Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Leosallespoli

  1. so, lets get ourselves a poll going about the Oceans topic thats been arising lately :D


    i swear next time im gonna put my option at the top, see how many people just lazily click top slot ;)

    You got such a huge signature that is hard to focus on the post...


  2. I like how you said "not everyone is a little kid like the Skype thread one" when the only TFCers in your thread are you and a 12 year old :)



  3. I wasn't asking them to specifically join the team, I was wondering If they would make an unofficial manual (like the ones for minecraft) that are done completely separate from the devs. Unfortunately I can't afford the Developers software needed to create such things so my dream just died in a blazing fire.

    What?... I'm sorry... WHAT Developers software? If you're talking about coding everything is free...


  4. You guys are asking to deal with nonsense and stupidity, right? We can't win a war in another forum... And we certainly can't win a war against stupidity like "Nice you've made an alt acc"...

    I advise you to go try to talk directly to him, not the community, if he likes the mod he'll show it in his way to his community. If that isn't achievable... well... Try another YT.


  5. I get all ragey, shitty stuff going on in my life right now (not only relationship wise for people who were on IRC the other day) and it's put me in a sour mood.

    When people act with respect and politeness to my rage I feel really bad and give them a title.

    *add polite response here to a non-raged, nice post from Dunk*

    Edit: and a cookie, never forget the cookie, Here dunk, you deserve it!

    Posted Image


  6. Forgot the Russian guy that i was helping the other day lol

    From all these languages I do prefer Russian, I was trying to learn it awhile ago.


  7. Old Frankish was the language spoken by the Germanic Franks in the Low Countries and adjacent parts of contemporary France and Germany between the 4th and 8th century. It belongs to the West Germanic language group and is thought to have given rise to the modern Franconian languages. The Franks, who were divided into two groups: the Salian Franks and the Ripuarian Franks, probably spoke a range of related dialects and languages rather than a single uniform dialect or language.[1] Knowledge of Old Frankish is almost entirely reconstructed from Old Dutch and from etyma and loanwords from Old French. A notable exception is the Bergakker inscription found in 1996, which may be a direct attestation of Old Frankish.

    he language from which Old Dutch arose is not known with certainty, but it is thought to be Old Frankish, the language spoken by the Salian Franks. Philologists often refer to Old Dutch as Old West Low Franconian. (This is similar to referring to Old English as Anglo-Saxon.) In general, they prefer the term Franconian to Frankish when referring to the language of the Franks. They essentially consider the names "Old Frankish" (when used to refer to the language spoken by the Salian Franks), "Old West Low Franconian" and "Old Dutch" to refer to the same language (or set of dialects). There was also a close relationship between Old Frankish, Old Saxon, Old English and Old Frisian. Because Old Frankish texts are almost non-existent and Old Dutch texts scarce and fragmentary, it is difficult to determine when the transition from Old Frankish to Old Dutch occurred, but it is thought to have happened by the end of the 9th century. and perhaps occurred before then. Old Dutch made the transition to Middle Dutch around 1150.[3]

    Not sure where you were going with that, but that explains why Dutch sounds to me as german spoken by a french.


  8. That is not possible because French is German with Latin. (English is German and Gaelic with LESS latin)

    "French is a descendant of the spoken Latin language of the Roman Empire, as are languages such as Italian, Portuguese, Spanish; Romanian, Lombard, Catalan, Sicilian andSardinian. Its closest relatives are the other langues d'oïl—languages historically spoken in northern France and Belgium, which French has largely supplanted. French was also influenced by native Celtic languages of Roman Gaul, and by the (Germanic) Frankish language of the post-Roman Frankish invaders.

    French is a Romance language (meaning that it is descended primarily from Vulgar Latin) that evolved out of the Gallo-Romance dialects spoken in northern France."

    And Dutch has a German origin but sounds a lot like french


  9. ... If i get what you meant, yeah, we have it... but we only use to to differenciate between "n" and "ñ" ._. other than that...

    And for us the " ` " is for "crase" when you join a preposition with an article or pronoun with the same letter( "a" and "a" forming "à", ex: "chegamos cedo a casa"(we arrived home early) "chegamos cedo à casa" (we arrived early at home))


  10. ... : Another confusing word for me...

    probably uninteresting thing spoilered:

    In spanish, "tilde" is a graphical symbol for marking the syllabe of the word the speaker pronounces more "strongly", so to speak. The syllabe with emphasis. Or also used to differenciate graphically two monosyllabic words with the same spelling; "te" (a preposition) isn't the same as "té" (tea), in the same way "corre" (a formal way to tell someone to run) isn't the same as "corré" (imperative form of the same verb, an order).

    Don't worry if you don't get it; ironically, in the internet, most of those who write in spanish don't use tildes EVER, and some of them even get offended when someone replies to them using tildes. No, i don't know why either :

    you guys have the "til" right? For us it makes the nasaleted (I don't think that word exists but I don't know the right term for that) sounds like "não"(no) "pão"(bread)


  11. So basically, your mistake was not reading any guide, thinking that various aspects from the game was not to your liking and asking for the developers to change it, or allow it to be changeable to your liking so you don't spend time trying to learn the mechanics of this mod. It surely takes a while to learn, but when you do it is far more rewarding.

    As it was stated before, when you allow it to be configurable by the user the bug tracking just becomes hellish, and it is pretty important to Bioxx keep track of bugs, I could quote him on other threads about this issue but you seem like you can do it by yourself, also look for better ore generation from Marcopolo, it is configurable but it is not a new content mod.

    IF you still think that it isn't to your liking you can mod it, just keep it to yourself.

    Killster, there is no way to make a new mod just changing a config file, that is the same as releasing the parent mod.


  12. Kimbblesrath: Life goes by way to quick. Live it while you can. Ask anyone on here that is 22 or older lol. That's about when it really hits you.

    yup... Agreed


  13. "Any threads suggesting a change to the Prospecting Pick to make it easier or more accurate will be summarily terminated. In any system that I implement, I try to do justice to the folks that do these things for real. Prospecting takes years to learn and master. As such, prospecting in TerraFirmaCraft is a skill. It CAN be mastered. In fact there are quite a few people who have already discovered how to use it to great effect.

    This is the nature of TerraFirmaCraft. Not everyone will be good at everything. This is by design. I don't WANT everyone to be masters at everything. Please accept this. Thank you."

    Prospecting is fine and will continue this way by design, what you are proposing is a change in the design of TFC by a config file, maybe this is not the mod for you.

    P.S. you already can change the number of days a year has ingame, look for that.


  14. you're still a kid til you can drink, drive and vote. (preferably not at the same time...)

    I'm still a kid at heart and you shouldn't drink -_-

    (who am I kidding... get wasted, you're still young, when you're older and drink much they call you a drunk, so do it now and enjoy it while people don't judge you)


  15. Well here goes...

    I use shampoo and conditioner for colored hair.

    I use a hair dryer and flat iron from time to time.

    I have a curl sculpting gel as well as a spray to help it stay straight when I feel like putting in the effort.

    I also use the thickest and strongest gel I can find for my moustache. Unfortunately it's ungodly difficult to find actual moustache wax.

    Dali, is that you!?


  16. *cracks knuckles* Looks like I shall await for the growing infulx of "ZomG I DonT KnOw HoW To InsTaLL MoDs, Plz HELP!@!!1!1!!!" posts in the support section. I should just write a txt file so i don't have to keep re typing this stuff lol.

    Maybe an automated response so you don't even have to open the txt...


  17. on closer insight of reading his forums, i doubt we want those guys in TFC, there's SO MANY LITTLE KIDS INVOLVED! (and im talking 8-12 year olds that should stick to vanilla)

    *Looks at the all seeing eye*


  18. That would be close to how prospecting is irl, but it should be really inaccurate. But still it should give you an expertise through it. maybe analysis of debris?
