Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by renadi

  1. The biome only affects the surface, rock types are pretty much random for each horizontal section, but tend to follow some patterns vertically.
  2. [B69] Blinking firepit cause lag and crashes.

    but is fixed in 73.
  3. Temperature bar

    Mastropiero's method really simply mimics natural actions, simulating them pretty well I think. I've thought Temperature should be a little like light values except slower, air, water, lava would all have a temperature and pass it along to surroundings, heading up. Though, sadly, I'm fairly certain even if infrequent the calculations involving all open space and liquids would perhaps cause a slight degradation of performance. But then again I can run a server with 1.5GB's of ram which could easily be expanded to 16... would it be worth it for most people, probably not, but I'd like to see it.
  4. RP2p6 Release

    Yeah, I got that, and I'm fairly certain I know what this post is about, but no guarantees.
  5. falling sand

    Somebody drops that much sand on you you're going to feel it. I think what we have now seems perfectly appropriate. I think most people do breathe in quickly when shocked, and if you're not actively holding your breathe it's very difficult to stop yourself if you've just breathed out from taking another breathe, for survival reasons lol
  6. Whats a good level to mine on ?

    I very rarely make scythes, I remember when I did(a tin scythe) I ran through my tree farm spamming and it broke in like, 45 seconds >_< Course, now with trees sprouting up everywhere I see little need to even use the scythe for anything, other than I suppose in the future harvesting crops.
  7. Question of Time.

    Yeah, time is calculated while sleeping in TFC at least to a degree, you'll wake up hungry and the world's time gets set higher, I'm fairly certain this does affect crops as well given what a few other people have said. Basically in TFC time is universal, always passing(even when nobody is on), and if you sleep it fasts forward and just keeps on going.
  8. Planks first toughts

    I don't think we have to worry about conservation of any easily renewable resources, I understand how non renewable resources not being 1:1 would lead to entropy and be undesirable, wood in the long run is much easier. And, at some point at least, the rocks we gather from the ground aren't going to be whole cobblestone. One of the main things Dunk has implied when I've talked about survival being too easy is we will have to dig out our shelters before we actually have the capability to build anything, which for a survival experience makes a lot of sense.
  9. Planks first toughts

    I assume the blank block will vanish shortly, as it seems to be counter to the whole idea of loose planks.
  10. How I make a zinc sword??

    it's really not any different than anything, use green stuff to get it to the right and then red stuff to get it to the left
  11. Almost always whatever the most recent one is, I've hard a server for the last two years, it's not just going to vanish, but I'm not actually on it all that much unless I plan to get on with somebody. I also usually reset the world if there is any terrain gen changes.
  12. Mining and mine carts

    Are you interpreting the feelings or simply repeating what you are told? If the first you really should qualify your statements as such or you're not doing very good PR at all.
  13. When updating my server

    Delete the world, that'll work best. x] also it'll piss off any players you had that you didn't warn, but it's more exciting that way!
  14. Mining and mine carts

    ECC are you a developer? Half of your posts I see are saying what will and will not be in the game
  15. New tool: The wedge

    I don't think there's any balance to be concerned about in an item that's pretty much the first thing you get and you can carry around with you everywhere.
  16. Cartography

    Vanilla maps work just fine in TFC, that said I really don't like the idea of them in the long run, I'd rather us just have paper we can write/draw in.
  17. Planks first toughts

    Obviously it would require a cascade of changes. I've been saying we need to get rid of the crafting table myself for a while, and it'd be quite easy to change the recipe to anything we'd need. That's not a real problem unless you think there's a reason the crafting bench is the way it is for TFC, I think the crafting bench is the way it is simply because that is how it was in Minecraft.
  18. Horse Cart and pole drag

    I'm thinking this is exactly what's going to happen. I've managed to build roads within a community, but never between them, I've made railroads in vanilla, but that was just because I wanted, didn't really serve a purpose.
  19. Allow size of month config instead of size of year

    I came in here to start bitching about how it was a stupid idea but then I realized I was the stupid one, good idea, saves a lot of trouble, I'm for it.
  20. Planks first toughts

    I was a little off last night, I think we shouldn't get any planks from using an axe, at most it should split the log, it'd solve our problems by moving in the other direction and be the first step to making building a home something you won't do the first night.
  21. Planks first toughts

    I think, nothing, I shouldn't post I haven't downloaded the most recent version.
  22. Temperature bar

    Sounds good to me.
  23. Encouraging specialization

    Guild Wars 2 isn't as bad as... pretty much all the other mmo's out there, you still have the option of grinding for neglible rewards, but it's even less fun than most games x]
  24. Improved Inventory

    meh, don't hate the idea, we didn't always have it in vanilla, but it is awfully convenient.
  25. Where's the Mutton!

    Baby cows are really deer, didn't you know? xD