Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ZAKHAD

  1. Block Heads [0.79]

    terrarock.png had terraRock.png changing the R to lower case fixes the rocks so i can confirm felys is saying is right some of the files aint being called because of name missmatch, same with TFC_Plants.png to tfcplants.png and Vegetation.png to lower v vegetation.png That fixed alot of textures so ty felys, but i still dont get the gui for the Hoes when u change its function with M where as i do with other texture packs / default what's the name of that file?
  2. My own little lets play

    Going to be rebooting this as I updated. I always take a fresh approch by spawning a new world with updates. My current problem is im just abruptedly ending a series. In order to stop this random stop half way through a series, I'm going to try a objective based approach. in this every episode I'm gunna knock down 1 objective or more I will write up a compendium of objectives. I will also allow people on here to comment on what I should have; what u guys would like to see me do, or if I've done something wrong I can ammend the objective list. This is to give myself abit of a purpose in my videos and if I do have to restart I can just spawn most stuff in and carry on roughly where I was. Compendium V1. 30/11/2012 Level 1 Objectives codename: ??? 1. Gathering essential starting out supplies: Rocks, Sticks, Crops (plant food as they will disappear) 2. Crafting and hunting: Knapping some basic tools, getting myself a crafting table, hunting for some meat and leather for basic armor and bellows. 3. Finding a suitable building location: Looking through rocks to find surface metal Zinc/Tin/Bisth (not copper as it takes to long) once I've triangulated roughly where the the surface metal is. This gives me a idea where a good chance of finding my first ore mine below me. 4. Craft and cook: Making some torches and to cook some meat. Level 2 Objectives codename: Mudshack 1. Finnish the House I plan on living in, and to start a charcoal pit also to start a Agriculture/Irrigation farm. 2. Crafting a Forge from the charcoal pitt to mass craft, torches and food.
  3. An attempt at a lets play; by some random british dude constructive feedback wanted. Rate quailty vs praticailty sure everyone wants a 1080p but is it really nessercery for minecraft graphics? Should I speak louder or raise the game volume up? The reason it's quite is to get rid of background static / pc fans. Do u think im Drifting in my videos should I focus more on something? I aimming for a mix between a how to and a Lets play kinda a ill play the game and through that u will see how stuff is done Uses mpg4 at 4k bitrate (decided that was a bad codec to use for 2gb file size) I didnt like this much Uses WMW at 2.5k bitrate (very good size to quailty ratio 1gb) i think ill be sticking to this codec/format I upload 1 hour long videos, I record in Fraps for video and Audacity for Sound sync them up using sony vages
  4. Block Heads [0.79]

    Nice update keep it comming! Although i cant see the new hoe mechanic on the beside the lifepool to the right that i can in default or faithfuls. when u change function it changes appearnace that little interection gui
  5. Dedicating more ram sometimes helps depends really some launchers do that - i use a .bat file with the following code (notepad file saved as .bat instead of .txt) keep it in same directory as the .exe @echo off java -client -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+UseAdaptiveGCBoundary -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=500 -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -XX:SurvivorRatio=12 -Xnoclassgc -XX:UseSSE=3 -Xincgc -Xmx3584M -cp Minecraft.exe net.minecraft.LauncherFrame (change Xmx3584M to 512 in increments of 128 or 256 e.g. 512+256=768 so you'd write -Xmx768M (Whatever amount of ram u want to dedicate towards mc i think the default is 512 - i use 3.5gb 3584 - but this will only help you if ur pc isnt struggling with processing power it might help u get a few frames for when u have alot of chucks loaded into memeory + ur recording so idk if it will make it worse or better :S but hey im just throwing out a friendly hint Defragging ur HDD helps so there is less seek time between segments so effectively ur pc runs faster Close programs in task manager (ctrl alt del) or close em on startup using MSIconfig in "run" program (if u use windows - windows key + r) Couple of fairly simple helpful tips depending on ur computer tech level there are so many things u can do to improve ur pc - etc even doing reg cleaning / editing or disabling windows indexing etc - so ur dedicating more processing power to ur minecraft = more fps
  6. [BUG LIST] Post your bugs below

    after placed rocks (coblestone effected by gravity) upon charcoal pit to cover it once its converted and you start excavating the charcoal i get randomly relocating behind me 5 or so spaces it sort of bugs out (the cobblestone that is - it doesnt fall down but teleport behind me :S)
  7. [BUG LIST] Post your bugs below

    69 bug - Had charcoal in my hand while trying to get a shovel off a sequioa tool rack consumed the charcoal 1 at a time
  8. My own little lets play

    when someone makes a comment i get like a text on my phone cus its connected to my google acc - lol i may end disabling that if i ever get popular anyways i can always dream eh ?
  9. My own little lets play

    Suffiece to say u should notice the differnce between 720 and 1080p not in terms of HD but in a sense it does look abit better, but only on really high res games such as cyrsis, witcher, assassins creed etc. It really isn't worth the bandwidth for minecraft. If I want to improve quailty I increase the bitrate not the resolution I don't see the point in having 1920 1080 res on a 32 bit image (texture pack) :S, but thats my trail of thought I could be wrong. (if I used a 256 u could argue it )
  10. Build 60 Lets play

    I remember watching the powered up ep 1 cus i read it on the better than wolves forum lol small world, thought i recongnised the voice lol
  11. [Offline] Survive & Thrive Group Survival

    Username : zakhad VOIP : Ventrilo Teamspeak, mumble, and Skype My timezone gmt + 0 Why Never worked last time and hopefully it will this time turned up waited like 3 hours then ended up playing dayz with lass lol - but hopefully this time some minecraft ;P bin playing on raisercraft server since pretty nice but want a kinda purpose to the game rather than u just play for the heck of it - this gives it abit of a purpose Prefer anytime past 7:00pm (12h) / 19:00 (24h) GMT + 1 as a starting time Made a little timetable to help ppl who are getting confused by times 01:00 - 1am 02:00 - 2am 03:00 - 3am 04:00 - 4am 05:00 - 5am 06:00 - 6am 07:00 - 7am 08:00 - 8am 09:00 - 9am 10:00 - 10am GMT - 6 (if u use CST this is ur time for event) 11:00 - 11am GMT - 5 (if u use CDT this is ur time for the event) 12:00 - 12am GMT - 4 13:00 - 1pm GMT - 3 14:00 - 2pm GMT - 2 15:00 - 3pm GMT - 1 16:00 - 4pm GMT + 0 (This is my starting time because im a hour behind the organised time) 17:00 - 5pm GMT + 1 (OP post organised time) 18:00 - 6pm GMT + 2 19:00 - 7pm GMT + 3 20:00 - 8pm GMT + 4 21:00 - 9pm GMT + 5 22:00 - 10pm GMT + 6 23:00 - 11pm 24:00 - 12pm Ref:'>
  12. [Offline] Survive & Thrive Group Survival

    theres a chance it may happen again in a couple of weeks alot of people are finding it hard to get time off
  13. [Offline] Survive & Thrive Group Survival

    Edit - easier to read Blue team that's been on the TS server Lassesp2142 Zakhad Cadenw34 Who's shown up for red team?
  14. [Offline] Survive & Thrive Group Survival

    What version(s) are we gunna be running TFC and or if Side mods like smart / rei ? personally i dont use any other game changing mod feature wise when using terrafirmacraft - most of my mods are utility - smart/rei/matmos/optifine
  15. [Offline] Survive & Thrive Group Survival

    Its not really game breaking but it as hell makes life easier i would highly recommend Smart moving if u set to hard so it ends up being a resource if u choose to use it e.g. running from creepers it gives a sense of more immersion (i cant recall the sheer amount of times iv been saved by grabbing onto a ledge while falling not completly killing me outright) Rei minimap (locations of ore deposits) and not getting lost after 1000 or so blocks trying to find ore in a new biome
  16. [Offline] Survive & Thrive Group Survival

    - Minecraft Username: Zakhad What chat/mic/video software you use: - Samsung Studio Condenser C01U (Attached to a jagermeister tin i broke stand xd) - I don't have webcam, and i can record in Fraps audiacity and i render if adobe premier or vagus pro - but i dont really like to upload because my upload is quite had 8Mbit down - 0.37 MBit up (also why id rather not livestream cus best i can get is like 360p but i use livestream procaster) Voice chat programs used - Skype/Ts3/Vent/mumble Why you want to play: Hey new guy here play nice ! - Bin watching alot of spotter's guides recently current on Season 3 - And have been getting into TFC alot but havnt really gotten around to playing with anyone yet so would like to see what the online interacivity with this mod brings in a online experince and i hope that this is the place to do it, This is the first time i've looked into a TFC server (per say i know its event) What is the best time you can play: im from the UK GMT + 0 - but im fairly unresitrcted at what hours i can play - i have a part time job so some nights ~(if it ends up being USA time that i may have to leave early as its midnight for me when its midday for u) how long will this event last ? days/weeks?