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I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again. -
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Goal -This thread is a discussion on what makes players work together. I have come across more than one individual who has wished for players to work together more to varying degrees. Reasons include but are not limitedto create one big city, greater sense of community, create trade, and reducing the load on the physicalserver. My personalexperiences-On most servers I've played on the game experience has been as follows. You log on, there's a protected spawn area, people spread out from spawn and build their own base in different sections of the map usually by themselves or small groups of friends. When someone has accumulated some degree of stuff, depending on the person and how difficult it was to obtain the stuff, are willing to trade or give it away. These servers usually have some sort of grief protection and/or policy regarding griefing from the relaxed to the extreme. The more extreme the policies, and olderthe server, more ghost towns/buildings you seem to come across. They also tend to have limits on the number of crops,animals, and redstone you can have, to reduce stress on the server. What bring people together on these types of servers is usually briefly for trade and sometimes to help tackle a particularly difficult area or mob. When I've specifically looked for it, there has beena few servers I've been on where there has been a small group of individuals from 2 to 8 on the server, where there has been a town collective where everyone lives in the same general area and shares resources and work areas. Generally this has been on more difficult servers. The population of the server in these circumstances, usually is pretty much set shortly after a settlement has been established. From there the server population slowly dies until no one logs on consistently anymore. What brings people together initially on these servers is just the desire to work together in a community. PVP servers have came in two varieties and modes. Free for all and guilds, open world and minigames. Open world, in free for all everyone hides and nolarge bases are usually made unless there is some sort of grief protection. What brings people together on this game style is sometimes briefly for trade but more often than not, conflict.Open world Guilds usually have established grief protected areas and a standard set of gear for all new recruits. Again the main binding force is only one grief protected area and conflict. Minigames are minigames, not much to say there. Take away -What usually brings people together in most these scenarios is trade and that is usually just for the trade. What brings people together the longest is usually a general want to work together as a server, and having only one safeplace that is grief protected. Having the server be very dangerous either from PVPor extremely difficult gameplay also helps. That is why I have a running theory that the more difficult it is to build, survive, and communicate the more people naturally come together in Minecraft without specifically wanting to work together in one big town I'd love to hear other peoples inputas to what brings minecraft players to work together and the reason or reasons why they think that. As always, follow the forum rules, be respectful, and try to stay on topic. Thanks!
K-TFC Minecraft Server Come join our new Terrafirmacraft Server. We are a TFC Standalone based server. ZIP File containing the mods i recommend using on the server. TFC ) Server IP: Discord: Server Rules: 1. No Hacking 2. No Xray 3. No spamming 4. No advertising 5. No excessive griefing. 6. No glitches or exploits. 7 No giving out other players personal information. 8. No begging for items. 9. No asking for OP or a Rank. 10. Have Fun. Other Information: We do not have lots of plugins we a TFC vanilla based server. Users have access to basic commands such as /tpa, /home, /spawn, ect. Players also have access to protecting their land by using a gold shovel(given to you) and selecting the dimensions of the area they want to claim.
[] Age of Conquest : 100k map : No whitelist : 16+ Mods
Annabannana56 posted a topic in Servers
Hi there, We've just recently opened our very first TFC server and are trying to build aMinecraft centered gaming community, as well. We use the TFC version, and a few extra plugins (like Towny, ChestShop, etc.) to add depth to the game. If you'd like to check us out, you can go to our website at, or simply hope onto the server at! Update (July 10, 2018) We have expanded our map size to 10k by 10k! We have also added several mods to our server, such as: TerraFirmaStuff (latest version) Merchants Add-on (latest version) Cellars Add-on (latest version) TerraMisc Add-on (latest version) Automated Bellows Add-on (latest version) Update (August 25, 2018) We have twonew staff members! Welcome, Feliseda and DutchMango! We now have a functioning Dynmap Trading outposts are only $150! TFC Scales, BiblioCraft, and BiblioWoodsAdd-ons havebeen added to the server! Hope to see you around! -
FORESTS OF TERRA About us: Forests of Terra is a new whitelisted server that I'm hoping to be around 30 members big with a large thriving community that lasts for monhts. This server is not like any other TFC server as we try and focus on the beauty of the game to maximise the enjoyment and increase the longevity of which you will want to play for. We achieve this by adding a lot of graphical mods and new sounds which includes a new soundtrack and for the first time in years I'm playing minecraft with the music ON becuase it makes the game feel less like a game but nature in it's purest from, hence the name Forests of Terra Mods: We use a lot of additional mods to try and improve tfc not only with game mechanics but content, graphical enhancements and new and amazing audio. You do not have to download the mods separately as we have complied them all into one file which can be found in our discord. How to join: Join our discord with the link below and submit an application form, if everything goes well you will be accepted. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask, and Ihope that you all apply and I'll see you there
Small Community TFC server now looking for applicants. This is an offline mode server FYI. The server includes but not limited to the following plugins. Towny Authme - For offline mode server to login. (plan on setting up email registration and password reset) WorldGuard Essentials Iconomy Worldedit - WorldGuard What we are looking for. Mature individuals that are interested in development and enjoyment of survival. Anyone that wants to have fun, build huge projects as a team with everyone on the server. Please reply to this post with the following application filled out and/or email me directly at [email protected] IGN: (In Game Name - Whitelist Purposes) Age: How long have you played Minecraft?: How long have you played TFC?: Favorite part of Minecraft? Favorite part of TFC: (if you are new just say so this will not prevent you from joining) Specialization in TFC: (armorsmith? farmer? combat? what do you specialize in. leave blank if you are unsure) A little about yourself: Questions, Suggestions, Comments:
[Offline][0.79.14][autocraftnation] Vanilla TFC Server - New Map - Whitelist
lordi91 posted a topic in Servers
REMEMBER THIS SERVER IS WHITE LISTED THAT MEANS YOU CANT CONNECT JUST BY TRYING I AM NOW KEEPING A LOG AND IF YOU TRY AND CONNECT WITHOUT AN APPLICATION IT WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY DENIED Ive had this server a while with TFC on it but kept to myself, I am part of a group where we currently have a modded (FTB) and a vanilla server and decided to make the TFC server public (well whitelisted) Please also visit our forums (once signed up please pm me if you dont see any forums within 24hrs) TFC Version: Beta Server IP: You will now need to get this from me via PM or the forums as i'm getting people trying to login constantly Rules: Please View our Forums for these Whitelist Form Age: IGN: Why this server: -
FORGOTTEN MIRIAS ForgottenMirias is the server TFC of the Italian community Forgottenworld, the server is started on 01.04.2015 and has a new map, anyone who wants to join us is welcome! Forum: Launcher: TS: Dynmap: MOD/ADDON: TerraFirmaCraft-0.79.15 BiblioCraft Carpenters Blocks CraftHeraldry CustomNPCs ElectricalAge_BETA MineTweaker NEI TerraFirmaCraftNEIplugin Waila-Mod WailaHarvestability YeGamolChattels Lanterns LeatherWaterSac Merchants TFCUdaryMod PLUGINS: ChestShop CombatTagInstakill CoreProtect Essentials Towny
Hello all!This is a server for those who like TechNodeFirmacraft and want to play in a community!Mining together. having a pro smith, giant factories run by actual people and not machines, its all possible as long as the players want it to be possible!Thats why this server is whitelisted, if you want to join you should really first have some TFC experience and some TNF (TechNodeFirmacraft).Also I and I hope you to, would like all builds to be realistic, it stays TFC ofcourse, AND FIX YOUR CREEPER HOLES!TNF: Server:24/7EU hostedCreeperhost Zombie (not the best but luckly this isnt a heavy pack)Interested:If you'd like to join please react to this post or send me a private message or send an mail to: [email protected] containing the answers to the following questions:What is your IGN?What is your real name?Do you have skype, and if you do what is your name? (please do, you have a better chance of being accepted)What is your TFC Experience?What is your TNF experience?Why you? (promote yourself)What are your specialties? (Mining, Farming, Building, Smithing, Making those nice machines)I would be glad to see you soon on this TNF fan made server!-Itsa me Stephen
- 18 replies
[Offline][0.79.15] Hosting small server. 6 - 12 people (Whitelisted)
soldierashley posted a topic in Servers
Hello im looking for a few people to start a small server. I'm looking for people that are mature enough not to grief and raid each other but like to have fun, are 15 or over and know the basics of tfc. Application Name: Ign: Age: Why you want to join: What skills you would bring to the server: How often would you play: Skype:- 48 replies
- Community
- Whitelisted
(and 1 more)
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[0.79.17] Barbaric Survival - Vanilla TFC Server | New Map - Jan 3rd | Whitelist - Closed
Tris514 posted a topic in Servers
TerraFirmaCraft Barbaric Survival [bS] Vanilla TFC Server Barbaric Survival is a vanilla, TFC, whitelisted server. The server has been running for some time now on a new higher performance server host; fully equipped and ready to play, with a new map as of January 3rd, 2014. We are a smaller community of well acquainted members, engaging in friendly activity with each other playing TFCaft. We're happy to meet new people from any part of the world, as long as language isn't to much of a barrier. Our community members are very trustworthy, easy going and easy to get along with. If you enjoy living in towns, building villages with other members, or cabins deep in the woods, working with others in small groups or going lone wolf; we welcome you here at Barbaric Survival. BS is recommended for members ages 18 and up. The server is 100% Survival/Vanilla TFC, meaning no API and no plugins added, as well no additional mods (other then FastCraft, as recommended for performance enhancement). We have a subreddit for members of Barbaric Survival to discuss topics on the server, and to converse and share with each other, as well to be updated on news and content that is server related. Please visit, to find out more. Please contact me on redditwith any questions or concerns. TFC Version: Beta 0.79.17 IP: Some screenshots of our community from the previous world, taken by myself and other members of the server. Rules: If you are not going to be active for an extended amount of time, you must notify me(WetCheerios) of the time you will be gone and the reason for your leave, otherwise you will beremoved from the whitelist on this server.(*Important)There is a Soft World Border limit in place, please don't exceed a 2000 block radius around spawn unless a specific resource cannot be found within it.(*New)Please don't raid or steal from others.Unless mutually agreed upon, don't kill other players.No Hacks or additional Mods that may give you an upper hand (mini maps are fine), we want everyone to be equal and fair.Please don't abuse bugs or glitches in the mod, and if you find any please report them to me and/or the TerraFirmaCraft community.Please only farm the amount of animals needed for you to survive on the server, as mass farms can cause issues.Just use that noggin of yours and you'll do just fine (Common Sense). *Update: New Official Map! Released January 3rd, 2015. **Update: Whitelisting is currently CLOSED, please do not leave an application as it will not be answered. Whitelisting Application Form (Please apply in the reply section below.): Age: Minecraft Username: Why would you like to join?: What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: Any additional information that might help your case: Time zone, location, name(*Optional):- 705 replies
- No Plugins
- Small
(and 8 more)
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[Offline][0.79.15] -New- Small Tfc Server - Whitelist, Dynmap, Lockette, Antigrief
BlazeAndAce posted a topic in Servers
[*]Server Status: or 24 / 7 running Rules: Application: MISC: Mod Links: [*]Streams Mod [*]Cellars Mod [*]Water Sac Additional Help & Information: [*]Server Idle To prevent the server ticking (Food decay etc.) the server goes in standby-mode when no player is online. Therefore Dynmap is sadly not available when no player is logged in. [*]Shader Config if you wish to use shaders with custom water blocks including Streams river blocks, edit your shader's gbuffers_wqater.wsh file to replace the line:if (mc_Entity.x == 8 || mc_Entity.x == 9) {with the following line:if (mc_Entity.x == 8 || mc_Entity.x == 9 || mc_Entity.x == 426 || mc_Entity.x == 427 || mc_Entity.x == 428 || mc_Entity.x == 429 || mc_Entity.x == 430 || mc_Entity.x == 431 || mc_Entity.x == 500 || mc_Entity.x == 501 || mc_Entity.x == 502 || mc_Entity.x == 503 || mc_Entity.x == 504 || mc_Entity.x == 505 || mc_Entity.x == 506 || mc_Entity.x == 507 || mc_Entity.x == 508 || mc_Entity.x == 509 || mc_Entity.x == 510 || mc_Entity.x == 511 || mc_Entity.x == 512 || mc_Entity.x == 513 || mc_Entity.x == 514 || mc_Entity.x == 515 || mc_Entity.x == 516) { [*]Server Hardware: CPU: Intel® Xeon® CPU E3-1271 v3 @ 3.60GHz (8 Cores) Uplink: 1000 Mbit Ram : 6GB true Ram [*]Server IP / Adress -
My friend and I are looking for a small close knit community to play in. Preferably with Towny or something like that, without PVP or Raiding/Griefing. A group of people who can take a joke and maybe throw one back. Give advice and help out each other out but still allow the other to be independent in their actions. IGN: zacktothemax789 Age: 14 Time playing MC & TFC: I've played minecraft since late Alpha, and 3-4 weeks of TFC. Things enjoyed to do ingame: I really love the smithing and general metallurgy in this mod. IGN: thekingguy Age: 16 nearing 17 Time Playing MC & TFC: 3 years of MC and about 2 weeks of TFC Things enjoyed ingame: He seems to love farming, husbandry and general farm work. We've both gotten about into the Iron age, and can pick up new ideas and concepts fairly well.
Hi I'm looking for a small community based white-listed vanilla TFC server (preferably British or European but would also join Australian and American servers) to join; I do have a basic understanding of TFC and do not troll. I'm a 17 year-old British College student and would prefer to play with people of a similar age or older. Comment or private message me if you are interested.
[Offline][FirmaCraft] 32 Slots - Experienced Hosts/Coders - Great spawn/New map - Awesome Community
Mr_LyonZ posted a topic in Servers
This is a TerraFirmaCraft server!Download the Launcher fromHERE No client modding needed! Just follow the instructions on the download page! What is TerraFirmaCraft? It's one of the most complex Minecraft mods. The amount of items and gameplay choices is limitless(almost).In TerraFirmaCraft you will have to work hard to find a way to do any basic things or you can just check their wiki (www. and challenging technology advancement tree. There are over a dozen different ores to discover and structures to build, such as a bloomery, to help you advance.New world generation with more trees and new biomes.Features Best hosting hardware, lag-free, 32 slots, dedicated server, 24/7, high uptime (>99%)Engaged social communityThe server uses LWC for protectionBrand new, HUGE map (32k*32k)The owners are 2 avid minecraft players that have been playing since alpha. (Staff is needed too)No whitelist! Anyone can join to try it out (completely!), if you like it, you may register for extended accessSmall, simple and straight to the point spawn, no fancy bullshit, jump right into the gameplay!Rules Use English in public chat.No griefing or massive harrasement.No modding, hacking, cheating.No foul language or other impolite behaviour. So what are you waiting for? Join us now right below !! Our website : Current server status (Updated in realtime) :Click me Server IP : Banner (Links aren't allowed in this forum) : Clicky! -
Server address: Location: New Orleans. Specs: AMD FX-4100 quad-core 3.6GHz CPU, 8 gigs of RAM NOW UPDATED TO TFC 0.78.11! Hi all! I've started up a new server I'm calling the TFC Zombie Awareness Server. I've got TFC, Extrafirma, and most importantly, Zombie Awareness Mod running, as well as a few other little extras. It seems like a lot to put together, so I've made a convenient download list below. I'm looking for players who are interested in living and working together rather than everyone running off to play alone. I can do that on SSP if I wanted that. The server is NOT whitelisted as I don't expect the TFC community to be full of a bunch of griefer a-holes. I already have a few nice folks playing sporadically but I'd like to get some more people on. We already have a small starter village going for now, but we haven't moved up very high on the metal tree yet purposely. If we get enough people playing, I'd also consider a dedicated hosting option as well. Right now the server is running the following mods (and whatever dependencies they require): [*]Forge (for 1.6.4) [*]Terrafirmacraft b0.78.11 (for 1.6.4) [*]Extrafirma (not compatible at this time, link removed) [*]Leather Water Sack [*]Smart Moving 14.5 (for 1.6.4) [*]Player API core 1.2 (for 1.6.4)(required for Smart Moving) [*]Splitting Wedge (not compatible at this time, link removed) [*]Zombie Awareness (for 1.6.4) [*]CodeChickenCore (for 1.6.4) [*]NotEnoughItems (for 1.6.4) - Installation Instructions - Follow the instructions on the TFC wiki for installing Forge and TFC as usual. To install Zombie Awareness, open up the zip you've downloaded. Inside is a folder that contains another folder. Inside that "mods" folder, you will find 3 more zip files. These zips are the actual mods you need. Copy those zips into your TFC installation's "/mods" folder. To install Smart Moving, open the zip that you downloaded from the link above. Inside are two more zips for different versions of Smart Moving. Copy the "Smart Moving Universal for Modloader or Minecraft Forge or" to your TFC installation's "/mods" folder. To install Player API, open the zip you downloaded from the link above. Inside is "PlayerAPI.jar". Copy this .jar file into your TFC installation's "/mods" folder. For all the other mods, simply copy the .jar or .zip you downloaded into your TFC installation's "/mods" folder. I also recommend you install your map of choice (personally, I like Zan's Minimap). I'm also open to suggestions for any other mods that you think would add to the game. You can contact me on Skype (kurzninja) with questions, to let me know that the server has crashed (I can usually restart it within a minute or two), or to let me know you've joined up if I'm not logged on. Let's work together to fight off the zombie horde and make a great place to live.
- 15 replies
- splittingwedge
- extrafirma
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