Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by bruuff

  1. The server has not been this frequented for the last week or too. Its down for several days now and today the first guy even noticed it.


    I guess this is the sign for me to shut this project down. Its just not worth paying another month of server rent when the 79 hype is clearly over.


    I tried my best to keep things interesting, but long term motivation is hard to get. We all learned something, and can make it better next time. I will probably give it a shot in 1.8 again, but i might make changes to the concept that are quite different from what you signed up for here. If you are still interested, let me know. Its always easier with people behind you that have been sticking around for some time.


    I will stop whitelisting and wont restart the server anymore, since the few new guys will probably find themselves all alone and won't be invited to anyones town. I just don't have the time to hang out there long enough to introduce people myself.


    It was a fun time, but i guess thats just how things can go sometimes.


    In the rare case that someone wants to continue the server for themselves, just write me a PM, and i give you the world/server files for you to play around with.


    best regards,



  2. Im so sorry i did not check the server yesterday. I whitelisted all applications and hope that i can spend more time on the project in the future. If anybody feels capable of supporting me in server administration, feel free to apply. This goes out to anybody that i have seen regulary on the server. I think that my rare appearence slows down the whole process and you guys dont deserve that.


  3. The server now makes use of money!


    How to get money?

    There are signs at spawn and in every town that say "ADMIN SHOP" - right click them, put the following items in there to get money!

    • Wood Planks - 1$ each
    • Stone Bricks - 2$ each
    • Any Bronze Ingot - 20$ each
    • Leather 30$ each
    • Wrought Iron Ingot 50$ each
    • Gems 10$ - 160$ each, depending on quality

    How to spend money?


    You can now create chest shops like in the iConomy Chestshop plugin.

    Please note, that you can only build shops to buy from, not to sell at, for the time being.




  4. Ah didnt notice my mailbox was full. I emptied it.

    I got the renderer thing too, more than once, but i hope that fixes itself when we switch to 79.8 (will be as soon as i get to it)




    • [*]Rewrote Detailed Block Rendering. Performance should be a lot better. Also fixes odd lighting issues that have been around since forever. Should also fix the Detailed block crash that affects some people with too many detailed blocks in a chunk.
    Big thanks to Fuami for rewriting this!


  5. I'm guessing it is easy to tell about protection when it was done before you come to the game.

    When I come to the game - the only place was protected is mayor's house whom I never saw in the game - all other land was wilderness and nobody knows how to get town skulls because haven't permissions.


    What we have now:

    1) North is looted (and as I know not only North)

    2) some player (who looks like come online before others) took most valuable things which weren't stolen and switched to other nation

    3) seeds which are very rare here were stolen

    4) jute was stolen - no any chance to take animals

    5) everything other (bloomery as well) also was stolen later


    seems not stolen only walls of smith - because of built from bricks :)


    Players who actively played in the North - haven't any wish to continue play.


    ok, now i was assigned as mayor - now finally i can assign town borders, but i havn't time and haven't wish to do that for at the moment.


    Yeah, and bathing in your misery will certainly motivate many new people to join north and get back up :rolleyes:


    But seriously, the server

    - told you about a custom scripted griefing prevention

    - has a pdf attached that tells you something about skulls to protect your land

    - most of spawn consists out of a tutorial to given plugin

    - the message of the day has written in all caps: DO NOT SIMPLY BUILD IN THE WILDS


    and you just "hadn't permission" and never even bothered to ask? then i cant help you. There are many people on the server that know how that works, not only me. there was almost always one of them online.

    inside a town, chests, log piles, anvils, barrels and all the other inventories are protected (breaking blocks naturally as well) from foreigners. If you use that system, nothing happens to you.


    The one guy who switched nations did so because you were all butthurt about it and couldnt get your shit together. Also, you were 11, we were 9 at that time.

    If you dont wish to continue to play - dont. Then we will find other people that can alteast read and comprehend.


    If you want to get back up, just try to make allies with other nations, make them help you out. I would make you a very good deal for some basic tech myself.



    Well, someone also stole all my vessels, jugs, and tools as well.

    I put the vessels out as I found that if I put my vessels of food in a large vessel, it rots just as fast as if it was outside, so I put all my vessels out. And tools, well, they only stay on tool racks.

    Well, It's not like I had anything other than two copper tools and a bunch of food, but... Those copper tools took over a hour of panning gold to get.... Ah, not like I use them much anyways.


    It also seems doors can be opened as well. because mine was closed. I now stash my tools in a safe hidden location of my house, and I'm planning to make more of them later.


    I cant do much about the vessel/jug thing. just put them behind doors, and they cant reach them. Doors should be protected. I dont know what kind of door you used, there are vanilla doors, tfc doors and carpenter doors. vanilla ones are protected for sure, but i thought the tfc ones were also. they have to be inside town land, though.


    have a nive day everyone



  6. The server has not been this frequented for the last week or too. Its down for several days now and today the first guy even noticed it.


    I guess this is the sign for me to shut this project down. Its just not worth paying another month of server rent when the 79 hype is clearly over.


    I tried my best to keep things interesting, but long term motivation is hard to get. We all learned something, and can make it better next time. I will probably give it a shot in 1.8 again, but i might make changes to the concept that are quite different from what you signed up for here. If you are still interested, let me know. Its always easier with people behind you that have been sticking around for some time.


    I will stop whitelisting and wont restart the server anymore, since the few new guys will probably find themselves all alone and won't be invited to anyones town. I just don't have the time to hang out there long enough to introduce people myself.


    It was a fun time, but i guess thats just how things can go sometimes.


    In the rare case that someone wants to continue the server for themselves, just write me a PM, and i give you the world/server files for you to play around with.


    best regards,




    Original Post:





    Posted Image


    You will need:

    • TFC 79.10
    • Carpenterblocks v3.3.0
    • MineTweaker-1.7.10-3.09


    Due to people not finding info on the protection plugin, now in big:





    We are searching for people who are interested in a team based competition involving trade and pvp town vs town! Each nation with their own special traits, so trading is needed to get certain items. Support your colonial power by sending back shipments to the old world and thus increase your nations honor and wealth!


    We will try to balance all that as good as possible. We are playing terrafirmacraft after all.

    There will be as few teleporting as possible!


     Carpenter's Blocks!


    Once you join us, you'll have to choose a nation to fight for. Depending on the map, there will be 4 nations to choose from.


    Protect all your creations with an personally written, easy to use and precise Griefing protection. It wont hinder a natural growth of villages without enforcing manhattanly roads, because of a small plot size of only 5x5 blocks!


    The server is run whitelisted, so to get on, post in this thread with the following information:


    • in game name
    • your age
    • Why us? (nothing fancy, just so you can stand out)


    here is the map:

    Posted Image





  7. Here is the server log from that time period. The whole thing starts at 19:20. The client side probably helps more, but thats all i can provide, i didn't drink rum and didn't crash myself.



    Array index out of bounds.


    I haven't tried it with just forge instead of cauldron, might be a cauldron thing. On the other hand, the client crashed, not the server.


    fyi chat formatting is done via this, but i don't see any problem here.

    @EventHandler	public void onChat(AsyncPlayerChatEvent event){			Player player = event.getPlayer();		ChatColor playercolor = main.splayer.get(player.getUniqueId()).getNation().getPlayerColor();		if(event.getPlayer().isOp())        {            event.setFormat(ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "<" + playercolor + event.getPlayer().getName() + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "> " + ChatColor.WHITE + event.getMessage());        }        else        {            event.setFormat(ChatColor.WHITE + "<" + playercolor + event.getPlayer().getName() + ChatColor.WHITE + "> " + event.getMessage());        }	}

  8. I added everyone that responded to this was added to whitelist with his forum nickname. If your in game name ist different from that, please post it here. I will change it quickly.




    so what other mods will we need to connect? just carpenters blocks?


    TFC 79.6, Carpenterblocks v3.3.0, MineTweaker-1.7.10-3.08B
