Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by PizzaSHARK!

  1. I've been noticing that wood blocks will sometimes have a transparent texture when placed, usually on the side somewhere. This doesn't occur with default textures so it seems to be specific to this texture pack.
  2. New Logpile GUI

    Can't you already shift-click to fill and shift-click stacks to remove them?
  3. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    Pretty much what I had in mind. Just some way of preventing grass from growing on selected dirt blocks.
  4. Good Mining Practice

    I've never heard of ore veins appearing on the surface.
  5. Terrain and biome generation

    Probably because Notch isn't AtomicStryker and didn't know how to properly design a random structure spawning system But yeah, I know what you mean.
  6. Terrain and biome generation

    I know it's been said that terrain generation isn't finished, but I also haven't seen a list of things that are intended for future releases. So I'm hoping to both find out more about what the current plans are, and to also flesh out some possibilities with this thread. First thing, we know mob generation and/or behavior is receiving changes in the future as well (specifics would be nice, if possible), specifically that both zombies and skeletons are supposed to being set to spawn only inside certain areas, like crypts, tombs, whatever. There's also been talk about changing creepers to spawn only around "creeper nests." We could probably fairly assume the same thing about spiders (only spawning around "spider webs" or whatever) though I'd assume all of this is subject to change at random and without notice. But I'm going to partly proceed on things like this staying MOSTLY the same. Right now, exploration is kind of boring. There are no randomly generated structures of any type to find, and aside from hunting for a specific kind of tree or rock/ore, there isn't a lot of reason to explore beyond your home area. So what kinds of structures would we want to see generated when Bioxx and his helpers are "done" with changes to terrain and biome generation? Well, we'd obviously need structures for creeper nests, spider webs, and the tombs, crypts, barrows and whatnot our undead monsters would spawn in and around. In essence, these would be like dungeons in vMC, whether there's an actual monster spawner or a new block that basically functions like one. Should these locations have loot in order to encourage players to seek them out and fight the monsters in order to get to the loot? How common should these monster homes be? How much loot, and what quality of loot should we be able to find? Completed tools? Completed metal ingots? Just chunks of ore? No metal of any kind? What about if these locations contained very rare components that could be used to later craft an "enchanted" tool, weapon, or piece of armor, similar to Thaumcraft's special items like Axe of the Stream? Items that don't have an enchantment in the vMC sense, but have a special bonus effect or extra function. Being made from components rather than finding a completed item would also make these items valuable commodities for trade with other players. What about vanilla loot that would otherwise be unobtainable? Things like vanilla cobble and stone bricks (and mossy versions of those), vanilla sandstone, and so on? What about dyes that are otherwise difficult or impossible to obtain in TFC right now? But what about beyond converting vMC structures? What other kinds of things would we like to see randomly generated within a TFC world? Should Steve?'s world be pristine and untouched, or should he occasionally stumble across ruins left from a previous civilization? And beyond that, what about changes you'd like to see to the "biome" system in TFC? Is it possible with TFC's system to have biomes spawn only when bordered by other biome types? Would it be possible to have a "high, snowy mountain" biome that can only spawn when it's bordered by, say, a mountainous forest biome type? Could we have deep "valley" biomes that can spawn only when bordered by mountainous biomes? What about a "river" biome that could produce an "estuary" or "delta" biome at one end? To avoid the taboo word, is it possible to have TFC's biome generation system be setup to generate Earth-like ecosystems that obey logical rules? It seems like the temperature system that's in play right now could be a beginning towards something like this, since it seems to prevent deserts from spawning right on top of snowy biomes. Actually, on the subject - would it be possible to have cold deserts (biomes which have little water and have sand blocks instead of dirt blocks as the ground layer) where rare precipitation is snow rather than rain? Tying it together (which is why this is in one thread and not two), is it possible to have structures generate only inside specific biome sets? Maybe creepers don't enjoy hot weather, and cold-blooded spiders can't handle colder biomes?
  7. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    I don't think monsters can interact with them.
  8. Unable to reach the server. Is the server down?
  9. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    Another idea: Some method of creating "dirt blocks," which grass can't grow on until the block is broken and replaced. Basically, a way to create dirt paths that won't get recovered in grass twenty seconds later, as well as a way of creating decorative art on the ground using multiple colors of dirt. Could be done with a tool, or maybe we can mash rock salt with a hammer and "salt the earth" or something. Also, trapdoors should already be usable to protect forges, bloomeries, etc from rain while still allowing ventilation, right?
  10. Terrain and biome generation

    Yeah, and they'll eventually become boring "generic desert," "generic tundra" That's why I think it's important to have randomly generated "structures" in the game, to make exploration fun and even to give it a purpose beyond hunting for specific kinds of rock. What if you could only get certain kinds of vanilla block through loot chests in randomly generated structures, and those things could only generate in certain areas? Now you've got a REASON to scour every inch of that hot, dangerous desert or to chop your way through a dense jungle.
  11. Terrain and biome generation

    I agree they don't make sense in TFC's manner of play but they added a lot to the act of exploration in vMC. Exploring in TFC rapidly becomes boring, though part of that might be the apparent lack of deserts and Bioxx mentioned snow isn't able to happen in the current versions. Just too much "generic forest," "generic plains," and "generic mountains."
  12. Stoned by Life

    I'm not sure if stacking blocks on top of chiseled blocks is really possible, but TFC does a lot of things I've had other mod authors tell me wasn't possible, so I don't really know.
  13. Stoned by Life

    Related to cave-ins forming cobble: what if they also had a chance to form gravel instead of cobble? Could this lead to players creating rudimentary gravel generators for use with sluices?
  14. The tiny little TFC Planet.

    If we assume Steve's two meters tall (since blocks are supposed to be one cubic meter) and one meter wide, that's still one hell of a dense organism.
  15. Slink, can you check to see where my account artegaflak is? I haven't checked in a couple of days but I was still out in the boonies way up north when I did.
  16. Assuming we can find and tame ocelots, I don't see any reason why creepers should be removed... they're a huge part of Minecraft's identity and I like the idea of monsters occasionally being a threat. There are plenty of ways to kill creepers from a safe distance, and the only way a creeper sneaks up on you is if you're not paying attention.
  17. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    People will respond to your posts if they want to. You don't need to self-quote yourself to yell for attention.
  18. What's up with the spawn? Is it related to TFC or is something screwy with the server setup?
  19. The tiny little TFC Planet.

    Was that supposed to be clever?
  20. smelting in firepit..

    So in other words a firepit can melt all metals, it just might take a while for the higher tiers?
  21. A big 'Thank You' to the Developers

    The tagline is pretty much correct - TFC is basically survival as it should've been. vMC survival is basically creative but you get to waste time. TFC's take on survival is entirely different from vMC's creative, which is how it SHOULD be.
  22. Joey, are we still stuck out in the boonies or did an admin move us?
  23. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    I'd like the idea of some items and such requiring ridiculous amounts of resources to craft, to the point that it's impractical for a single player to gather it all within a reasonable timeframe. Like if higher tier anvils past a certain point required more material than they currently do; it'd become a town effort to gather and produce the necessary resources for the next anvil.
  24. Latest Changes to Chests...

    That's what chests are for. Better equipment could lead to better carrying capacity. It'd encourage players to plan and think rather than running around with everything they need.