Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Palisight

  1. Balthizarlucien, you should probably talk to Cuchaz and possibly suggest ideas (or directly contribute) that could improve the efficiency of cubic chunks


    If TFC2 goes cubic chunks, it will probably be based on the Tall Worlds mod considering both Bioxx and dunkleosteus said re-writing the engine was too much work for cubic chunks




    As a warning the Tall Worlds mod hasn't been optimized and currently has a gigantic memory leak, so you need at least 4 GB RAM  to test anything


  2. What I don't get is why the existance of bad seeds is a problem


    What is so wrong about


    1.) Seed generated

    2.) Players see seed is a deathtrap

    3.) Players exit game and try again


    Using Balthizarlucien's data, 121/125 seeds are fine (96.8%)


    This doesn't sound like a problem


  3. The thing is


    1.) The numbers in TFC are often based off of gameplay reasons rather than real life

    2.) Real human beings have to worry about eating every month of thier lives, in TFC you only have to worry about eating when you log in to the server. And time passes as long as a single person is logged in to the server, where as time always passes in real life

    3.) Your agricultural tools will only include tools currently implented by TFC

    4.) You will the crop rotation system in TFC does not describe the nuitrients used by the plants, nor will you get real life methodology from crop rotation

    5.) Most servers use 96 day years rather than 365.25 day years. All of them use 20 minute days


    For these reasons, you would be using a abstracted simulation based off of real life rather than basing things on real life


    Using TFC as a model, you would probably get awnsers such as this:


    Why did you settle here?


    We found lots of native copper nuggets on the ground, the rock layer close by has limestone which can be used as flux, and there is clay nearby


    Describe this land:


    Sure, first we leveled the ground using creeper explosions and shovels. Then we build this wall with lips so giant spiders can't jump over the walls......


    Basically you are doing yourself a disservice by using your hobby as your project. If you would instead use real life sources, you could potentially enjoy your hobby more as you would learn more about the facts behind the scenes of TFC


  4. When body temperature is added, spawning at the bottom of the sea could be a death trap


    I'm not sure how spawning in a tree would count (except in hardcore), unless TFC removed the 20 block variance in respawning at the spawn point, in which case implementing a spawn radius could prevent that


  5. After reading the arguments in this forum one would think TFC smithing is really complicated.....I'm not sure why, most people can probably learn it from a youtube video (maybe people with some learning disabilities couldn't learn it for example)


    And looking at the ap, I question how someone who didn't learn at least the basics could even use it properly. The only thing its seems to do is give people the awnser, which saves coal and hammer durability


    It doesn't give players metals, it doesn't give them anvils, it doesn't give them blast furnaces. It gives players nothing required to start blacksmithing. The players have to get those themselves (unless they steal, which is a different issue) 

    Are you really going to argue the time saved from using the ap is going to be a more significant factor than the amount of metal available to the blacksmith???? Somehow I'm doubting the ap will give players the ability to rise the blacksmith ladder faster without playing significantly longer or probably the real key to being a successful SMP blacksmith: making more friends on the server (more friends-->more trades--> more metal-->more blacksmithing-->more trades.....)


    You can see through the smithing minigame with a peice of paper, a pencil, and the TFC wiki. The amount of time required to learn it is being way over exaggerated in this thread, as is the amount of panic


    Now a blacksmith that uses the ap and x-ray (or with metal suppliers that use x-ray) has a significant advantage (as x-ray gives metal at a much faster rate than someone playing legitly), but thats a different story


    Either way this thread seems to be going into the territory of "people are cheating, we have to stop it". And thats madness territory I don't want to go considering people can use even something as simple as resource packs to cheat. You can try to be enforcers of legitness if you want....good luck at that


  6. I'm really struggling to understand Bunsan's arguments, They seemed to be based off of a rationality of comparative advantage, which may have made some sort of sense back in the day where there were 3 prongs and the durability of the tool was dependant on how close you were to the little prong


    But now there is one prong and the really only penalties for taking longer are hammer durability and coal consumption. Any differences in tools are related to skill (which basically translates to # of blacksmith operations)


    I have no idea what its like to run a server, but I'm having a hard time comprehending the "severity" of the issue of the legit blacksmith versus the tool using blacksmith


    Are you saying that SMP servers are so "economically" competative that a legit blacksmith that uses say 3 times the amount of hammers and coal compared to the tool using blacksmith would find themselves out of a job?


  7. Time to play devil's advocate:


    I'm going to challenge the the concept of "once it has been seen, it cannot be un-seen" when regard to TFC numbers


    The theory behind it seems to be based off of knowing how magic tricks work ruins the magic of magic tricks, which is true because its easy to remember how a trick works


    But the smithy mechanics for example are a bunch of numbers related to smithy actions. I remember reading a post on the MCF where someone posted the numbers related to the actions. "Ruining the magic" would basically require memorizing the numbers. I'm doubting seeing the numbers had any affect on the "magic" without a active attempt to memorize the numbers. This may be different for people with a photographic memory, but I'm doubting that small demographic is the concern here


    Really the scenario here is once you memorize the numbers or abstracted numbers (which will happen if you play the mod long enough), you will remember them. I think the real issue here is people like Kitty know the game in and out and can't look at the game with fresh eyes.


    Yes those first Tin or Zinc tools you made years ago was probably the most fun you had anviling tools. Once you figured out how to make perfect tools, it probably just became routine. That isn't coming back and you don't want people to miss out on the experience


    The thing is though, not everyone likes that experience. I like solving differential equations for example, a lot of people don't and would wish they could just use a program that gives them the awnser. Its the same thing with smithing. They would rather just use a program that just gives them thier awnser. To each thier own


    And there are probably people out there who would prefer the numbers available so they could do the math themselves rather than use the program


    You can't please everyone. Some people will object to allowing anything because the fun has been ruined from them (which probably happened by playing the mod a lot rather than a posting of information on the forum), some people want more information, and some people want the awnser handed to them.


    What I'm questioning here is the amount of alarm based off someone posting information without spoilor tags when the assimilation of the information requires active memorization or lots of time playing the mod


  8. If floating blocks annoy you, try out Enviromine. It probably has the best block physics known to Minecraft 1.7.10


    If you are going to combine TFC and Enviromine, I'd suggest starting with the Enviromine configs from kev12east's Technofirma mod pack and editing them to your liking


  9. Is there something you want to do that you can't do to a .lang file using notepad++?


    I was under the impression notepad++ was the normally used editor for .lang files


    That being said you can probably change the associated file type by


    Control Panel


    Default Programs

    Set Associations


  10. If you decide to port this to TFC 2, when it comes out you will probably want to talk to Bioxx about modifying the Forge/Blast Furnace code to allow Railcraft coke as a fuel. Bioxx implied that Railcraft compatibility modifications would be preferable to adding TFC coke. There is no point in bringing up modifications to the TFC 1 Forge/Blast Furnace code


    Have you brought up the subject (or read about someone bringing up the subject) of TFC water in Railcraft tanks to Covert Jaguar?


    The only way gold redstone combinations make any sense if there are some chemical or magical properties from the combination that makes things like powered rails possible. Maybe create a gold and redstone alloy and think of a recipe to add it to rails. The realistic choice is adding a electro plating technique, but something tells me you would prefer to go with welding instead


    Circuit boards are "beyond the scope of the TFC timeline". So you might as well add blocks that make them that are outside the TFC timeline. Can you imagine someone using Chlorine or Sulphur based acids in wooden barrels (without thoughts of horror of course)?


  11. Well since everyone is probably thinking it and noone wants to say it, making sandwhiches a pre-requiste for metal tools makes no sense whatsoever


    The suggestion of agriculture 1st, then metal tools has been described several times on the forums


    It was usually suggested as to require the 1st harvest before you can make straw, which does make sense. Several members on this forum were in favor of the change.


    It would not be adapted in TFC main as it would force players into a particular playstyle. It would also make PVP competition base raids even more devastating than they currently are


    But for cooperative modded games, it could work.


    Alternatively the addition of a tool needed for metal tools that was made from agricultural products (for at least the 1st one. You could also make metal tool counterparts once you have lots of metal and metalworking capacity you wouldn't needed the agriculture product version anymore). I can't think of a agriculture product tool input for metal tools (other than straw) off the top of my head, but maybe someone else can think of one if this idea is desireable


  12. The system can always be tweaked.


    If its a problem people can't gain nuitrition without Salads/Sandwiches, then perhaps the ability to gain nutitrition with starting game food should be possible


    As long as the starting game foods are significantly inferior (on the time basis needed to gain the same amount of nuitrition/hunger) to advanced foods, the incentive to make advanced foods will still exist


    Also the mininum health value of 50 HP could always be raised


  13. Bunsan, you might be on to something. I'm wondering if adding some dimension 0 specifications to the environmental variables could solve some of these problems


  14. The change would affect the early game before you have metal equipment (when you try to avoid combat as much as possible). You won't have high levels, so you don't care if you lose the levels


    You don't have to intentionally suicide to exploit this. You can ignore nuitrition and your nuitrition will reset for free when you accidentilly die


    If you want gameplay ramifications take two hypothetical Terrafirmacrack teams


    Team 1:

    Ignores nuitrition until they have blue steel

    Die once to reset nuitrition, then go on mob killing sprees before the final event to bring levels up to forty something or whatever


    Team 2

    The team members starts keeping up thier nuitrition near the start of the 2-week period.


    Team 2 is only rewarded for doing so if some of the players manage not to die for most of the 2 weeks (early deaths before nuitrition and levels are gained are meaninless). Its a gamble that isn't likely to pay off considering playing for 2 weeks means you'll likely randomly die from fall damage or get trapped by mobs at some point


    Basically tech first-->nuitriton later pays off, where nuitrition 1st--> tech later has no benefits other than "you aren't being gamey"


    You can even justify yourself saying the means to protect yourself are more important than a well balanced diet. Given you live in a world with monsters.....that's probably the realistic priority you would choose in real life. I'll bet any soldier  would place arming themselves as a higher priority than balanced meals


  15. Personally, I don't value "combat skill" as much as "preparedness with items."  To me, Minecraft is not really a game about player skill so much as an RPG with character skill and technology progression.


    Arguing a concept is believable or realistic will not automatically make it considered for implementation. You basically have to convince a dev to implement it.


    People have suggested shields many times. I would be surprised if a dev implemented them. Based off of what Kitty is saying, I'm doubting a rock throwing sling would be implemented either


    TFC isn't a RPG. You really overestimate the "prepardness with items" part of TFC. TFC isn't about holding items that make it so you can't be killed. If there are skeletons you can't handle, you need to figure out how to avoid/evade them, not craft items that will protect you from them.


  16. The idea that has previously been mentioned is for TFC to be compatible with tech mods, so once you reach steel you can continue in the tech mods of your choice


    dunkleosteus mentioned adding mechanical and steam power sources, but that would probably be years away IF it is ever implemented at all


    So don't hold tour breath for those


    Most tech mods mostly work with minetweaker. You will have to cheat in anything from the Nether/End or make up nonsensical recipes.


  17. Use Custom Ore Generation. Some of the users on the Gregtech thread have claimed to be able to spawn the remaining GT ores that aren't spawned in TFC using COG.


    Disclaimer: I've never tried this myself, so ask on the GT thread or the MCF COG thread if you need help


  18. I think any person without a personal grudge against Kitty is going to see that Trenix is acting unreasonable here. Trenix clearly has some misplaced entitlement issues here. The mere fact that Trenix even thought "I will leave if something isn't done about Kitty" would accomplish anything is a symptom of a grossly inflated sense of worth to this forum.


    Noone is going to look down on you for banning Trenix.


  19. The correct corporate analogies would be:

    Bioxx is the CEO. dunkleosteus is the Vice President of the company. Kitty is the manager of the wiki and forum with aspirations of becoming a Vice President


    As far as managment goes, Kitty has the lowest status. Which means she has to due the menial tasks noone else wants to do (like read every forum post) and filter out the important forum information from the crap. She will presumedly have to do that until the next aspiring developer comes along that all three of them approve. This is to be expected.


    The only thing out of the ordinary here is that Kitty's current responsibilites also include management of the wiki. Someone else should really take over that responsibility. It doesn't take a developer to maintain a wiki. Of course if there is noone Kitty finds acceptable to take over that responsibility, then well the wiki development will have to lag until someone acceptable steps up to the plate.


  20. Trenix, the TFC devs consider community input far more than any other Minecraft mod developer I know of


    They have no obligation whatsoever to listen to community input. They can make whatever they want, and people can either play it or don't


    As a practical manner, because Kitty reads every single post on this forum. It makes perfect sense to say no to a suggestion that has 0% chance of happening. Maybe immediately locking the topic was unneccesary, but its not uncalled for. Whats the point of allowing discussion for something that won't happen


    That being said, Kitty clearly tries to do too much around here. Clearly real life+forum administrator+wiki admin+aspiriations of becoming a TFC developer are too much considering the lack of progress on the wiki


    I don`t know if there is anyone who wants some of that responsibility (if there isn`t then well we will have to live with the lack of progress)


  21. 1024x1024 in TFC is nothing


    For practicle reasons, you would want larger maps than you would in vanilla


    I also noticed no mention whether or not your map would be functional if you are underground. This seems to be a important omission.


    And as a warning, most players here use map mods, so your suggestion is irrelevant to most players here. There is a minority that considers map mods cheating, but its unlikely your suggestion will get much praise for this reason.


  22. The idea that has been repeatedly mentioning is moving the fantasy monsters underground (which for a practical coding reasons probably means below sea level) and having hosile animals above ground


    Just because a dev sais it will happen, doesn't mean it will


    I remember dunkleosteus posting saying he had good ideas to rework the Nether, improve the Ender Dragon. add mechanical power to TFC, cubic chunks compatibility


    Its doubtful any of those 4 ideas will be added to TFC. There is also a good chance the lets move fantasy mobs underground idea are in the exact same boat


  23. Here is what I would do


    Get the pistol source code from the FSP github


    Make a seperate minimod using the pistol source code and the Terrafirmacraft API (disclaimer: I've never used the TFC API, so if this isn't currently possible, changes should be made to the TFC API so custom weapons can be made)
