Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Kakewauso

  1. New to the mod - This is amazing.

    First off If i'm putting this is the wrong section of the forum, I apologize I did not see any spot for introducitons ect. Second To the awesome people who made this mod... THANK YOU! You have revitalized minecraft for me. The days of playing a little bit only to look at the clock and see its 3am are back for me. I absolutely love it. I'ved played for a weekend now, and I've managed to lose all my progress six times. First I burned down my thatch hut...oops, then I fell into a sink hole durning the night, and could not get to my items. THe best is when I actually managed to make a pick and found my first ore, and caused a cave in, when I got back cobblestone was in the way and I could not break it to get to my items and they dissapeared just out of arms reach LOL! Yet its still a ton of fun, I love the complexity of this mod, and I hope to become a part of the community of this great mod. Right now I am working to learn the mod a little bit, but I plan to make videos at some point. I think theres another part of the forum for posting video channels so I'll wait until I actually start making videos to post my channel.
  2. New to the mod - This is amazing.

    Update: I managed to survive last night after work. I cut down tons of trees, made a copper pick, propick,hammer, saw, and chisel through mostly panning for copper. I then set up a more permanent structure useing smooth marble for the floor and chimney. Once that was done I set about making a charcoal pit, and with that tried to create a forge. It took me a bit to figure out that the bend in the chiney needs to be directly above the forge. I then decided to go by boat to look for ore. After about a half an hour of walking I found a huge mine of Rich Tetrahedrite. Enough to fill 4 vessels! I was walking back towards the ocean....and triggered a sink hole, but managed to get out of the way and lo and behold Kaolinite! I took 2 vessels worth of kaolinite and went to my home. As luck would have it I had found 5 peices of graphite much earlier and had stored it not much, but enough for a crucible. By 2am last night I was able to make a crucible, and smelt 32 bars of copper useing it. I had a great night!