Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Wom1

  1. iore veins tend to snake orignaly i thought there were peices scattered around a core with 2 to 3 stacks in it also i ussual finf=d a ore peice on the surface go down till i have a strong reading then make a big 2 high square around where i came down and gathere all the ore i find then i use supports to mine up to the surfuce....... or i make a huge pit in the first place


  2. okay ive had my horse for a while but it keeps walking far enough to break the rope today i had to cheat it back in when it walked on my forge while i was smithing


  3. the 2d items like the hammer on my anvil and even the rocks are now 3d i have screenshots but dont know how to put them on here any way the hammer standing straight up the cocks are to not being flat on their respective surfuces going to try deleting and reinstaling TFC i will post whether it does anything if i dont say it didnt work


  4. oh while i remember there is a bug i think where i lit my charcoal pit and wasrnt fast enough i know it gets lit on fire but it went from my stone under ground pit through the floor of my house (also stone) and lit my house on fire 2 blocks of stone away  


  5. that's what i was thinking when i think mine today i thing MASSIVE pit with huge trucks that have been there for years and are not done and in ancient Rome for instance they had mines that provided enough for years maybe even a centery


  6. im on the hourse but i cant get on whithout the rope and i cant take it off when im on and horses are immune to fall damage fell down a ravine on my hourse i died but not my hourse


  7. On the only adventure for meatal I ever went on due to the fact it was enough to make a bloomery and a bronze anvil and I have iron in 2 places next to my house I found 2 copper veins and 1 rich cassarite the rich cassarite gave about 4 stacks and the copper 5 or so stacks each no changeing just a single player world each in the middle of a stone type theres roboly copper down there still I just got to the core of the vein where most of the ore is
