Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by LordOfWolves

  1. 1.4.2... thoughts?

    Of course it's not true. I'm kidding to give you an idea.
  2. Perma-death?

    OOOOOOHHHHHHH! This is the worst crime ever!!!! Police!!!! Sherlock!!!! Mods!!!! Bear Grills!!!!
  3. Tree growth speed/size

    You aren't payed? Oh what a bad thing...
  4. Grinders

    Sherlock is coming again? I don't think, and look at your signature. lol
  5. Anyone willing to share a server template?

    No, everytime I give someone a welcome I use a joking welcome. Waffle, there isn't an illegal forum, this is the only one.
  6. Grinders

    What, who is stomped, you?
  7. Anyone willing to share a server template?

    I don't know but this can be illegal. However WELCOME TO THE LEGAL TFC FORUMS!!!!
  8. A couple bugs in build 56

    I use it for the better grass and because it gives me more fps.
  9. Download archive

    You only need to change the number of the build in the download link.
  10. Questions about new update

    Good, if you only want to play that's the right choice, but if you want to help testing like me, Gorni and many others you know what you can do. And remember, we are all testers. Isn't this fantastic. I'm a mod tester.
  11. Bug (Beta Build 56) (Graphical?)

    Bioxx, dunk and co. is the only company that doesn't do that. Today the entire world is corrupted. It's not a place where you can live.
  12. Bug (Beta Build 56) (Graphical?)

    It's the effect of the mojang's propaganda that makes you believe that everything is a feature. Low fps and lag included (to make the game harder, you know).
  13. 56 bug: Ingots do NOT cool in anvil...again

    I'll ask this to dunk.
  14. 56 bug: Ingots do NOT cool in anvil...again

    True, but he will surely make something for that. An example can be that ingots are ejected from the anvil when you go away or ingots don't cool down only while you work them.
  15. Bug - 56 (Graphical - Minor)

    Weird thing. Probably a funny random variable walking around in the code. Surely a bug.
  16. 56 bug: Ingots do NOT cool in anvil...again

    The anvil in 56 got a bit of magic power from JAG's closet.
  17. 56 bug: Ingots do NOT cool in anvil...again

    Thanks, problem solved, I forgot to place the stone block below the fire block.
  18. 56 bug: Ingots do NOT cool in anvil...again

    Intended? But please, it's off topic, can you try to make a forge?
  19. 56 bug: Ingots do NOT cool in anvil...again

    *Going to try that*EDIT:I can't start a forge...another bug or me mistaking? EDIT 2:Tried with the firepit and granite anvil. I can confirm that bug.
  20. If you place all the posts together you can see that going back in time and doing something is a bit impossible. You can't do it, because when you do it, everything changes amd returns to the normal.
  21. Questions about new update

    What I say you is delete your saves or keep playing in 52e. There are too many changes and Bioxx said that you don't need to make awesome worlds in a still beta mod. the spawn protection is a feature that reduces the mobs spawn in an area where you lived for long. The spawn meter may help you know how much protection is in that chunk.And... WELCOME TO THE DERAILED FORUMS!!!
  22. Redstone (And How It Should Work)

    Sure, but ugly gears, useless gears, not normal gears.
  23. Bug - 56 (Graphical - Minor)

    Yes, reproduced. It,s like a grey striped square. In 56 I placed the firepit, then I went away to place crops to reproduce the bug of Gorni, then I went back and it changed into a square. Maybe that happens when a firepit is in an unload chunk.
  24. The forums after TFC becomes 1.4.2 are totally chaotic. It's like being near a nuclear explosion of random topics that fly everywhere and continue talking about chaotic things about a nuclear explosion of random topics that continue flying around...

    1. 1SDAN


      So true, so very true