Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Lavos5181

  1. I know TFC1 will only have minor updates to fix bugs and such however I know sooner or later that will end and so will the whole TFC1. However I was wondering if the source code for TFC1 will ever be released to the public so that someone out there may take it back up and try to update it and continue on with the project. Or at the very least given to someone who will keep the first TFC going on as TFC2 is rather different and not the same experience.


  2. What is the difference between the normal bow and long bow. When I tested them out the longbow had a less of a range then the normal bow.Alot less range as in the normal bow at 30 blocks away from the target dropped 1.5 blocks. The longbow dropped at least 3 blocks at the same range. Also when i tested the damage the Longbow only did 1,183 as the normal bow did 1,692 damage. Just wondering if i am doing something wrong with it or what use it is as i would have thought that the longbow would have done more range and damage but take longer to draw back.


  3. i was using forge and i am upgrading to I did use a leather rack a couple of times but nothing seemed off about it it worked normally. I also did upgrade TFC from 79.15.538 to 79.24.816. I have deleted the leather rack and now it works fine but still no idea what went wrong with it.


  4. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the support forum? (Yes/No): Yes
    Answering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted.
    TFC Version #:79.24.816
    Forge Version #: 
    Please note that an actual number must be provided for both of the above fields.
    Simply saying "current" or "latest" will result in your post being locked, due to the fact that in a large number of cases, users who say they are using the "latest" or "current" version are actually using an outdated version.

    SSP/SMP (SinglePlayer/MultiPlayer):SMP
    Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug? (Yes/No): yes
    If you answered no to the above question, delete all 3 TFC config files (TFCCrafting, TFCConfig, TFCOre), do NOT edit or add to any of the files, and try to reproduce the bug.
    This question is here because many bugs are caused by mistakes in config files. If you are unable to delete your edited config files, please provide a list of the config options you have changed.

    Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed? (Yes/No): yes
    If yes, which mods? 

















    If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them? (Yes/No): yes
    If you answered no to the above question, uninstall Optifine/Cauldron and try to reproduce the bug.
    Both Optifine and Cauldron edit the base classes of forge that TFC uses. Because of this, we cannot officially support any issues that happen only when these mods are installed. In the majority of cases, TFC is not causing the bug; Optifine/Cauldron is and TFC can do nothing to fix it.
    All bug reports should have an answer of "Yes" to this question. If you refuse to uninstall Optifine/Cauldron, and cannot reproduce the bug when the mods are not installed, do not bother making a bug report, as it will be locked and ignored.

 link of the Crash Report:,34676.0.html(old post and crash report)

    Description: I am trying to upgrade my server. I took out the old Forge and put a new one in. Then I start the server fine but once i try to get on the server the server just shuts down. I had also posted this to the forge forum page as I thought I may have upgraded wrong. But they told me that TFC had a recursion issue and that I should go here. Have no idea what is wrong with my server at all.


  5. yes it was full of fresh water sealed after the food was in for all 3 foods and was barley flour

    should i be taking this to a different forum? I was figuring it was this mod pack since my normal TFC the Alcohol works just fine


  6. I would much like this too as me and my friends have been looking for something like this for awhile. The only servers i found seem to be none pvp or plain vanilla with no rules at all. I have consider hosting my own server with only factions or mytown but with the TFC++ modpack or something like it


  7. Seeing as people often go with towns, nations and kingdoms I would say that Ancient Warefare mod would be great. It adds in npcs already which is what alot of people want. Plus it allows for you to put ij custom buildings so you could have towns just randomly spawn over the world for you to attack or for them to attack you. If it couldn't be this mod then a mod like it would be awesome


  8. Like everyone else I think the music is simply beautiful. But I was wondering about adding more background music. I know I can manually add it however it doesn't feel the same as what is there.


  9. Minecraft user name: Lavos5181


    Your Age: 22


    Your Time Zone: UTC 5:00


    Location Country and State: USA, NY


    Tell us a bit about yourself: Ive been looking for a good town server and so far this is the nearest to what I have been looking for. Hoping that when i join pvping happens as nothing feels better then a good plot of destroying your enemies comes together.


    how can you help us: Well other then adding me and possibly my mates to the server i have experience running bukkit, MCPC/Cualdron servers aswell as Forge servers. I have always ran towns on minecraft servers so know how they and other town type servers work really well.


  10. Ether one of the 2 things happen when i update to 79.8 or 79.9 this crash report is from the 79.9 attempt. I put in FML and TFC and the game will crash before it even starts or it will start but not load FML or TFC. I am using ATL launcher and Vanilla MC instance with no mods installed at all. I have used ATL to play TFC and has worked with the 78 build.


    This is my crash reports with both of the instances happening with 79.9


  11. Looking at Directory There was post about wine but no main one. But Since there is alcohol already in the code more then just Wine should be done.


    My 2 cents on this idea is how i imagined a good alcohol system working.


    First off would be adding not only the Wine but Mead and Beer as well.


    Since Most if not all alcohol are pretty much a skilled craft to make good alcohol there should be more involved then just shoving water and a veggie/grain into a water barrel. Should have a system that can range from poor to great with the great having better effects. Like smithing is not just smelt ingots and putting them in a crafting table. 


    The process would be as followed. Water, Yeast, Sugar for the yeast are all the basic ingredients for any alcohol. In Wines case the grapes count for both the yeast and sugar. Beer the hops is the yeast and the carbs from the wheat is the food source. So for TFC brewing a new crop type just called yeasts could be added in. Then in every recipe there Would be Water, Yeast and differ types of yeast would be better for differ types of food source. The food source would be the potatoes for vodka, grapes for wine, apple for cider, etc etc. Now for each world generation each food source would be better with different food sources every time. Such as Players liking different food. Now you would have all your ingredients together going to make your batch of alcohol.(from now on when i say grapes i'm referring to the food source) But you cant just throw grapes in a barrel of water and yeast and expect them to turn into wine you must mash them first. So the new block would come into play. A press, To make this item you would need a quern top and a chiseled out wood plank block. To make the chiseled out plank block you would have to set your chisel to detailed mode and chisel out everything except the 4 walls and bottom. You place the quern top on the chiseled out plank block and you got yourself a press. (For Things like beer which need heat to active the yeast. You would have to make a fermenting pot. Which is smooth stoned chiseled just as the press would be. However to heat it you would need the fire from a pit kiln). Now you add your yeast and grapes. and you get mashed grape mix. you put the grape mix into a water barrel and seal then it starts fermenting. After a while you have yourself some fine wine.


    Now that your learned the process to make it doesn't mean you could shove a bunch of yeast mashed grapes and water and expect good wine. You must be accurate on how much of each you put in. Too much yeast and it dies off before it can finish fermenting. too little and it wont ferment all the way. Water too much it waters the taste too little kills the yeast. So different types of brews need different ratios. Even wine can have a million different ratios and you will get a million different wines. you could get watery or thick wine. dark or light or full wine. all depending on the ratio


    Last fact to play in brewing is time. They say wine gets finer with time. Which is mostly true. For this it would probably be better to make a new barrel but still the one we have now would still work fine. But the new ones would not become unsealed after any amount of time you would have to right click and then click unseal to stop the fermenting process.


    Now probably wondering why go through the pain of brewing? Simple brews could act as our potions. The ratio Would say the potency of the effects both good and bad. and the time would say how long the effects last. Each alcohol would grant you different effects. say vodka gives you strength while wine gives you resistance. Hopefully Everyone knows that alcohol is harmless as long as it is consumed in moderation. But if is not it can have undesirable effects. The effect TFC alcohol would have is Drunkenness and have many levels. Drunkenness 1 wouldn't be anything really bad and seem to have no effect. Drunkenness 2 you start getting dizzy and a little clumsy so you have a low chance to randomly drop items and have nausea 1 effect. Drunkenness 3 You are really dizzy  and pretty much a klutz you would be randomly dropping items alot more and have nausea 2 effect. Drunkenness 4 You really cant see anything by now you would drop items randomly constantly now also you would have both nausea 2 and blind effects. Finally Drunkenness 5 This is alcohol  poisoning you lose health every few seconds pretty much is like being withered.


    Now to compensate for the fact that some alcohols are higher in alcohol percents then other(hard alcohol) for each drink there would be a percentage that you could get the Drunkenness effect. Since hard alcohol is obviously higher you would say have a 80% chance to get the Drunkeness effect. while alcohol in low alcohol percents would have say 60% chance of getting the Drunkenness effect.


    I fell that this is more then a believable way to add both a skilled version of brewing and adding potions into the game without overpowering anything. The Drunkenness effect would keep people from spamming brews and the constant change of yeast to food source would not allow anyone to memorize what goes were keeping the whole thing fresh every time one plays. The new blocks would not be 100% need to add part but would a neat little thing to go along with brewing. Everyone input is greatly appreciated. But this should be at the least a good building block 
