Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Simmstein

  1. Scorched ground

    My idea is basically that fire turns grass and dirt to dry, scorched land. I was watching a video of the once-again wildly spreading fire in Snapshot 12w34a where they burnt down a jungle. What was left was a nice lively green meadow, I think it would be great if there was a mechanic in tfcraft where as fire causes dirt/grass blocks to turn into scorched earth blocks, leaving a desolate landscape after forest fires & takes time for grass & plants to grow back like irl. pros it is way more realisticit gives more aesthetic diversity (maybe build dark fortress with a lava moat in the middle of a burnt forest ;] or etc. )it might provide more attention to fire safety which is an ecological concern /there have been a lot of forest fires this summer.../-it provides a nwecallage to the player : rebuild the damaged environment consit will probably make the already hefty large fires even more CPU intensiveit might lead to some rage/grief after your carefully and slowly build, organised and nurtured fruit tree farm burns down to usles dirtit doesn't seem like an essential aspect of tfcraft /but it would be cool to have it/it might be hard and/or time consuming to codeA simpler alternative...maybe? Just having the grass turn back to dirt after it burns. Should still create the "desolate look" with less work. " + easier & faster to make, less CPU load - not quite as nice looking/realistic /but much more doable?/ Please add any pros/cons, ideas, opinions and such you might have
  2. Scorched ground died a long time ago Unfortunate but that is the viscous cycle of forum threads, it was conceived as a thought, born as a simple suggestion post, grew a bit but its time came...and recently fore some reason it revived but it wasn't what it used to be Why not I'm all for recycling And here is just sth that gets me stoked ;P http-~~-//
  3. Scorched ground

    I guess that would save the whole task of making new textures and blocks and probably some other stuff too. Having the blocks disappear I feel could cause some unwanted side-effects and bugs tho. But having the grass disappear seems like an easier and maybe viable substitute, not quite the same, but it seems the original might not be a plausible option. hmmmm =/
  4. Scorched ground

    Yeah i thought it might be troublesome to code but i can't really code so idk btw tnx, been following the mod since it came out, but never came around to visiting the forum before xD