Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by OrdusRC1136

  1. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    I like this Idea, very much. Players having different spawn locations means that it will become easier for multiple societies to develop instead of "that big one near the spawn." Also this makes it so that it is much harder for communities to find each other (especially if you disabled coordinates from f3, making it impossible to give out coordinates) because they can no longer say "go so and so many blocks north, find an ocean, sail across it, and that's where we are" because the settlements aren't necessarily in a straight line.
  2. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    If I remember correctly, it was partly because bioxx is a bit more limited in everything he does by each additional mod you rely on.
  3. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Another (and possibly easier to code) idea on the whole anti-robing thing might be some kind of mechanism for the game to keep track of what is crafted by who, and when that person goes offline, their chests/anvils etc. go "offline" with them, however this system may be more abuse-able as someone could place blocks where someones stuff used to be.
  4. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Just an idea on currency, there could be smith-able coins from certain metals, I was thinking specifically of copper, iron, gold, red and blue steel, with no other purpose in the game other than to act as currency, of course, to be fair, one ingot would have to make at least five coins. Also these coins should have a very large stack size. You could also make the eventuality of paper money, by adding a dye to paper, making it a sheet of paper money. Both of these concepts would better simulate the idea of currency and making it more realistic as different nations would use different currencies. Also, furthering the whole anti-grief/robbing idea, you could make a type of chest that has a lock on it, and when you smith the lock it comes with a key, allowing only the person with the exact key or a replica of it to get in the chest unless the perpetrator wanted to stand around for about 60 seconds trying to break open the chest, this makes it even more of a pain in the ass to rob from people, but still doesn't make it impossible, and also allows time for the NPC guard to catch the perpetrator and kill them.
  5. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    That sounds good in theory, but what happens if they bring gravity proof blocks?
  6. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Well if you have something valuable enough for someone to try tunneling under your house in TFC then I would assume you do more than just put up an NPC and hope no one thinks of that, if someone has something of that value then they are probably going to hide it with traps, long, confusing mineshafts and basically just make it really hard for anyone to get. On the idea of "oh I have a pickaxe, but I don't want some newly spawned idiot just walking up to my house and taking it, the NPC idea should work just fine. Additionally, if you have something super valuable in your chests, you're probably going to have armor and a weapon, my whole concept is to make it so that you can guard your house while you are offline. Lets face it; if your enemy is breaking into your house unarmed and your NPC is armed with javelins or armor, you house will remain fairly safe, but if they are attacking with red or blue steel armor and weapons and you don't have that teir of stuff, would you win even if you were online? If they are coming at you with similar their stuff, they would still have to be a pretty experienced MC fighter to take out the NPC, but it would still make it a pain in the ass for them. If you can script the NPC's GUI like I said above then you could set options for the NPC not to attack certain people and their NPCs' thus allowing large settlements of people to post town guards on their borders, killing mob and enemy player alike, making it very lucrative to team up.
  7. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Does anyone have any feedback for me on this?
  8. [Offline] Pirate TFC - Build 52e. No Whitelist.

    He's using an incorrect version of TFC.
  9. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    I was thinking on the problems with stealing/griefing etc. I think that economies and politics should be managed by the players themselves. For the stealing/griefing problems, I would say that before a player logs out of a server, they are given a gui which will allow them to set up an npc to guard their house. If you have a large house, there should be a way to add some kind of lock or puzzle that it would take a max of 60 seconds to crack in order to access a storage container so that the npc has time to get to where the infiltrator is and slay them before they can open it and get away. The npc for a player should have their skin and only be able to wear and use the armor and weapons that the player actually has. It should also be able to allow certain entities to enter and exit the premises of the patrol area, eg peaceful mobs, friendly players etc. This solves the problem of a player logging out because now they have a guard for their house. Before you npc haters try to tear this idea apart, remember that it isn't really adding a mining, working npc, just allowing the player to guard their house when they are offline. I honestly have no idea how much coding this would take or if it is completly unphsable, but I would very much like this to be implemented into the mod. Note: I have not read the forum in its entirety, so sorry if this idea has been posted before.