Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Draco18s

  1. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    *Sees post about dragons* *Skims* Wait, Dunk doesn't outright dismiss the suggestion? *Re-evaluates Dunk* ++?????++ Out of Cheese Error. Redo From Start. I'm partial to dragons, but I dunno about having them in Minecraft. Especially in TFC, which is supposed to be more conforming to reality (within limits, of course, but not the fantasy of...well, fantasy).
  2. Easy way to get lots of wood

    I did a test in creative. Hickory vs. Sequoia. The speed difference was small enough that I can attribute it to the time difference in starting the fires. The amount of charcoal difference was also reall small. 8 units more from Hickory (64+ 64 + 4 vs 64 + 60).
  3. Fintite/Infinte water

    Never said I was perfect.
  4. "Organic" Knapping and moar tools

    That'd only make the process more tedius, without increasing....any beneficial game effect.
  5. Tropical Island Biome Suggestion

    I actually thought about how that would work, mechanically, in Minecraft on my way home. Notably not for TFC, but for Mystcraft (see: Riven, and how it was structured and changed over time). I didn't come to a satisfying conclusion.
  6. Crystal, Gem & Metal Magics

    Diamonds would be found in kimberlite and lamproite.
  7. Easy way to get lots of wood

    Hickory and Maple are both better "burning" woods, as they burn hotter and longer than Ash, though they do have a longer grow time as well. Aspen is identical to Ash, so is another viable wood. Sequoia is a garbage wood as far as burning goes. Low temp and medium duration. Kapok is worse: medium-low temp and short duration. Both are best used as materials for construction (due to high counts and low usefulness). I still haven't done any comparative tests to see if wood traits influence charcoal making (I've only ever thrown "garbage" wood into my charcoal pits; Birch, Spruce, Pine, Fir, Cedar....) Though I plan to find out sometime soon if a charcoal pit made out of Hickory generates more charcoal than one out of Sequoia or not. Or if it takes a different amount of time.
  8. Build 50, Sluice isn't worth it?

    Yeah, it does nothing passively, which is one change I'd make. (That is, simply leaving it alone will eventually get you something, but it'd be better used filling it with dirt, as the passive would be the equivalent of 1 dirt every minute or less, rather than the 10 seconds when active).
  9. Tropical Island Biome Suggestion

    And it'll probably take a few more times. Know why? Because this is the only forum I've been on in 10+ years that has a +like feature enabled. And a community entrenched deeply over its use. (I take that back, Firefall's forums do too, but I'm following a single thread over there)
  10. Crystal, Gem & Metal Magics

    I keep hoping though. Its not. Even tried to go home with a needle still stuck in my ankle (I didn't even get to my car; it hurt like a b*tch, but once it was out no harm done). They're really thin needles.
  11. "Organic" Knapping and moar tools

    Different shaped rocks would be tricky to do with the MC data format. They wouldn't stack with each other. And if they did, how would you go about looking for one that is "appropriately shaped for an axe"?
  12. Crystal, Gem & Metal Magics

    It's like homeopathy, acupuncture, and armoatherapy: No scientific evidence that it's anything more than a placebo effect.
  13. Tropical Island Biome Suggestion

    This has my vote.
  14. Fintite/Infinte water

    Other than not using capital letter But very nice.
  15. New Wood Type: Blue Mahoe Green leaves with bright red/orange flowers.
  16. Fintite/Infinte water

    I mean that I realize that non-native speakers aren't going to have the same fluency that a native speaker should have.
  17. Fortification

    Hmm. The only problem with that is a non-solid block would make a poor roof material. But I like the direction.
  18. Fortification

    Might work, though I was thinking more along the lines of something that a player wouldn't notice (or would have trouble noticing), giving it a use in multiplayer.
  19. Fintite/Infinte water

    I wasn't offended. I never am. But I'd like to see people use the language properly. I do give allowances for non-native speakers, but I'll still point out errors so they can better their use of the language. (Also, yes, my second corrective post was in jest, as should have been realized from the alot article)
  20. Fortification

    I'd rather have some other special block to use on the tops of pit traps that is placeable in a floating position, so you don't have to dig under it from the side in order to replace the spikes.
  21. charcoal pit?

    Oh, I know. I just meant that I've used my bloomery once so far. ^..^ Mainly because I don't have stacks and stacks of ore I'm willing to admit that I ran the trace minerals MCedit filter. I hadn't expected the nickle to show up so close to spawn, or so shallow.
  22. charcoal pit?

    Heh. Haven't gotten to that point yet. ^..^; Still waiting on my sluices to dredge up enough copper from the ore sample below it. I suppose I could just dig it out, but hey, I'll happily milk an infinite resource as much as I can. (My problem is that the sluices are finding iron and nickle, not copper! I may just dig up the copper and let the sluices find the iron XD)
  23. bee hives (for food and crop polination)

    Eeeh. It takes more than one bee to make a hive. In nature when a hive gets too big, a new queen takes roughly half of the existing hive with her when they swarm. In my (admittedly limited) poking around, doing a hive split in Real Life involves locating the current queen and putting her in a new hive box, as to encourage the workers to rear one of the larvae as a new queen. As an addendum, there are two kinds of hives that are "period appropriate": Fixed comb hives (which are what DF uses) Top-bar hives (which are similar in function to modern hives, but date back to ancient Greece) Fixed comb hives require the destruction of the hive to get the honey, but are easy to make as all it requires is a hollow container (hollow log, clay pot, etc.). Top bar hives allow a portion of the hive to be easily removed, pressed for honey, and then the now-empty bar can be placed back on the hive container for new construction.
  24. bee hives (for food and crop polination)

    Ok? And what would you do with it?
  25. bee hives (for food and crop polination)

    I'd go the Dwarf Fortress route: Beehives are seeded once at world-gen, but that you can construct artificial hives, and transplant them. Once a hive is "large" enough, you can split it and make two hives. (DF has a "bee counter" for how many bees are in a hive, you can do a split if you have at least 40,000 bees in the one hive, and a hive maxes out at something like 100,000) That way you don't have to worry so much about replenishing natural hives, but give the player the ability to create more for their own use. (DF also destroys a hive in order to collect the honey though modern methods don't kill any bees, due to having removable sections of the hive: knock the bees off, remove the honey comb, stick the frame back into the box. All depends on what time period you want to work with)