Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by nobeardpete

  1. Canoes

    If, as I think makes sense, the log carved canoe is basically the existing glitchy, poorly maneuverable vanilla boat with a different crafting recipe and maybe a new skin, you wouldn't have to do much. Dugouts date to the paleolithic, so a reasonable stopgap measure is to add a crafting recipe that doesn't require a saw. I would propose this: You can think of it as being analogous to carving wooden bowls out of a log - you're carving a dugout out of several meters of log.
  2. How do you manage crops gathering in multiplayer?

    I've only played in SSP, so I don't have a good answer to this. But I feel like this is the key question for the game. The devs have repeatedly stated that the game is intended for multi-player, and it's clearly balanced for multi-player in terms of finding resources and amortization of the high start-up costs of higher level metal industries. However, the crops and seasons mean you are pretty much restricted to only playing multi-player settlements in frost-free areas, which means there's a ton of possibilities being foregone. How to square these two facts? As I see it, the best and cleanest way would be to allow some mechanism to protect crops against at least mild freezing temperatures. This is the strongest argument for greenhouses, in my opinion. It strengthens the game from a multi-player perspective, allowing settlements beyond the tropics.
  3. TFC Dock

    The answer to your question is no.
  4. Sensible Crucibles (RESOLVED) <3

    Awesome! Thanks so much.
  5. Sensible Crucibles (RESOLVED) <3

    Being able to put more in the crucible at once would be great. There are a lot of neat features in TFC, unfortunately, there's a lot of unnecessary, unfun, and unrealistic tedium. Slowly feeding ore into a crucible piece by piece is one of the worst offenders in this regard. The crucible can comfortably accommodate an entire anvil, but it can't take a stack of ore. This is completely unrealistic and implausible. It makes smelting much more tedious. It makes metal working less fun. There is nothing positive to be said about the situation. The simplest fix would work as follows: the input slot can take up to a whole stack of items, be they ore, ingots, or any other stackable meltable item. Whenever the temperature is hot enough, one item will melt, and the temperature will drop, almost exactly as currently happens. Assuming it's still on a hot enough forge, the temperature will subsequently rise on its own, and after a while the next item will melt, and then the next. This lets the player drop in a stack of items, putter around and do other tasks in the area, and not have to check on the crucible every few seconds to carefully slip in another piece of ore.
  6. Canoes

    A dugout canoe would be great. As it is, there's no way to get a boat until you've started smelting metals and have expanded your crafting grid to 3X3. Dugouts date back to the paleolithic, so it seems like they should be available quite early on in the game. The crafting recipe could be something as simple as two logs side by side, with a stone axe above them, a la the wooden bowl. It would make sense from a realism and from a game balance point of view if they are less capable than a more advanced boat made using metal tools, but the vanilla minecraft boats are so bad that I'm not sure this is worth pursuing. Maybe a better plan would be for the dugout to be a reskinned vanilla boat, with all of their problems (breaking on lily pads, being difficult to get out of without knocking them away, frequently getting desynced with the server and then breaking on an island that you were tens of meters away from, etc, etc), and then to consider adding a fancier bronze-age boat later to replace the existing vanilla boat.