Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Draco18s

  1. Redstone

    I'm fine with the OP's suggestion on how to make redstone, but making it burn out every 86 minutes is overkill. (That, or some other kind of mechanism device to do redstone-like-things as a replacement. Just FYI: even clockwork machines in the real world can be made Turing Complete, the disadvantage of clockwork machines is that they are very delicate and prone to breaking down, so if the goal is to prevent Turing Completeness with whatever will "replace" redstone, just be advised that it isn't possible while still also allowing basic functionality; e.g. "that door opens when the lever is up, and that second door closes" as that requires a NOT gate, and using only NOT gates and OR gates, one can extrapolate all other gates, as has been demonstrated by vanilla redstone)
  2. Magma Forges, and smelters.

    Don't even need search, it's on the first page.
  3. Ore Yields Question

    15, actually, may even be slightly less. "Large" (aka regular size, not small) nuggets are slightly under 4. I haven't yet worked out the exact values. Just that 15 small do fill a mold, and that 4 large ones have overflow (put a second mold in the fire).
  4. Redstone

    I'm a tau man, myself. Pi is Still Wrong. In any case, as to the suggestion: Having redstone last 4.3 days (3.4 days, whatever) makes neigh on all redstone contraptions completely useless. I don't mean the massive computers people build, I mean simple things like double doors activated by a pressure plate. Which still require a redstone torch (or three) to work properly. Having to dig up my floor every 86 minutes of real time just to use my front door is not useful.
  5. Kriging a Geostatistics tool

  6. Kriging a Geostatistics tool

    Obviously someone has never played Google Sepuku. Find a handful of random Japanese (or Chinese, if you prefer) and plug two or three of them into Google image search. Keep scrolling until you find something that makes you wish you'd never played. (Ironically, I managed this in English by accident. "multipart couch" I was looking for pictures of a sectional couch, but couldn't remember what it was called, so I used the word "multipart." I still to this day have no idea why half the images are sports related, or why animated gifs of a naked cowboy are even relevant).
  7. Starter metals are easy to find

    Sure. Just ran into another area of significant mineral wealth (2 cassiterite within 2 blocks of each other, 8 total) and... I got a small hematite by punching a small rock.
  8. Starter metals are easy to find

    ...To fill sluices with? Each one adds 7 dirt. If I were to dig up that same block of gravel and shove it in bodily, I'd get 20. So using a gold pan 3 times is a net profit, and on average you can gold pan a single block about 8 times before it is destroyed. Means I need to go gravel hunting less. I'm honestly surprised no one else figured that out.
  9. Starter metals are easy to find

    Started a new world (as I neigh on deleted about 8 chunks worth of stone below my house) and had the same situation. I in fact had a full stack of copper before any other metal (including from sluicing). 6 of which I got before having two of any other metal (except the silver in the first two sluices I built, which are sifting out piles of silver--18 nuggets so far). All told from rocks (all very close to my house) I've picked up 8 small cassiterite, 9 native copper, and 4 small bismuth. The two sluices I set up near where I found the four bismuth have collected 18 more nuggets, though the two sluices near where I found the copper have sifted out a mere 3 nuggest of cassiterite. Every torch (excepting my house, lower right) is where I found a nugget of some metal. Just up-right of center is the third set of sluices.
  10. Smithing

    Hit, last Hit, not last Means that of the last three actions, two of them need to be hits. Either the last and next-to-last or the last, and third-last. Essentially read the list from the bottom up as your last three actions. 1) Hit, last 2) Hit, not last 3) Draw, not last Reads: [everything else], draw, hit, hit
  11. That's what the quote is for. It indicates what I was replying to. It even contains a super duper handy dandy link in it to take you back to the post being quoted.
  12. *Facepalm* That is what the quote was for.
  13. Mods you use alongside TFC

    I have discovered that Buildcraft is compatible, as it does not require ModLoader It, however, is limited due to the lack of redstone and vanilla cobblestone. But a few contraptions should be possible.
  14. Finite liquids have been previously mentioned as "not going to happen." http://terrafirmacra...dpost__p__21056 http://terrafirmacra...nservation-law/ http://terrafirmacra...ndpost__p__9939 And unless I'm mistaken, this suggestion uses finite liquids to work.
  15. And that is why it won't be implemented.
  16. Wiki Missing a Few Things, Listed.

    "How else would you make tools without ingots?" has two reponses: 1) That question is unrelated to what he was saying. He's saying that the ingots that CANNOT be made into tools need to have an indication as such 2) Knapping As for metals not listing that they can't be used for tools... Pig Iron says that "you cannot use it for tools" Sterling silver says that you can use it in the following ways: (empty list) Platinum says that it "has no use." That is what is likely confusing our poor reader here. Some pages don't say directly that a given metal is inappropriate for tools, and instead either says there is no use, or that it's use is an empty list.
  17. Kriging a Geostatistics tool

    No, I created three new volumes to do that. XD Anyway: woo!
  18. Kriging a Geostatistics tool

    Where is that? I can't find it. : (I should note that my data is from minecraft surface scans, with a few data points from an exploratory tunnel, and I do know where the ore is, but I thought I'd have fun visualizing the data)
  19. Kriging a Geostatistics tool

    No, I mean, it only does the surfaces of the cube. It doesn't have any way to look at a single slice. So I went and ran the exact same settings on a couple single-slices. But as you should be able to see, those slices aren't accurate to the whole cube. WAY more of the dark blue along that z-axis edge.
  20. Kriging a Geostatistics tool

    It doesn't matter what number I put in, I can't see any data points. As for images, the tag and I blindly tried a smaller value and got a heat-map. Woo. Unfortunately, depite being a 3D algorithm and renderer, it only does a heatmap on the surface of each cartesian grid face. Sadface.
  21. Kriging a Geostatistics tool

    ...Not really. : In terms of English, I understood, but in trying to actually do I caused the program to crash (ok, this is only if I attempt to change the plot settings). I get to the part where it shows a graph and has the mix/max sliders, but I don't have a next button at this point. So even when I have a graph that "looks good" I can't do anything with it. (Not that I can tell if the graph is right or not...I only see a line, no data points)
  22. Kriging a Geostatistics tool

    Ah, thanks! *Fiddles* ...and how do you generate the heat map?
  23. Kriging a Geostatistics tool

    It's probably closer to .16 for traces, .33 for small, etc. In any case, I still haven't figured out how to enter data.
  24. Kriging a Geostatistics tool

    That, right there, is really cool. It might be a nuke for a flyswatter, but hey. I decided to poke at the software myself and I can't figure out how to input data. :
  25. Kriging a Geostatistics tool

    I wonder if kirging is possible already, given the information we can obtain with the prospector's pick. Assign values to the various results, e.g. 10% = traces, 20% = small, etc. and plug those values, along with the X, Y, Z coordinates you're standing at at the time, and it could potentially solve the distribution curve for you