Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by 4114Fishy

  1. Horrible rooster noise?

    That's of course, only if you plan on releasing it to the public. If not, you can use whatever sounds you want,.
  2. Question about salt

    Maybe there could be a compromise? Filling a barrel full of salt water and then sealing it for the 10-12 hours would provide 1-5 pieces of salt?
  3. Water source

    Is there still a config option to make infinite water sources? Or is it all finite now?
  4. Put the button back in, please.

    You guys removed the crafting of buttons due to the conflict with making planks back into the smaller planks without the saw, but since you removed that, can you put the recipe for buttons back into the game?
  5. Bugged Item

    I didn't use NBTedit to cheat lol I used the /give command to give an item that was accidentally removed. Edit: Fixed it! Turned out I needed to go into the level.dat along with the playername.dat file as well
  6. Bugged Item

    So I lost a few items due to an accident and when I tried adding them back into the game I added the wrong damage value, and it completely crashed the game and I've tried editing it out with NBTExplorer and INVedit and every time I open up the game it somehow reloads the item so no matter what I've tried, I can't edit the damage value or delete it and have it stay that way... Can someone help me?
  7. New Spawn Protection Not Working?

    Yeah, I've been having problems with the spawning systems too. :/
  8. Time to remove placed logs

    But to take something you placed yourself shouldn't take long, as you know how to placed it and should know how to remove it easily... It shouldn't take hacking at a piece for ages to take it apart.
  9. Problems installing server

    Edit: never mind, I fixed it. Turns out I typed something wrong in CMD when trying to run the server with no gui haha I tried installing a server for me and my friend to play on, but I got this error when trying to run the .jar: ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // I feel sad now Time: 23/09/12 11:36 AM Description: Exception in server tick loop java.lang.ClassCastException: aiz cannot be cast to TFC.TileEntities.TileEntityChestTFC at TFC.Blocks.BlockChestTFC.a( at up.m( at up.h( at up.f( at up.d( at ni.h_(SourceFile:97) at up.a( at gr.a( at up.g( at up.h( at gr.h( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q( at ft.q( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.p( at at Relevant Details: - Minecraft Version: 1.3.2 - Operating System: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1 - Java Version: 1.7.0_04, Oracle Corporation - Java VM Version: Java HotSpotâ„¢ 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation - Memory: 293190296 bytes (279 MB) / 363528192 bytes (346 MB) up to 954466304 bytes (910 MB) - JVM Flags: 2 total; -Xmx1024M -Xmx1024M - FML: ~ERROR~ NullPointerException: null - Is Modded: Definitely; 'forge,fml' - Profiler Position: N/A (disabled) - Player Count: 0 / 20; [] - World world Entities: 0 total; [] - World world Players: 0 total; [] - World world Chunk Stats: ServerChunkCache: 0 Drop: 0 - Type: Dedicated Server Anybody know what I need to do to fix this?
  10. Recurrent Error...

    anyone else having this ocurring randomly after a couple of minutes of play (Using Beta v2 Build 52) thanks in advance!! Did you clear your config before updating to build 52? That's what broke my last save, set me back to the stone ages
  11. How SSP players should play?

    You're from Toronto? sweet! Don't hate me for being from Brampton hahaha
  12. Cooking Food

    With the whole aim of believability in TFC, I think cooking should be at least a little bit harder. I think food should have to be manually removed at the right time, to prevent the food from being overcooked and turning burnt, as leaving food in a campfire and it automatically removing itself from the fire fully cooked isn't exactly believable. So I think you should have different heating levels for food, like Uncooked, Warming Up, Almost Cooked, Cooked, Overcooked, and Burnt. You could also adjust the filling capabilities based off the time away from the perfect cooking temperature, like overcooking for 1/2 a second could take away 10% of the hunger bar filling, or something along those lines.
  13. Cooking Food

    Yes, this is the idea I was heading towards, I was just really tired at the time and my thoughts weren't processing properly, so I just threw out what was in my mind at the time. Of course there would be different kinds of... Cooking? levels for different types of foods, and each one would restore a different portion of your hunger bar. Another thing that would bring into play would be maybe a restaurant-type business, as people like their meats cooked differently (Medium-rare, rare, etc.), and could add to the whole idea of the kingdom Bioxx plans on adding. This could also add another job of a butcher, or even a meat cleaner, so when an animal is killed, for example, instead of a cow dropping 18 pieces of raw beef, it could drop a certain amount of beef (calculated by the age, size, and approximately how much meat would be good from the cow, which could also bring farmers into the system, as you could get better meat from feeding your cows properly, or get mediocre quality meat from killing wild animals or cows which are just fed crappy food. This would add much more to the game, and could make having bigger factions help a lot more, as everybody could have their own specialized job, and well put together factions would have access to higher quality food, which would allow the farmers to harvest better quality meats from their animals. Yes, I know that, but I figured maybe I'd have some more to add to the topic.
  14. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    They could make it so you can enter a city only if you're of the player's faction, or not in any faction, and that you can only edit blocks within the city by being a part of that city's faction or are at war with that city's faction, which could potentially add a lot to gameplay, and also protect a player's chests, as they would be faction locked too, and nobody would steal from their own faction... right?
  15. Monster spawns

    This hurt my brain...But on the same note, I think creepers should be removed, as I already read about the enderman change and I'm totally fine with that, but having something walk up behind me and blow up and kill me isn't really believable, which is the basis of TFC. A creature made of gunpowder wouldn't be able to live, and there's no use for gunpowder other than TNT, which wasn't even discovered until the 1860's... Not really medieval now is it?
  16. Direct use of all metals for tools etc

    To get back on topic... I think gold should be able to maybe be smashed with a hammer or taken apart somehow to be made for decorations on armour (aesthetic purposes only, of course), and since it wouldn't take too much of the gold ingot, maybe 1 gold ingot could be made into maybe 2-4 gilt? It wouldn't add any armour value, but it would add a nice aesthetic effect to your armour, to show off how rich you are. And on the topic of people talking about different armies and such, maybe you could make most ingots into different kinds of gilt? So there could be like Tin Gilt, Gold Gilt, etc. and that way it would be a lot easier to distinguish different factions.