Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Treyflix

  1. Greenhouses!

    So with the recent agriculture update and how you need to get your seeds planted early due to not growing in the winter, perhaps we should have greenhouses? I'm not sure on how they would work for coding, but the idea is if you create a a glass structure it warms up inside according to how much sunlight it gets and how well insulated it is. Perhaps it the depths of winter it would need a heat source like a fireplace?
  2. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    I have a idea, but i'm still working on it. In the meanwhile, good job with this mod! You're awesome!
  3. plant genetics = allsume

    I beg to differ. Noodles is still being mean mom... Yes I called you mom. Deal with it. You and eternal are like this forums communal parents, infinus is the uncle, and Azdoine is our dog that thinks he's a pony.
  4. plant genetics = allsume

    It was on the first page and the date said October, I never know what day of the month it is. I just don't like the way people are treating 1SDAN. Wether or or not he deserves it, it's not cool.
  5. Damascus steel

    Exactly, it's a mix between a super top tier and a Easter egg. Best thing is it's TOTALLY REAL and awesome. But if you are a prospector in TFC, it's not so rare that you will never find it, it will just take you a while! Also, the damascus blades have a unique pattern of striations in the metal that create a look that is a combination of rungs in a tree and ripples on water. It looks waaaay cool.
  6. Civilization

    I wasn't talkin about Azdoi-I didn't say any names! No names here, just a movin on.
  7. Gem Cutting

    Haha I said it was a evil thought. Never mind though, tis cleansed from my scoundrel mind.
  8. String

    Hey, it was a good granola! It had all kinds of study quotes on the back and such. It looked legit.
  9. Damascus steel

    Perhaps another ore in the code, that is still called hematite (cause that is what the ore in India that produced the Wootz steel was, hematite) but spawns in different stone layers then regular hematite and is obviously really really rare. Some one might notice that it is in the wrong stone layer if they know a lot about TFC, or maybe they don't. If one smelts it he/she might notice it has a slightly different melting temp, or that it takes a slightly different amount of time to change temps in the forge. But only if they are observant and know much about TFC. Then if they recognize that it is this special hematite they can begin a special, complicated, smithing process to forge it into a Damascus blade... Even if my idea isn't the greatest, I'm confidant that with the help of some of the more brilliant members of this forum we can figure out something that would fit well. Edit: I'm not so sure about it spawning in different stone layers... The Wootz ore was not a new type of iron ore, it was just ever so slightly different. Spawning in other layers of stone suggests it is a new ore entirely doesn't it? Hmm, infinus, where are you!
  10. plant genetics = allsume

    *slaps* bad dog! Drop it now... NOW! You naughty noodle, bringing up things from other threads that have already been resolved. How can we live together if negative Meitner are constantly dragged up from the past? If you don't like what he is posting, ignore it. What you're doing is just spreading unnessacary hate. There is a word for what you are doing, it's called minimodding. And dont accuse me of hypocrisy, I'm telling you something out of wish for less anger, you are telling some one something out of anger. Really noodles, you are a established member of this forum, I hold you above the rest of the rabble with higher standards.
  11. Gem Cutting

    Some day this mod will become big. And then the forums will get a serious moderator. And then Noodles, arch, and many other train destroying perpetrators will be banned. And I will laugh evily. (is that a word?) Because you know I have never derailed a thread... *cough sarcasticpostjustclarifyingforthebutthurtoverreactorsonthisforumiloveyouto*cough cough*
  12. Civilization

    Strange puppy... *pat pat* it's ok there little guy. Psssst, hey you. Yeh, you over there, hey I'm talkin to you! Why do we have a doctor who is obsessed with florescent ponies? 0.o
  13. Greenhouses!

    We also have smiths, nature explorers, miners, prospectors, and a farmer (me). So it's plenty rugged to. Edit: dammit arch! Your worse then noodles with the derails. Oh well, atleast this thread will stay bumped.
  14. String

    Hemp can in no way be used to make drugs to my knowledge. The reason it is illegal to grow in the US is the plants are so similar to marijuana plants that one could easily sneaky grow marijuana hidden in their field of hemp. Totally not sure about this, I read it on the back of my hemp granola box... Watch eternal call me a fool and complete prove me wrong
  15. Challenges

    The farthest I got was a red steel anvil, pickaxe, and shovel and a castle with about 10,000 blocks into it. Then TFC updated to the new world gen... ...then my computer broke... I have not played TFC since. Or any minecraft for that matter. Money... Be saved up faster for my new computer!
  16. Greenhouses!

    Gosh, forgot about this. Who thought of this awesome idea?! (;P) I'm sad this thread suffered from a premature death, perhaps it can be revived?
  17. getting seed

    Errm JAG, you are horribly wrong... The only crops we can get seeds from currently is the cereal crops. I agree with the OP, but this is pointless as the devs have said it's planned. And it's common sense.
  18. String

    I think you guys are all failing to understand something... Hemp Plants and Marijuinna plants are two separate plants! Very closely related? Yes. Look almost identical? Yes. The same? No! I for one think of hemp string my homechool group used to make bracelets when I was really young. Or hemp shirts.
  19. Let's plays?

    So I'm currently in a very sugih situation, the computer that I play minecraft on broke. I have been meaning to get a laptop that can actually play TFC on far render for a while, so I'm saving up for my chosen comp, but it's going by reaaaallly sloooow. I have not played minecraft in a month Ó.Ò and It's gonna be another few before I can get my new laptop... Right now the only way I'm surviving is by watching let's plays, but only TFC as vanilla is boring. Here's the thing, I'm running out! Iv watched all of meads and crysyns vids, but mead doesn't seem to be uploading and when he does it's uber short episodes so I un subbed. Crysyn was doing great, but then he started playing BTW and STILL hasn't stopped. Spumwack is great, but his videos alone are far from enough. Oxygen seems to have died, as well as neiztro. My favorite starter up, ret311 seems to have also died. Flamytgwa is great, but his processor shitted out so it will be a bit before I see anymore TFC from him. Pixeltator is funny, but painfully noobish. TDKminecraft only has two ep up and I don't like his pessimistic view on TFC. And phunkehmonky hasn't updated. HEEELLLLLLLPPP ME, I'M SUFFERING FROM SEVERE TFC WITHDRAWAL, IS THERE ANY YOUTUBERS YOU CAN SUGGEST?!?!?!? Ø.ø
  20. Challenges

    Silly noodles, survival is not the point, it's only the begining. What happens once you reach red steel? You go look for malachite, create a massive mine, build a castle, learn about TFC geology, ECT. I really don't care if there is a subforum for it, but I really agree with Leo. Maybe for some people it's all they can do to survive, but I want to thrive. (that's why it's a survive and thrive, not just survive)
  21. Tool repair in Minecraft 1.4

    The tool repair mechanic is a piece of shit, what more is there to say about it?
  22. Vanilla Minecraft getting anvils

    Another example of how much vanilla sucks. Completely fucking shitting feature.
  23. Tool repair in Minecraft 1.4

    Cool? No, this just looks like typical Vanilla garbage. It's just repair with enchanting, complete crock of shit. How the fuck are you supposed to combine diamond things into one anyways? Much less do it cold with a metal hammer. Once again Vanilla manages to add a complete fucking failure wast of a feature. Bioxx, PLEASE, never add potions or enchanting or powerup temples or free diamond generating structures! Minecraft was so much better with out it. God, vanilla is just getting worse and worse. About the only good changes since 1.0 is the AI, their half slab/stair tweaks, and colored wood. Maybe jungles, but those have been ruined with their frequency. Thank the gods for TFC.
  24. String

    But hemp isn't weed... I thought they were just in the same family and hemp contains no THC. I have hemp seeds in my granola... Anywho, I do like the idea of extension ropes.
  25. String

    Yeh, you can wedge it with metal, but stone tools? The were historically connected with sinew and such. And of course you wouldn't be farming spiders, this is a thread on how else to make string, duh! I'm tired though so I'm probably just being stupid