Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by LordOfWolves

  1. Wooden/Clay Walls

    I don't know, mostly because I never eat raw oatmeal.
  2. StarForge - Stress points when building

    Oh, yes I forgot of cave-ins while posting. Yes, then it's a great idea. I personally like this idea, because it's good, we need something like this, but not in the dirt or sand. On rocks, bricks etc it would be fine. Especially support beams.
  3. StarForge - Stress points when building

    Ok, but now we are talking of TFC. Can TFC take care of this?
  4. StarForge - Stress points when building

    Of course these limitations are not a problem for me, but they limitate the creativity of some people. And imagine the massive lag if a giant build becomes a swarm of entities. Entities everywhere that move when they find a block below them.
  5. StarForge - Stress points when building

    Too many limitations make a sandbox not playable, hence the limited height in a game like minecraft isn't a feature that everyone likes.
  6. Wooden/Clay Walls

    Do you have cookies? I can't come without them.
  7. rocks turning into grey sheets when harvested (52e)

    Maybe because the server has a different ID setting.However WELCOME TO THE FORUM
  8. StarForge - Stress points when building

    What a cool game!! Really. However the stress points are a good idea, but for now you cann apply them only in the support beams.
  9. 1.4.2... thoughts?

    They implement useless things why? Because they aren't enough good at programming. They say: "Let's implement something that we can program" "The wither?" "Good, let's take a villager's code, change something, give him some powers, retexture, done" "And a place where it can live!" "Make his house generate the same way as villages" That's Mojang today.
  10. Installation of forge?

    The forge META-INF contains only the MANIFEST.MF, not the other 2 files.
  11. LOL EDIT:Oh, wait. A closet can't contain an infinite number of heads and in your post (the one that you quoted) you didn't say that you have infinite heads in your closet.
  12. B55: Crash 3 seconds after starting a new world.

    Hide your name in the crash log, where it says C:UsersYour name here!!! if you want to keep it secret
  13. Build 55: Mobs take forever to be killed

    But chickens can can it be?
  14. Ha! Impossible. In your post you wrote: And now? What can you say about this?
  15. I would go back in time and avoid JAG's head explosion. Also, it's the 2nd time that your head blows up this week. How many heads do you have?
  16. Cubic Chunks in TFC

    How cool is that? With this you can make an unlimited mine, as big as you want.
  17. Cubic Chunks in TFC

    I have some relatives in Canada. But I never see the white snow that you probably can see :'( Canadian snow I mean
  18. Redstone (And How It Should Work)

    If Bioxx says that he hates redstone and he wants to remove it, I think that he has something cooler to implement.
  19. The weird side of YouTube

    And the instrument still intact lol.
  20. The weird side of YouTube

    Tell me, great master, how can I make this in Skyrim.
  21. The worst is over, Dunk. Compliments.