Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by LordOfWolves

  1. I never claimed it was an original idea, (most things never are) but I CAN say that I haven't stolen it. (This is a distinction many stupid people can't seem to make, just because an idea existed before it was suggested doesn't mean it was stolen. I had honestly never heard of the crystalline structure energy magic thing before I suggested it, but I certainly wasn't assuming I was the first to think of it)

    There are about 7 billion people in the world, so...yeah that's quite normal. These things happen continuously everyday.

  2. achartran, right? He complained about that previously

    Did I make something wrong? Does he want to melt?

    Ah, the capitalized a, I guess. Ok modifying my post...


  3. I figured it was acceptable to use since we are on the subject of Better than Wolves, Just quicker than writing out Better than Wolves everytime you refer to it, just like we say TFC instead of Terrafirmacraft.

    But TFC means only Terrairmacraft, right?

  4. So, I'd like to talk about something I just discovered. I'm currently in the stone age of my development in TerraFirmaCraft, and I haven't found a single ore or got a pick or anything. I understand that this is perfectly normal, and I'm not complaining about that. However, I have a perfectly good iron shovel.

    Now, I'm sure you're wondering why I told you that I have an iron shovel, and, indeed, you might be wondering how I got it. After all, I have yet to be in a position to smith a single item. Well, I killed a zombie.

    As you may very well know, vanilla Minecraft allows for a small chance for zombies to drop iron tools and armor. Obviously, I also know this. What concerns me is why this feature has been untouched in a mod like this one. Surely, the shovel shouldn't be in perfect condition if I just yanked it out of the cold, dead hands of a rotting corpse? I mean, you'd expect it to be used (and therefore damaged), or rusty, or something, considering that it's there at all. Who agrees with me, and how best ought this to be approached (or why should it not be)? Or for that matter, am I just an idiot? I'd love to hear what you guys think.

    This will surely be fixed in a not too far future, where the mod is half completed. What I mean is that Bioxx has more important things to do for now. He can solve this in an istant, but he has better things to do.


    :ph34r: WELCOME TO THE FORUMS!!!!! :ph34r:


  5. Bioxx is actively not editing base classes so that this mod doesn't turn into the next BTW, and for that, he is awesome.

    BTW is a confusing term, because it means Better Than Wolves and By The Way. This makes some people unhappy.

  6. Oh ahahahaha they're a problem. I have 2 little brothers, 8 and 5, that make noise and play wrestling in every room they go all the day( well, not really all the day, for example in the night they sleep). That explains why I'm so patient.


  7. Ha.

    problem with that though, is that idk what your 'useless topic' button would do, but keep in mind people can spam buttons, and abuse any feature you give them. Saging is by necessity a collaborative effort, because if even one person posts without saging, it gets bumped. Sage also relies on the well-established forum mechanic of old threads being forgotten once they fall off of page 1, rather than introducing anything new to the way the forum operates as a whole

    Right, right. Better if the mods have the power.

  8. Another thing you can like is that almost everything is affected by gravity, that means that dirt blocks fall if you mine them, caves can collapse if you don't use support beams. There is also a new smithing part, awesome!

    @JAG: the ore you didn't remember is cinnabar. It has the same name of the Thaumcraft ore. A good way to remember the name.


  9. I know I've said it MULTIPLE times in other threads, but this really needs to be an official forum suggestion, so here it is.

    Please, PLEASE add a sage function to posting.

    For those who don't know, 'sage' is a check-box option on some forums, which when checked, will allow the post to be made without bumping the thread to the top of the forum - it leaves it right wherever it was, and doesn't give it the chance for any extra attention.

    To quote something I said to Dunk in chat-

    When we have a thread about "I WANT A DIRT SHOVEL THAT MINES AS FAST AS RED STEEL HERPDERP", I want to be able to tell him what a retard he is without bumping the thread

    On forums about ideas and random crap, functions like this are necessary to perform smacktard fumigation. Because as it stands, telling someone how utterly stupid their post was only bumps the thread right to the top where everyone else can see it and post in it, and it keeps threads alive long past their expiration date.

    So please, I beg of you, let us do as they do on certain other forums, and let stupid threads sage and age to death. Because given my experience, it is currently not possible for anyone around here to just leave a dying thread alone.

    Yes, I had a similar idea, a "Useless topic" button near the "like" button, and only for you a "Already suggested" one

  10. Also, Plump Helmets are a type of mushroom. Mushrooms have been contested to be plant and animal in the past, but are currently classified as fungi. They don't contain chlorophyll and don't take part in photosynthesis, as they get the nutrients needed from whatever they're growing on in a parasitic fashion.

    Do you know that you can use them like an helmet in case of war?

    No, just joking. :)


  11. How does carrying 10 backpacks on your person make any sort of sense? TFC could make a much better system than the backpack mod.

    Hey, backpacks mod isn't good in TFC, because we need something from Bioxx. The seed pouch is the best idea of this topic.

  12. bu.. but... plants need light to survive!! Photosynthesis just doesn't happen without light. So unless you are thinking various types of fungi, such as mushrooms, then underground plants are absolutely ridonculous my good sir.

    No, I was meaning that in DF there is also underground wheat, I know that this can't exist, but I was thinking that plump helmets was bringing us in DF. However I was trying to suggest luminescent mushrooms or something like that.