Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Zandorum

  1. Zan's Idea Archive

    Yeah its very unimerssive, I cant play without looking at the Wiki... M Menu and Tutorial is so you dont have to go to the Wiki.
  2. Zan's Idea Archive

    Archive Description: When ever I have a full length Idea Ill throw it in here. I will put the Time and date I came up with the Idea as well. I will be adding more to this page as time goes on. Mud Brick - 8:14AM 9/15/12: You could use this to make Mud Brick Blocks. You would get 1 Mud Brick Block for every 4 Mud Bricks. Mud Bricks would be made of Clay, Mud and Sand. This would allow people to make their oh so missed Dirt houses but at a cost and with a new texture. Deadlands Rexture - 8:16AM 9/15/12: The Deadlands are Ugly not Good ugly like Swamp Biome Ugly it doesnt look right, the sides of the blocks need to have Grass on the edges of the Grass blocks their and needs an all around retexture. Redpower Plugin - 9:58AM 9/17/12: Redpower has Alloys and other things, I imagine it could be adapted to TFC as well as I love Redpower and its an amazing mod. I would love it to be implemented (Note: Certain things like Sickles and others should be removed). Brick - 10:02AM 9/16/12: Bricks, The same as in Original Minecraft. Well I imagine since Limestone and Sand can be used to make Bricks which is one of the ways of making bricks currently It would be a worth while look in that direction. Adobe - 10:06AM 9/17/12: Adobe blocks would be made of Sand, Clay, Water and one of the following 3: Sticks, Manure, Straw. Manure - 10:07AM 9/17/12: Animals would occasionally drop this like Chickens drop eggs. This is used to increase Nutrients in dirt. Bone meal can also be used in this fashion. M Menu - 10:23AM 9/17/12: This new menu would upon being opened have multiple options: Metallurgy Knapping Scribing Crafting Cooking/Smelting When one is picked it will open the Recipes for all of the things in the Category for example if I picked Metallurgy it would show me all Recipes on the Metallurgy Table. Achievements - 10:27AM 9/17/12: I think it would be nice if the current Achievements were replaced with ones related to TFC. Tutorial Mode - 10:28AM 9/17/12: This would be a mode you pick when making a world, It would have a premade world and it would show you how to play TFC, Only the Basics such as making a Campfire, The changes from Normal Minecraft and other small things. Thaumcraft Plugin - 12:42AM 9/27/12: Obvious Plugin is Obvious.
  3. Greenhouses!

  4. Zan's Idea Archive

    No, There will be very large ideas. I just dont want there to be 3000 threads by me like i always do. Its sorta just a prep, just incase I come up with something cause I always to and then I get on a roll and then theres 12 topics posted by Zan.
  5. Zan's Idea Archive

    Ive seen grass with no grass on top of it and it just looks like dirt but the side have grass on them... Only happens rarely it seems.
  6. A few questions.

    Whats not on the Wiki thats in the Game? What can I NOT make from Vanilla Minecraft? Thank you.
  7. A few questions.

    Actually ive finished iron age, I just want to know things like for example: Cake cannot be made.
  8. my first stone pick...?
  9. Little note about Farming

    A long time ago I found this topic on MC http://www.minecraft...0-now-released/ I loved its farming features and how hard it was to farm on it, I think this mod could be used as reference for the new farming system at-least somewhat (I do dislike the levels system on it though, horrid idea on trying to slow down the player). Features to Focus on From this Mod: Watering Can, This was a nice feature on making farming harder making the player having to come back to their plants 1 to 2 times a day to water their plants dependant on weather as well as rain would keep them from needing to be watered.Multi-Harvest Plants, Some plants should be-able to be harvested multiple times. Not all plants should have this feature only some. Drying Peroid, Dependant on the Weather during the day the plants can dry out unless you have water near the plants. New Foods, I like the Drinks idea I think there should be some drinks and a way to grind up Fruits into juices for your self somewhere along the line. Maybe a Plugin called "Technological Age" which would come after TFC is finished. Seed Bags, Small pouches you can use that will beable to stack 128 of the same Seed in 1 slot. Extra Ideas: Grates, When Irrigation comes along I'd assume it would be tubes or a Aquaduct system. If so there could be a Grate Tube or Block that will "rain" the water allowing people to use redstone to water their plants. Agreeable Comments:
  10. NPC Edits

    I was thinking about animals and thought about how they could be modified. ENEMIES: Creepers: Creepers are Afraid of water, It doesn't hurt them they just wont go in it and avoid it. Creepers if in Water do not die from Blowing up but only do 1/3rd the damage they normally do. Creepers will now explode if set on fire (they will start charging as soon as they are lit) Zombies: Zombies regenerate health by damaging you. Spiders: Spiders no longer take falling damage, It just doesn't make sense due to how they act. Skeletons: Skeletons are afraid of Wolves just like how Creepers are Afraid of Cats. Endermen: Getting within 4 blocks of Endermen will make them attack you as well as looking at them. Endermen drop the blocks they picked up. Endermen cannot pickup certain blocks. ANIMALS: Cows: Cows are the Female version of a Bull and Visevera, I think that Gender should also Effect model and Behavior. Not only should it Effect how they act but it should effect drops as well. Cows work like they always have but will now also Follow bulls if around. Bulls have Horns and have a Darker coat than cows, If you get anywhere near a cow or a bull the bull will charge you trying to protect the pack. There is 1 Bull per group of cows if there is more you can find them fighting. Chickens: The male alternative to a chicken is a Rooster, Only diffrences is that Roosters are Neutral so if you attack them they will fight back, Roosters will also Squak upon morning (This sound would not be produced by the NPC it would be played for the player if they are above ground and there is a Rooster within 100 Blocks of the player). Pigs: The male version of a pig is a boar, Boars are agressive. Boars will charge you. Boars should have a darker coat and tusks. Wolves: Wolves will attack cats. Female wolves are much bigger. Cats: Cats are afraid of Wolves just like how Creepers are Afraid of Cats.
  11. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    - Please make it so trees do not have sideways logs its ugly. - Make Days are 0.5x Speed and Nights are 1.0x speed so players can get more out of the day due to how much you need to get done in the day.
  12. If you want to edit the wiki.

    Same name as my name on here "Zandorum".
  13. Little note about Farming

    When Irrigation comes along you could water your plants with grates or something that could be added Eternal or this could be an optional feature or something.
  14. Little note about Farming

    Thats what I was thinking... but Dunk apparently doesnt agree.
  15. Little note about Farming

    True :
  16. If you want to edit the wiki.

    I'd love to help Bioxx, I have all the time in the world mainly cause I dont have a life right now. I could alone keep the whole wiki up to date if I was given privs for it.
  17. Wiki Discussion and Proposed Changes Thread

    Wiki Missing a Few Things, Listed. - TerraFirmaCraft Forums
  18. Wiki Missing a Few Things, Listed.

    I totally agree, thats why I made this topic. If i was given perms i would beable to keep the wiki up to date since I have no life currently.
  19. Glass Blowing

    Eternal could you please leave my topic?
  20. Glass Blowing

    Im not sure about that Eternal, I dont really like that Concept.
  21. Glass Blowing

    Glass Blocks, Glass Panes.
  22. Trophy Items
