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Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Everything posted by Najual

  1. Trade booths added:
  2. Here are the new mods to add if you already have the modpack: * New version is 0.2.10-a15 on the right side. Be sure to move or delete the older version. Edit: Antique Atlas was removed due to server side resource hogging. * Heraldry! Flag your shit.
  3. So far this has been a pretty good server. Very stable for the huge number of mods involved, and the one crashing problem I ran into was investigated immediately and (mostly) resolved within minutes of notifying admins in the help channel on discord. Just from my personal experience, this is a hardcore server. I've been playing TFC on and off for years and it was a challenge just getting to metal tools. There's a learning curve involved with all the mods and it's pretty steep at first, even if you're very familiar with the vanilla TFC progression. Some things you should be aware of that weren't explained in the server post: - There's no /teleporting. There is a skyrail system to get you to remote regions, and a few portals and teleporters around spawn. Eventually you can build your own portals but until then most of your travel is going to be on foot. - No Dynmap. The mod pack comes with Mapwriter, but I would highly recommend Journeymap. It combines all the features of practically every other 1.7.10 mapper, and most importantly it creates its own full screen 'dynmap' as you explore. - No Towny or similar easy chunk protection. Instead you have to reach a certain tech level and build turrets and protection mobs. - Hostile mobs are really hostile. They're modded and super aggressive. Even farm mobs fight back. It's not safe to run around out in the open at night unless you're in a boat. Even with armor on you can get swarmed and killed if you're not paying attention. - No rules of engagement. PVP is enabled and pretty much anything you find is fair game. So far everyone has been reasonably friendly and helpful, and some public houses and donation spots can be found. But that could change very quickly if aggressive players join. So start thinking about a Dwarf Fortress for your base/home. Don't build a wooden house anywhere near spawn or high traffic areas, it's gonna get cleaned out, griefed, or removed entirely for teh lulz. - Check the mods list and start reading up. The high difficulty is balanced with advantages from multiple tech schools, new/modded recipes, and some limited witch magic. NEI can reveal some recipes and combinations, but obviously not all of them. If I'm wrong about any of this, lemmie know and I'll edit it. It's really just my perspective after many hours of running around and dying a lot. I'm finally making some progress but like I said the learning curve is kinda steep, even for a veteran.
  4. I'm also leaving. 1) The griefing wars are out of hand. Somehow, "no base raiding" turned into "ok to grief bases with lava" because someone (cough) handed out blue steel lava buckets. WTF. 2) Due to an exploit, Smart Moving is being removed, rather than enforcing the rules and removing the players that cheated with it. The rest of us really like Smart Moving and don't cheat with it. 3) The trading system is practically worthless. TAURION claimed the chunk that has to be unclaimed in front of my trading warehouse for the stalls to work. So not only do I have to replace expensive stalls anytime someone feels like stealing them, now I can't even set it back up after it was stolen twice. There needs to be a way to configure protection levels on individual claimed chunks, and single block protection for the stalls themselves. The bottom line here is that the rules need to be enforced, and admins/mods need to follow them too. Otherwise, you might as well just call it an anarchy server. Why make rules at all? Some people like that. I don't, and neither does anyone that wants to build homes and cities. It's no fun to log in and find everything you've worked many, many hours and days to build up just trashed for the lulz. Thank you for running a fun server until recently. If the major problems are fixed sometime later, I might try again.
  5. Cool thanks for the update. I don't think the griefing can ever be stopped entirely, so maybe a good block logger/rollback might work better in the long run. Another major TFC server has been using this for a long time now: I don't know how processor and time intensive it is, but I am somewhat familiar with LogBlock and this is apparently a much improved version.
  6. So is the server abandoned? Fire spread is left on, most of the traincraft recipes are broken, and (allegedly) hax0ring russians are griefing whenever they feel like it. There still needs to be some kind of single block protection for trade booths. Signs are missing from the rules board at spawn. Pyr0 is really trying to help but he's too limited as a mod. We heard noises about another non-TFC server being developed, so maybe that's where all the attention is going. We do appreciate that the server is free to join, and that a lot of effort went into making it work at all. That being said, people are leaving and the rest of us that want to stay aren't sure if we want to build anything worthwhile if it's just going to get griefed, or burned, or lost entirely when it eventually crashes and doesn't come back online. If Waterhollow is just a lost cause we would really appreciate some kind of notice. Thanks
  7. Hrm, can't dl the new pack now. I'll try again later. Error while downloading modpack: Error while downloading modpack: java.lang.Exception: Modpack download failed
  8. Is there a new modpack that FTB hasn't approved yet? Can't log in.
  9. [Offline] AssHat TFC Is Back

    neds moar ppl.
  10. [Offline] Survival TFC: AssHat Server

    yep still up, but kinda empty. come and claim an abandoned town.
  11. [Offline] Survival TFC: AssHat Server

    Crashed. Is there a restart script?
  12. Finding coal, ore depth general

    Ore spawns need to be revised at some point. T0 and copper never spawn above 130, so surface nuggets from rocks make those really easy to find with your first pick. And yeah deeper tunnels at 60 will eventually lead to everything else. Exploratory mining is kinda boring and predictable in recent versions. Also, I've noticed that exploring cave systems doesn't yield as many 'hits' on valuable ores and coal as just mining 1x2 tunnels in a straight line. Curiosity demands that I light them up and explore them anyway, but this usually ends up being a lot more trouble than it's worth with all the mob spawns... which are far more easily controlled in well lit narrow tunnels.
  13. [Offline] Survival TFC: AssHat Server

    down again, plz check
  14. I think the registration process is working again. We could use some new players. Having been on here a couple weeks now I think this is a really good server. It has 144 slots max (!) and very little lag even with a ton of mods running. The quest/npc system needs some work but it's in place. The economy is a little strange with the coins but it's well balanced, and most of the shops in towns are stocked with useful stuff. Mostly just needs some more builders. Get the entire mod pack instance for MultiMC here: and scroll down to Instance Download.
  15. You might want to point the page 1 link to facebook to the actual group page (here) rather than just the gallery... and btw it's not an open page, it still requires a fb login. Not a big deal because the mod instance archive can still be found on the web page at though. Scroll down to Instance Download. This is the one I grabbed and it works fine on the current version. Also, on the TS3 server, TT's TFC has no channel that I can find. Just one for, which as been empty every time I checked it. It's been several days since I registered on Enjin and submitted an app. I verified the account and logged into the game quite a few times. I'm still starving because I can't even eat, and none of the names I see on the game server or admins have popped up on teamspeak either. Granted I'm usually on late at night (GMT-5) but not that late. Is there some step I missed? A verification step (adding char) wasn't explained anywhere until the 2nd time I logged into Enjin and it popped up. That's a lot of hoops to jump through, and apparently I still need to be whitelisted on the server. I was really hoping it would be worth it. Sorry for the criticism, but I've seen a lot of TFC servers just fade away. Disappointing because it looks like you guys put a lot of work into the mods, map, npcs etc. Edit: I see that my Enjin app was approved on Sunday (5 days ago) but I'm still unable to interact with anything on the server. Do I need to catch an admin online? Someone mentioned ingame that the facebook page gets more attention. Seriously? If that needs to be a step in the approval process, then maybe that needs to be added to the list. Edit2: Tux let TT know about my problem and came online to fix my build status. He said the Enjin app process is supposed to auto promote on the server but it's apparently broken. Well ok, at least he's aware of it now. Thanks for the build rights.
  16. [*]In-game name: Najual [*]Age: 34 [*]Where do you come from: USA [*]Native Language (must be able to speak english): Murican! [*]Read all server rules?: Yep. [*]Where did you hear about our Server(s)?: Here.
  17. I agree that a warning message should be added, especially for neutral or simply exploring players who are not griefers. This would make (1) unnecessary if fair and clear warning is given. However, if the warning range is too much greater than the jail range, it would also make hidden (deep underground or sky fortress) bases much easier to find, especially if the range is in chunks from ceiling to bedrock. Maybe a number of warnings (every 1 or 2 seconds, total three warnings) while inside the jail range would be fair enough before it changes the spawn point. As it is I think it's way too harsh on other players who might just be passing through and got attacked... or possibly died much later and very far away without even knowing their spawn point got moved to an inescapable prison. Also, a smart and determined player could locate the prison block and possibly destroy it before they got killed unless it is inside other invulnerable blocks. Currently the prison would need to be made of vanilla obsidian, which can be gotten with wooden buckets of water on lava, and an iron or better pick. Practically anything else (other than bedrock) could be very slowly punched open if a griefer is patient enough, unless the jail room is a death trap - filled with water, surrounded by lava, or spawns into a very long fall. While this is amusing it would not be fun to make a mistake on your own bed spawn and get stuck in your own jail the next time you died. I think there does need to be some player input and bit more control, perhaps a second block/spawn point to release innocent players or even yourself. Both of these mods might do a decent job of stopping a random shithead griefer on a non-whitelisted server (which unfortunately there are a lot of) but not experienced players who spent a few hours or days building up for a raid. As for the guard mod, until there is a whitelist for it there is no point in having allies or trying to work together in the game if a clone of you attacks anyone when you log out... or get disconnected for any reason. I think that should be fixed asap. Dunno, I'm still messing with it on Sion's test server TerraCiv. Needs more players.
  18. Been messing around on here, runs pretty smoothly. Rei's and smartmoving work too. Check it out.
  19. This is a common problem on any server that does not have a border guard. It has killed several TFC servers. Anytime someone explores new territory the server gets bogged down with generating new chunks and various other open file errors, and it doesn't go away for a very long time or until the server is reset. That will obviously create a huge map file - I don't know the exact numbers but roughly 10 gig for 10x10K area. It'll calm down the lag monsters a great deal but even then if just one idiot decides to head for the pole or the equator or anywhere outside that area for any reason, everyone gets slammed with 5 second lag again and the server usually crashes. There has to be some kind of border guard along with the pregen to be effective. I don't know if that's possible in TFC due to Forge limitations. Hope this helps.
  20. Your chisel creations!!

    It's not a chiseling masterpiece, but it is a nice touch for my armory on DHB.
  21. A couple screenies from Bronze Canyon, named for the large amounts of tin and copper in and around it. The entire chasm is covered, and an extensive system of tunnels connects to other settlements. All metal types up to steel are traded here for charcoal. Many rock types are collected from mining and can also be traded for building projects. It's sort of a dwarf fortress and a mining guild. There are three permanent residents including myself, and plenty of space for more if you like mining and smithing.
  22. 5 second lag. Reboot plz thx
  23. Slink, server is unhappy again. Keeps crashing, though it's also auto rebooting. Can you take a look? Thanks man.
  24. Crash at 23:30 est, and spawn has moved to the opposite hemisphere again.