Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by CCdog987

  1. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Minecraft user name: CCdog987 Your Age: 12 Your Time Zone: Pacific Location Country and State: USA; California Tell us a bit about yourself: Well, im a cuious kid who found minecraft when i was about 9. Ive never liked playing alone and i hate the greifers and hackers of public server so, i usually resort to whitelisted servers. Ive never been good with words, no matter how hard i try. (i guess thats why I have a C in english) I'm extremly sarcastic and usually make horrible jokes. Im laid back, yet always striving for everything to be perfect. Im sometimes a bitch or a smartass (i wunder if thats off of my depression). But speaking of smarts, my mind is extremly absorbant so if you dont want me to remember something, i will most likely remember and might blabber about it (most likely not though) As i mentioned before i am depressed but try to never show it. Thats why i usually never get mad because it goes into a roiling ball of rage that comes out in either tears or extreme anger. usually both. If not then its tears. I have had horrible dreams about knives and shit but never let it bother me. Thats why i usually have a up-i-dy additude. I laugh alot. I mean alot. I mean a shit ton of laughing. One of the kids at my elementary schools said this. "He'll laugh at anything. Hambuger." -Michael 2009 The last thing ( i dont know if ive mentioned this before but) i never play alone. I am usually the Soaryn (execpt for my building skills) of the DW20 forgecraf, series. I liek to travel in TFC but hate doing it alone. Thats mostly everything about me... the only deep part being my depression How can you help us: I am not the HEY LETS DO DISSSSS guy. I love infostructure and being prepared so, i will build EVERYTHING before it, so i can have infinate of that single thing. I beleive that respect and honesty (but not too deep) are extremly important. Though i do beleive that people have secret chit, its for their own saftey. Thats my app. Im horrible with words and i am excitied to see what the outcome will be If im accepted, YESSSS If im not acccepted, Hope the server goes well! Sincerly, CCdoge987
  2. Username: CCdog987 Skype(Optional): Never use skype Age: 12 Timezone: Pacific Why would you like to join? I hate playing single player and playing alone so im really hoping that i can do a private server where i can pair up with someone and well... yeah. What can you contribute? I can work extremly hard and well... im really fimilar with minecraft and all its strong points while knowing its weak points (just expect alot of CCdog987 died) How would you describe your play style? My play style is rushing through beginning shit and getting to all the juicy parts of the mod (i just cant stand vinnilla) Im not too good with apps but i am extremly mature if it calls for it. If i dont get accepted, best regards to the server! - CC
  3. Age: 11, Litteraly 1 week to twelve Minecraft Username: CCdog987 Why would you like to join?: Because I Like terraFirmacraft and kinda want to pair up with someone or have something constantly running that i need to be running What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: Well, Ive been playing Minecraft since Beta 1.8 and mods since like 1.5 (release). So I know alot about minecraft/mods. TerraFirmaCraft on the other hand I only know the mid teir metals and metal Working. Any additional information that would help your case: I can be extremly active because i am getting extremly bored of waiting for a modpack that me and my friend want to come out So i want something to busy me. And when that modpack comes out i will still occasianly be on the server but only once a day. Time zone, location, name(*Optional): Pacific, i will only narrow it down to California, and My first name is Connor I know that im probably too young but i can and will be extremly mature (you'd be surprised) (just a bit impatient at times) Well... Just noticed there was a cdog123 here... Im not him to be clear