Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by VegasGoat

  1. 1.4.4 AHHH!

    Yeah I should probably try MultiMC as well. Though I like installing everything manually so I know exactly what's there.
  2. Anvils gui screen?

    Are you running Too Many Items mod? It doesn't work with TFC. Use Not Enough Items instead, which works.
  3. 1.4.4 AHHH!

    I use a simple batch file to keep multiple versions: set APPDATA=%CD%SubDirNameMinecraft.exeI create one for each new version and do a full installation.
  4. [B66] Anvils

    Also, unshaped metals need to completely fill the mold before they can be made into ingots.
  5. [B66] The Ghost Axe Is BACK

    I saw this too, but only sometimes instead of every time. My guess is that this happens in the case where you cut exactly the number of logs to bring the durability to 0, instead of less than 0.
  6. Is TFC still incompatible with Optifine?

    Rei's should work with forge 355
  7. Is TFC still incompatible with Optifine?

    Rei's should work with forge 355.
  8. If I have a meal selected on my tool bar, and I right click to remove a tool from the tool rack, the meal gets eaten automatically after the tool comes off even though I'm not holding the button. Did it twice to confirm.
  9. [B65] Uplayable Lag Issues in MP

    It's got to be something with your client. Have you tried a completely fresh installation? That means renaming or deleting the ".minecraft" folder and letting everything download again. Then installing forge and player API (in that order) and adding TFC to the mods folder.
  10. [B64] New maps do not spawn clay

    Two things to try: One, try using forge 354. The TFC download page links to the "recommended" build which is 349, but right next to that it says TFC requires 354 or later. However, anything beyond 355 also doesn't work since those are for the upcoming 1.4.4 minecraft. You can get specific versions of forge at Second, definitely try without MAtmos. Just forge, player API and TFC.
  11. [Solved][B64, B65]Can't create a new world

    You click "edit" on your post, then press the "full editor" button and you can change the title there.
  12. [B65] Uplayable Lag Issues in MP

    No that's actually ok. The other times are pretty short. Some routers and computers are configured to ignore the TTL packets so there's probably just nothing further in the chain responding. I can't imagine what could cause only you to have issues, and only with TFC. Odd.
  13. Is TFC still incompatible with Optifine?

    Got it to work with HD_U_A7 version. The B2 light version doesn't work. Unfortunately it didn't help my FPS much. I tried a bunch of different settings. Seems like hills and mountains just slow me down.
  14. [B65] Uplayable Lag Issues in MP

    Have you played other mods on that server recently? Could just be something wrong with the path to that server. Maybe try a tracert command (in windows) or traceroute (in linux): tracert -d ip_address
  15. [B65] Uplayable Lag Issues in MP

    You can try an internet speed test to check your connection:
  16. [B65] Uplayable Lag Issues in MP

    I only ask because it's a little unclear what you mean by "the same server", but are you connecting to a server running the TFC mod, or just a generic minecraft server where you only install TFC on your client?
  17. Is TFC still incompatible with Optifine?

    Yeah I thought it was the configs at first too, but even deleting them and trying completely fresh installs I had issues. If I don't install optifine then everything looks good. My FPS stinks with these latest builds. It starts out nice at like 30-35, but after playing a few minutes it drops to 9. Maybe I'll try the HD_U_A7 version and see what happens. I'm guessing optifine won't fix it anyway, because I had good FPS with previous builds, my setup didn't change (client and server on separate computers), and when I play vanilla the FPS is fine.
  18. Is TFC still incompatible with Optifine?

    I tried optifine with b64 and it messed up all the graphics. My water was ladders and grass was empty space. How do I install optifine with TFC? Before forge, after forge, or after playerAPI? I tried the "light" version because I only want the FPS boost and not HD graphics.
  19. [Solved][B64, B65]Can't create a new world

    From another thread (major server glitch) it appears this happens if you install player API before forge. Make sure to use a fresh minecraft_server.jar, delete the META-INF, install forge, THEN install player API.
  20. [CLOSED] B64 no sound

    I actually saw the issue occur after I changed the filename. I posted a log last night but it got lost in the move. It had the same exception as others here.
  21. Prospector's Pick

    I think It's random which ore in the range you get. Just based on my experience using it, no cite.
  22. [CLOSED] B64 no sound

    Did someone say ?
  23. (SMP) (B64) Major Server Glitch

    You can put it back to 4G if you want, that was probably not the issue.
  24. If you could design a video game, what would it be?

    I want to make a combination of Final Fantasy and XCOM. Aliens invade and you have to fight them off with airships, swords, and magic while they have the usual high tech weaponry and psionic abilities.
  25. (SMP) (B64) Major Server Glitch

    These arguments don't seem right. How are you starting the server and client? Try changing these to 1G instead.