Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by damnedsky

  1. [Vanilla Bug] The great cow escape!

    This is getting annoying... I listened to your advice guys and made a full glass enclosure. Here is a picture with my case: The pigs bounding box is much greater than the pig itself and they space themselves around so they don't touch. It might not seem from the image but this is a PACKED enclosure. There are pigs being pushed into the glass as you can see in the left wall and far right. Fortunately for me I only had 3 pregnant female pigs...
  2. I'm looking right now at the 1.4.7 texture pack and trying to figure out how to convert some of it to 1.5 because i really want it and it's chaos!!!!! It's a huge amount of work!! I really hope you can make it soon! A small status update would be extremely appreciated as well. Cheers!
  3. Minecraft Customizer

    Sorry but I don't get it... from what I understand you put a combination of JohnSmith and blockhead on the Customizer... Where is it? I need it!!!!!
  4. I started checking this thread 5 times a day. @madflavius Is there something we could help with? Folder structure? 1.4.7->1.5.1 conversion?
  5. Latest Changes to Chests...

    This is what i understand from that changelog: So we can have 256 items per stack????
  6. Build 50, Sluice isn't worth it?

    Guys! Help me out a little bit here please! So if I leave the sluice as is, does it do anything? or do I continuously have to feed it with gold pans? Also, what is the usual depth for finding ores? I found a large cave system that goes very deep but I can't find any exposed ores.... As you can see I'm very new to TFC
  7. A few questions.

    Welcome to TerraFirmaCraft! Stone/Wood Pickaxe, Wood Shovel, Stone/Wood Sword, Cobble(at least the usual Minecraft cobble), Iron Buckets, all ores..... My advice? Let the wiki be your friend and start with this LINK! Cheers!
  8. charcoal pit?

    So i can confirm the design i posted here. I saw the maximum size the wiki says should work and I think that is amazing! although I guess that size should only be used on servers The thing is, I saw Crysyn1's last video and he used as a charcoal pit one of his rooms he dug in a cliff. He filled the room with log piles then made a fire pit right next to the exit and closed the door. I think that's amazing! Just close the door on the damn thing ) He also had 2 rooms like this so while he was waiting for one to transform he could fill the other one with logs.
  9. charcoal pit?

    I put together an image with what I was hoping to accomplish. The idea is to make a charcoal pit as big as possible, start the fire from underneath and plug the hole. Also the wood pile walls are 2 blocks thick. Would this design work?
  10. charcoal pit?

    Hello guys! If I build a Charcoal pit higher than the 2 layers of wood, do I need the central column to be empty or I can cap it from the first block above the firepit? Cheers!