Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by ECC

  1. oi, trying to get to sleep and you respond. you arce! ;p

    yeah, firepit texture is permalit currently. but this custom model render is to replace it entirely, and 'vanilla' tfc can be ignored for this matter.

    I dont like it when something is displayed that does not exist(in most cases) as it does not make sense to me. Why do rocks appear in a recipe made entirely of sticks?

    I'll show my work later, along with some custom textures I was holding off on. for now, sleeeeeep


  2. decent, and aside from the really square base, exactly what I have on my workspace(mine has a few more parts, but let me explain)

    if you were present in the IRC, a lot of talk between the members went down. Essentially, they wanted the wood to display something similar to it burning away. 4 logs burn to 3, then 2, then 1. Well, after some explaining from span(who is a god with model rendering) I found out that you can toggle parts of a model, something I suspected already. so I did some work and bam, threw what is technically 5 models together in the same block. I'll put it up later, but sleep now, work later.

    Edit: I was avoiding using rocks inside the firepit design as they are not present in the 'crafting' of a firepit. I was avoiding any 'lit' textures as well as the fire particles would determine that, NOT the ash texture(to make it easy)


  3. quick explanation: Bottom(flat) will be a round black 'smudge' depicting the ash. The pixelated circle above it is part of that ash pile. it is comprised of 5 side by side blocks. Above it is the logs, they take the texture of the wood actively burning. If no wood is present and the firepit is out, no log renders.

    this may not all be entirely feasible(I do know its possible, but feasible is different entirely)


  4. Firepit

    Posted Image |


    quick explanation: Bottom(flat) will be a round black 'smudge' depicting the ash. The pixelated circle above it is part of that ash pile. it is comprised of 5 side by side blocks. Above it is the logs, they take the texture of the wood actively burning. If no wood is present and the firepit is out, no log renders.

    this may not all be entirely feasible(I do know its possible, but feasible is different entirely)



  5. what defines a road is if a chunk is traveled over a number of times.

    lets say in the code it needs... 60 times entering/leaving a chunk and less then 2 days spent time(record time) to be a road. Well, until I, or several players pass over it and meet those requirements(60 passes, >4800seconds record), it will not be classified as a road. the code defines what is a road, and the players act to build the data per chunk. Alternately, an OP could use a command to set the chunk data and lock it. Meaning admins could make a Desert Lake-bed Road spawn Arctic Mountain Wild mobs. Encounters if properly implemented would support map makers, server owners, and even dick greifers with Op who want to set homes to Hell.


  6. alrighty, leo, I've been holding back. Im dedicating all the time tonight to finishing V2 of the script. Then im going to run it past an online writing group(okay, i might not run it past them, writing groups tend to be... eh... not my style?) and past my brother(who is a brilliant editor... God, if only I was like him in highschool.)

    the script in question is practically a rewrite. Im doing a bit more detail, and I am thinking I should do pre-organization(scene/actor disc. at start, labels, labels, labels.)

    here is what is on my screen now. its not much, so keep that in mind. also keep in mind its unedited(has ALL of the writing I have in that particular document) aside from any spelling errors.


  7. glad to point out your fail and laugh cruelly Kreicus!

    /downloads again

    can you do the textures for Simply Horses?(and maybe... just maybe, some of CustomNPCs?)

    one selling point of this: Player skins DO NOT break the feel of the world. 16x items feel only mildly out of place and can mostly be overlooked. No other texturepack I have used before has let me feel at home doing mix n match.


  8. this is a pointless argument, one side cant see the other, and munition is wasted.

    I would find this feature really useful, just like right clicking ore is useful(oh hey, thats not coal, thats iron!)

    why? because I dont feel I need to fill my inv up with junk Im going to toss in a moment.


  9. Uhhg, havent checked this thread in a bit. if you need stone, do the following:

    use /spawn command then search the small spawn island for a character called 'Soul'

    he gives out rocks, sticks, bones, and a Rules book.

    repopulating the rocks near the spawn is useless as we get newbies who pop in and take ALL the rocks(a single newbie will grab several stacks if given the chance) and replenishing it manually becomes a task I am unwilling to dedicate myself to.


  10. idk where your from, but wet ash doesn't wash away... it sits there and gets packed in and becomes a terrible mess to clean... Until it eventually dissolves into the soil it sits on... IF its soil. More often then not, if its stone or brick, it continues to sit there... Wind can clear ash, not water.


  11. I am doing a followup on a player on my(read, gwinans) server, terrakingdoms and would like to get some more information on ninjaa_b and lavawane360. any chance I could get PM'd whatever information you have? Screenshots, blocklog, chatlog, any and all information you can spare me. This is only a followup, but I want my information to be complete.


  12. One aspect is this is brilliant, though I cant actually say anything on this without you going into more detail. I see Huge flaws in this system, one of them being players like myself, ejzzje, etc. not only have we figured the system behind current smithing, we can tell you... ahem... math behind it.(but we wont, because we are dicks and like to keep in business on servers by selling our art, not letting you make it.)


  13. use an external editor to remove the block. or use sand/dirt(occasionally they seem to 'fix' this by falling into it)

    I Strongly suggest the first method of getting rid of it. the later is less desirable and may not even work. Finally, I advise using cheats to '/gamerule mobGriefing false' to turn off creeper explosions(and endermen running around with flowers XD) so there is minimal chance of this occurring again


  14. I can confirm this bug, though I have had it only once, it crashed only my client. Same conditions. I was running forge 471, player api 1.1, smart moving 11.10 and build 75. at the time I wrote it off as a arrow related issue.

    this was right after 75 came out, I can not say much more on it other then the time it occurred.

    the physical condition of the tree was natural, spawned with initial generation, planted(on the ground) and on a hill(some blocks nearby taller then the lowest blocks of the tree). I axed the 5th block from the ground. I ended up crashing then. Ended with a report and all(looking back, that should have been a red flag). on login, I found the tree properly axed, however my axe took only one durability hit(something I was happy about... XD).


  15. bumping to say, brilliant, only nitpick is maces(but I read ahead and found in the comments something that satisfied that) so now I have spent a few minutes liking your post. I'd say the level of advancement behind this though belongs somewhere in the TFC2 section.

    on to business: Other weapons, tools even. How does/could it apply?

    Breaking: even the best smith makes shit weapons, and you can lose a weapon this way.

    Reforging(repairing said broken weapons): this a thing, or you just sticking with immortal steel?



    I need someone to go over that and tell me whats wrong before I bother a rewrite. I already went over it once with my own checks, though it was a very light check(I literally only looked for the red squiggles XD)

    so, with that said, first draft done, leo, I leave you to choosing lore. I have other things in mind, more /in game/ stuff rather then external. some camera work, some text work, maybe audio. When your on the IRC, we need to get into a talk about where you'd like me to focus(or if you rather me play free where the only limit is my own cannon)


  17. coding in a new knapping recipe is quite literally like adding in a recipe for the crafting table. or it should be. in the case of this, 8 recipes would be needed, 4 knives, 4 hoes

    this is not me supporting the idea, just mentioning the ease of adding it.


  18. sequoias and kapok saplings do in fact exist and can be spawned in though cheats. Kapok saplings have little to no chance of ever existing in the world, however sequoia can spawn in ONLY naturally. The naturally spawned in can be picked up and moved at will.
