Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Leosallespoli

  1. How old do you think I am?

    Actually is 22, with standard deviation of 6.89, from the numbers I've posted. Surely the mean would change if there were more numbers there and the deviation would decrease.
  2. Forests,and how i think they should be

    YES, YES, YES! well... wind... hummm... Like I said each particle moves independently of the other and they all follow some kind of movement equation so implementing wind would be VERY hard, but it will enter as a goal in my list! (after all this has more to do with mathematics and physics than programming)
  3. Forests,and how i think they should be

    hummmm... I see where you want to go with this, but that depends on how Bioxx has implemented seasons... I would say maybe... As of now? No. They could be? Maybe. But if they can have different textures for each season? I think so!
  4. Forests,and how i think they should be

    Yeah, but I'm looking at how arrow interact with the world, maybe there is a way...
  5. Forests,and how i think they should be

    This would be an approximate path for one particle, try to picture it in 3D... The fun in this is while blocks have integers as positions, Entities have doubles, so the movement is very smooth. The downside is that they don't have a boundbox... And I guess you know where I'm going with this.
  6. Forests,and how i think they should be

    The problem with pictures is that they are static, I'll try to draw a sketch of what I'm doing since videos would eat my whole bandwith.
  7. Forests,and how i think they should be

    I'm having so much fun with these little bastards
  8. Heat-level and transference for blocks

    Dunk wants heat transfer
  9. Geological Events

    Where they started? Where was the rail???
  10. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    For now just the leaves
  11. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    Btw, how many textures for a single leaf? And leaves are just a start
  12. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    You'll have much more work when I'm done hehe
  13. Forests,and how i think they should be

    Why not? Sure they can, depends on Bioxx and Dunk.
  14. Forests,and how i think they should be

    Surely the texture will be different but I'm not going to work on that as it would be terrible. What they do is fall on 3 occasions: when you hit leaves blocks, when those blocks deccay and after awhile. Each particle should have a different behavior. Things that I'm unsure about: How far they can go and their duration without any lag. Behavior with collision, I would love to see that!!!!! How much is too much.
  15. Forests,and how i think they should be

    Don't say that or forest will rain particles with each a independent and random movement.
  16. Forests,and how i think they should be

    A little better, imagine as leaves falling down
  17. Forests,and how i think they should be

    You guys really take it to a whole new level...
  18. Forests,and how i think they should be

    What a hell happened to your avatar?
  19. Better Chisel Curving

    WOOOW... What's that? Pizza tower straighten up?
  20. Forests,and how i think they should be

    I still have to make the path for them This is a very first test, don't worry it will be awesome!
  21. Facial Hair

  22. Forests,and how i think they should be

    FUCK YEAH!!! I DID IT!!!!
  23. Alloys

    So make it with ores instead of ingots
  24. Better Chisel Curving

    You must have a deeper knowledge about modding than me, please do show me how.
  25. Alloys

    for example, for each brass you use 1/4 zinc ingot