Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Leosallespoli

  1. Geological Events

  2. Hello! im new too TF craft

    Renadi, where are you from? you should update your location if you can.
  3. Naval suggestions

    No. Just... No... It would break your PC.
  4. Hello! im new too TF craft

    Wow, now it doesn't hurt my eyes!!!
  5. Hello! im new too TF craft

    Commas? That is just the start I think that it is "in the world", but hey, english is not OUR native language.
  6. Hello! im new too TF craft

    Duuuuuuuuuuunk, Duuuuuuunk! where is Dunk when someone needs him? Please teach him english!
  7. Vertical Windmills

    For me, physiscs in minecraft always look messed up.
  8. Vertical Windmills

    Welcome to the TFC forums, pick your major or do the extensive course!
  9. Vertical Windmills

    Like we didn't overthink EVERY POSSIBLE FEATURE.
  10. How old do you think I am?

    I'm sure that you can't be sure that you aren't sure.
  11. Vertical Windmills

    you know what... I would like to animate that...
  12. Geological Events Maybe a little too much??
  13. Ocean Of Sphalerite

    I would guess he was talking to irl formations...
  14. ye old vine problem

    What is the suggestion?? Why is this thing here?
  15. Fragments of Knowledge

    That is not the right link
  16. Fragments of Knowledge

    That is up to the wiki contributors, you know, you can be a part of it
  17. Fragments of Knowledge

    I think someone suggested something similar and the idea was shotdown, because there is a experimentation process with every feature and should be fun to learn for yourself. That and how weird would it be if you would walk around the world as a caveman and found "hey this is the way you should make an anvil!"
  18. Forests,and how i think they should be

    Hey Wolf, I've asnwered that Btw, I don't really know how the particles are supposed to go in a fallen boulder, I've seen mine detonations, but this has a lot more to deal with art... I'll try something like this: (3:00) But if anyone has a sketch to send me, I'm open for suggestions
  19. Forests,and how i think they should be

    Now that it works I can go to sleep, Good night to you all!
  20. Forests,and how i think they should be

    Forgot about that... yeah... it can!
  21. Forests,and how i think they should be

    It is 2:36AM here, I'm not with the whole brain working, I'd like to figure out a weird behavior towards a pathing I did, I don't know why the particles just teleports and blinks... Weird...
  22. Forests,and how i think they should be

    You know, I thought of that earlier today? It is possible, but without them emitting lighting, just as a particle that appears randomly with tick... Although I don't know how they would look like in the dark, I would have to test that
  23. Forests,and how i think they should be

    There is a way, in blocksand tryToFall, just add the effects there, it should work!
  24. Forests,and how i think they should be

    It could be, no, that would not... But it would lead to particles easily travelling through blocks, when they fall is easier to predict where the movement stops. But if there is not a continuity of a single particle then simulating wind would be much easier. I haven't seen that, I'll take a look.
  25. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    Gotta looooove artists! And WELCOME TO THE FORUMS!