being made. Instead of having a rough area with certain finishers to create a piece of glass it should be a general recipe to produce the piece of glass that is being made always starting with a gather to get the starting glass and ending with a cut to remove the piece. For example a bottle would be gather, blow, gather blow, blow, cut and then placed in the cooling furnace (the annealer). Glass panes were made by blowing a cylinder and then cutting it and flattening it. Glass blocks could be made by having molds that the crucible empties into, allowing for a fast method to obtain glass for building, but if someone wants glass panes they should be required to work to create them or if playing in smp buy them from someone else. Instead of just sand being melted down to create glass, flux should also be added. The reason I say flux is because it is made of either borax (sodium borate) or limestone, chalk, dolomite, and marble (all a form of Calcium Carbonate), the most uses additives for glass are soda (Sodium carbonate) and lime (Calcium Carbonate) which can be assume to exist in the rocks used to make flux. If colored glass is added, ores could be added to the glass as most ores that aren't native are an oxide or sulfide both of which are used to color glass. A glass made with just flux and sand should have a yellowish color to it from the sulfur impurities of the coal that is used to melt down the mixture. Saltpeter could be added to create clear glass as it is historically used as an additive to remove the coloring caused by coal. I don't mention the use of charcoal as it burns at a lower temperature than coal and because the impurities coal adds to glass can be counteracted in glass there is no reason to use charcoal along with coal but instead a motivation to find saltpeter if you don't want your glass to turn out yellow. Side note: Colored glass does not mean that the light would be tinted, it just means that the glass would be colored, to get colored light a full rework of the minecraft light code would need to happen. TL;DR I suggest a complex system (possibly a little too complex) of glassworking and how colored glass could be made using materials that already exist in tfc.
  25. The mumble server appears to be up, but when I try to connect it gives me a prompt for a password to connect to the server.