Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by raymondbh

  1. [OFFLINE][0.79.25] - TFC with addons!

    I don't run Cauldron, so can't have any bukkit plugins.
  2. [OFFLINE][0.79.25] - TFC with addons!

    Whitelisted peeps so far: gavinjon noisyfireknight Mythirevas Dianix Banned: Xxkillguy32xX - Banned for stealing.
  3. [OFFLINE][0.79.25] - TFC with addons!

    Updated thread. Edit: The thief is found and banned. For you honest ppl, post here or in our forum to get on the white list.
  4. [OFFLINE][0.79.25] - TFC with addons!

    Yes, that is just right. We are running the recommended version of NEI and CCC, any newer and it will crash with TFC...
  5. [OFFLINE][0.79.25] - TFC with addons!

    Towny or Factions does not run on Forge, and TFC and Cauldron are not friends (and Cauldron is no longer maintained, not officially anyway) NEI is acting strange, you have to log into a single player world, exit it without quitting Minecraft, then enter the server and it works. I have no idea why it is acting like this, but I will look into it.
  6. [TFC 0.79.23+] TFC-Additions 1.0.4

    Thanks for the heads up @XxNyssaXx! sorry I don't have a release for the new blocks you made textures for, but I kinda need those other items to make recipies... Hopefully someone can help me with them, or I have to come back when I have some more time to work on textures myself...
  7. [OFFLINE][0.79.25] - TFC with addons!

    It should be playable now, but I have a hard time getting the permission and protection work... so please! no griefing or stealing!
  8. [OFFLINE][0.79.25] - TFC with addons!

    Thank you for the feedback, I will investigate this tomorrow, it might be something with the newest ForgeEssentials...
  9. [TFC 0.79.23+] TFC-Additions 1.0.4

    Preview of what's to come: A million thanks to @XxNyssaXx for the textures! I got a lot to do at work this days, so progress is kind of limited, but if any one else would be able to help with textures, or have blocks/items they want to see in this mod, give me a hint! What I need of textures now to continue: Items: Wood planer Planed wood planks (a little smoother version of the TFC planks) Nails (we need nails) Also for my planned support of CarpentersBlocks, a carpenters table would be awesome.
  10. Favorite Heavy Metal Band?

    In Flames (Swedish)
  11. World generation

    Ok, I see. Just though it looked kind of strange... :-)
  12. World generation

    It looks very unnatural...
  13. [TFC 0.79.23+] TFC-Additions 1.0.4

    I haven't ran it on a server yet, this is only a preview... but I shall look into it. Edit: I've fixed it, it should be working on the next preview version >0.1.0, thank you for the crashlog.
  14. [TFC 0.79.23+] TFC-Additions 1.0.4

    That would be cool Nyssa. Planning to keep it updated... :-)
  15. [TFC 0.79.23+] TFC-Additions 1.0.4

    An overlay sounds like a great idea, but I have no idea how to do that... Currently I have been tinkering in GIMP.
  16. [TFC 0.79.23+] TFC-Additions 1.0.4

    Thank you. You can find the blocks in the creative inventory and if you break them with a pickaxe they will drop, just like smooth stone.
  17. TFC-Additions

    Hello I'm currently working on an addon to TFC that will add things I miss in TFC. First thing I have started on i adding some modes to the Chisel so it can chisel cooler blocks. But I need some help with the textures, they are a lot of work... This is how far I am now (yes the texture need work). If anyone have any good ideas for more blocks, or could contribute with some textures, it would be great! This is how the CTM textures are linked (Corners without color coding is get from the standard block texture...). The source: Input is welcome
  18. [TFC 0.79.22] TerraFirmaChisel (Beta)

    @aliceingame: I currenty working on a addon for TFC that add custom chisel modes to the TFC chisel (no need for one more chisel right!?). How ever, I need some help with the textures, they are a lot of work! So any TFC related texture that fits the Chisel 2 team (blocks with dent and other connected texture blocks) are very welcome.
  19. [Request] TFC Maven repo

    A pitty... but OK :-)
  20. [Request] TFC Maven repo

    Is there a TFC Maven repo to make dependencies for addons easier?
  21. [TFC 0.79.29] Cellars Addon

    Shouldn't the "Ice Bunker" block be in the middle of the floor? not to the far end...
  22. Adding Chisel modes

  23. Adding Chisel modes

    I am working on a addon that adds more modes to the TFC Chisel. But I'm kind of stuck. Is the easiest way to do this to override the TFC chisel, and reimplement it in the addon with the extra modes, or is there a way to add this via the API? (I have looked, but cant find a way)