Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Zandorum

  1. Conquests of Epicness

    All i got out of that was a Idea for Cannibalism. If you kill a player they can drop Human Flesh which can be eaten but after eating 2 human flesh you get bad side effects, you don't become immune to the effects until you've eaten the flesh of 10 people and the effects get worse and worse until 10 where there's no more downsides to eating people because your officially a Cannibal.
  2. Please Lock....

  3. Dynamic Inventory Size [Better Wall of Text]

    You think walking from Dead Money back to the Lucky 38 is Horrid, Im OCD about items I pick up EVERYTHING! I once left a warehouse at 3000 Pounds and walked just to put it all in the Gun Runners Garbage can to sort then sell what I dident want. Then again If i dident do that I wouldent have 2000 Stimpacks that I could never use in a Million years and 600k Caps. Oh and Soz for the Shamefulness of me continuing off topic.
  4. Food Prep Suggestion

    I like a majority of these ideas but I have a suggestion for your suggestion. Certain things cant go into one recipe together without making the Nausea effect, certain things in the same recipe would ALWAYS cause the Nausea effect due to Core things like "IM GUNNA MAKE A SUGAR, MILK, OLIVE OIL AND BUTTER SALAD!", Immediately my stomach wretches thinking about that.
  5. SMP: Prisons

    I feel like this restricts pvp too much as well as if this were done I would like a Scenario where another theif could blow open the prison with TNT but then we get into a whole different thing about what fits in tfc and In the end I just dont think this works.
  6. [WIP] Mod Conversion/Creation Hub

    Yeah I end up saying Slowsand instead of Soulsand xD. To fix any confusion ill change to to Soulsand.
  7. Scorched ground

  8. [WIP] Mod Conversion/Creation Hub

    Honestly, I hate BC and IC2 (I liked IC1) thats why I have no intention of making patches for them. If Eloraam has a problem with me making a patch I will cease all production on it. I also wouldent do adfly or anything like that so Im not breaking the law anyway so I dont see the problem. I mean more like the next update but some one said RP3 so I said RP3. Note: I have done a few more things
  9. [WIP] Mod Conversion/Creation Hub

    It will be started when RP3 exists.
  10. [WIP] Mod Conversion/Creation Hub

    I will do my best at trying to get TC3 and RP3 working together with TFC. ALSO: Help me help you help us all. If some one can help me list the items that dont work in TFC as well as items that dont have Magical Properties. Im working on the list but Id rather be getting work done on the mod.
  11. [WIP] Mod Conversion/Creation Hub

    Its easy once you tinker with it, try it out you'll figure it out. On a side note Ive started Adapting it and Will be changing the Topic name and First post to start showing progress.
  12. [WIP] Mod Conversion/Creation Hub

    Along-side Redpower ill be adapting Thaumcraft 3. Most likely ill do Thaumcraft 3 cause Im in love with magic and its on the same version as TFC.
  13. Lock Me Please

    Just lock it.
  14. Lock Me Please

    After the first post I said lock. Its been 4 days now.
  15. [WIP] Mod Conversion/Creation Hub

    Since I havent started yet and only did a small amount of planning Im willing to change what Im adapting to Terrafirmacraft, Any Ideas?
  16. TFC as a Technic Pack entry.

    LET THE TOPIC DIE.... All in for a Derail say I.
  17. Lock Me Please

    It keeps getting bumped, Its named Lock Me Please. Does anyone even moderate, This should be locked by now. Its been on the first page long enough to be noticed.
  18. [WIP] Mod Conversion/Creation Hub

    Well then I'd have to edit Terrafirmacraft if you wanted me to make it alien since you can normally get Redstone. I wanted to Distribute the ores correctly. I would make recipes for it harder though much much harder.
  19. Brewing, Distilling, and Viticulture: Alcohol!

    This is beautiful. Good job.
  20. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    Tweak - Obsidian is no longer created in its old form, Obsidian can now Spawn ontop of lava. It looks like a Stone but with a Obsidian Skin. Tweak - Right clicking while holding a book will open the Book and Quill menu, If you do not have a Ink Well that is full of ink as well as a Feather the menu will not open. For every letter it takes 1 durability from the ink well. Tweak - When you place a Sign it doesnt instantly open the menu it just places the sign. Right clicking a sign, you can open its menu assuming you have a Ink well and feather. For every letter it akes 3 durability from the ink well. Tweak - Theres a new mode for the Chisel called Hieroglyph mode, In this mode if you have a Hammer in your inventory you can write on rock like you can on a sign. Tweak - If a Creeper is following you and is within 3 blocks of you they will start to blow them selves up. If a creeper falls far he will blow up when he hits the ground instead of just dieing. If you look a Creeper in the eyes he will charge you. Creepers will avoid water but if theres no other way to get you they will go into it. Tweak - Squids are now Neutral until approched where they will attack you and stick to you constantly doing damage until you kill it (Think metroids stuck to your chest). Tweak - Bats now spawn in Caves and Ravines. Bats are not agressive but annoying and can do damage while swarming around in the cave after being disturbed. 9 times out of 10 Bats will spawn in their Sleep State hanging upside-down on the ceiling. You can disturb them by just getting close to them. Tweak - Stews and Meals should start losing its bonuses the hotter they get, even cooling them down it should still have its penalties making it so overcooking them isent an option. Tweak - Ability to place Tool Racks on Crafting Tables. Tweak - Mushrooms should be edible. Red Mushrooms should be poisonous. Tweak - Beds would be colored dependant on the wool used to make them. You cannot mix and match wool to make Bed. Tweak - Make Mobs only Spawn Underground and in Dungeons not Just Dungeons. Group - Armor and Tools can be made out of All materials but some Armors and Tools are horrible and useless. New Block - Barrel, You can store up to 8 buckets of any 1 liquid in a Barrel. Right clicking on it will open its interface unless you have a bucket in which you will either dump the bucket into the barrel or fill the bucket with the barrels contents (Im leaving this open ended so the creators can use this for Fermenting and Distilling of Alchohol).. New Item - Ink Well, Ink Wells are used for writing. New Item - Clay Chunk, This is created by putting 4 clay into the crafting table. New Item - Clay Brick, Clay Bricks are unfired Bricks. Bricks are used to make Brick blocks. New Item - Clay Flower Pots, Clay Flower Pots are unfired Flower Pots. New Function - When in a Small Inclosed space with no way for the air to escape, you will slowly run out of air and die from suffication just like being underwater. New Function - By putting 2 Clay Chunks into the Crafting Table you would open up the Kneeding menu, The Kneeding menu is like the Knapping menu. Most clay things are made in the Kneeding menu including the Clay Mould. New Function - Ive seen a Path Finding mod which extends the AI so far along that it makes Mobs very scary, I think that you Should Implement Path finding especially for Creepers. New Function - Creepers can Trigger a Collapse if it Breaks a Support Beam. New Function - If you are in the Rain for Too long you will get sick which will give you Slowness, Hunger and Slowly Depleting Health. It can be cured by eating lots of soup, Note that Curing your self requires 14 Bowls of Soup and you can only have 3 Bowls of Soup Per Day. It will go away on its own if you have not died after 2 weeks. New Function - Temperature Bar, If its too cold you'll get frostbite, too hot you will be slowed. New Function - Knives have 3 modes, Food Preparation, Slab and Stairs. This would allow the Knife to be used to Whittle Plank Blocks into what ever you Desire. New Function - Blood Moon, Rarely a Blood Moon which will lengthen the night by 3 times as long as well as make Underground Mobs spawn above ground and excessively.
  21. Armors Expanded

    I got Ninja'd, I was working on how I would write out the same idea. Lol. Good work Pakislav!
  22. The Hoe

    Ok so I saw the Hoes Modes on the changelog and I have to say... Eww. Not only do I not like it but I think its pretty OP. So I suggest that its Toggleable for both Singleplayer and Servers. Please take this into Consideration.
  23. The Hoe

    It just makes farming too easy, atleast in my eyes as well as the way its done (hover colors) is well : ugly. TFC has always looked beautiful to me and the hover colors are just... not. I honestly feel like this doesnt fit TFC.
  24. The Hoe

    I have heavy OCD. I cant just refuse to use it. Back when I used to use other mods if one mod had the same ore as the other one ill pick which one I want more and forget about the other mod. Basically Im not upgrading unless we get this feature. Side note: If it wasn't color coded and was a popup bubble instead or atleast something prettier I would be less likely to hate the feature so much. I typed this on an Android.
  25. Item recognizing tool or book

    This is me in response.