Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Cidd

  1. Your saying you cant find stone for a forge but i dont understand do you have a pick axe.... your first forge could be just mine a central block in a 3x3 area of stone or you can make the forge using stone bricks (brick are obtained by placing a chisel and a rock in your crafting table. Even with a forge, glass takes a long time to be made


  2. Really nice! Love the chimney! Have you thought about using smooth stone for the floor instead of bricks? Don't know if it will look better or not, but smooth stone looks basically like huge bricks if you use it as a floor.

    What I really like about the sawmill is the sleeping area above it, It looks really cool with the roof!

    so what do you think

    and here is my new build

    I am looking for a new project if you have any ideas let me know


  3. you must be new here. Did you read the change-log archive? Nether travel is a biiiig no-no.

    that was on the 1st day of playing with TFC ;) I was freaking out cause it took me a very long time to set up the server


  4. At around z = +- 10000 you will notice significant growth time differences in your crops.

    thats where i spawned ... significantly faster or slower .... if any one wants to compare my tomatoes and garlic took 3.5 months to grow and my onion 3 months I am still waiting on the rest


  5. If you use it correctly, the propick can let you zero in on clusters with alarming precision. This is a more specific version of what danagor was describing:

    • Get your first reading of a vein.
    • Pick a direction at random and dig that way, checking for readings every few blocks. If your readings get stronger, keep going until they get weaker.
    • When the readings get weaker, stop and mark it off. I usually mark the boundary between "traces" and "nothing of interest found".
    • Turn around and go in the opposite direction until you find a similar boundary.
    • Count the number of blocks between your markers. Walk to the halfway point and start two tunnels perpendicular to your first one. (you're making a '+')
    • Find two more edges of the vein with these tunnels using steps 3-4.
    • Find the center using the method in step 5. The vein is now either above you or below you.
    • Dig shafts/stairways up and down from this new center. If your propick gives you a boundary between traces and nothing, then the vein is in the opposite direction.
    • Congratulations, ore! Unless you've been chasing some mineral.
    Obviously if you hit the vein before completing these steps, then you don't have to keep going through it. I frequently hit the vein at step 7.

    One warning to consider is that this method can be thrown off by the presence of multiple veins of the same ore in a small area. If you establish a "center" across all three dimensions and find no ore there, you might be near two veins. I've not yet had this happen, so I don't have a plan for dealing with it.

    I'd like to add just one detail to this explanation:

    The propick will give you the following readings : nothing of interest, traces of <ore>, small sample of <ore>, medium sample of <ore>, large sample of <ore> and very large sample of <ore>

    I usually look for the middle of large or very large sample before going up or down. I also try to keep a good stack of ladders on so I can dig straight up or straight down. ( I want to make sure to remain in the middle of the detected sample)

    Be careful when digging up because if you hit the bottom of a river or worst an ocean you may drown very fast cause you cant just plug the hole with any material. (you cannot place a rock in water)


  6. my friend crafted a Nether portal in our private server all was fine untill he tried to go through. its crashed the server I had to completely delete him from the server log and files before we could run it again


  7. I wish they could come up with a contraption that negates the rain for bloomeries and forge. Every time I want to use my forge it rains.... at least firepits can be rain protected but it takes sooooo long to cook a stack of torches


  8. At one point it was but yesterday ii notice is wasn't i still haven't figured out the temperature cause just liquid doesnt work or there is something i am not noticing but that i am doing 50% of the time. Yesterday i wasnt able to make the bismuth bronze using If you know something about alloys i dont please let me know


  9. Minecraft Username: ciddact

    How often you will be on: mostly daily between 2-4 hours

    How skilled you are at TFC from 1-100: 50

    Do you have skype/TeamSpeak 3: skype

    (optional) Age: 26

    (optional) Where you live: canada

    anything else we should know: I am a TFC wiki editor, i like cooperative build rather then individual


  10. Nice page Cid, something you forgot to mention is if you don't want to waste ANY metal you can put in a extra mold on the second output slot and when the first mold completely fills up any extra metal will overflow into the second mild.


    Cidd, I like the new page!

    You should probably mention that Sphalerite will boil if it gets too hot. Even using low-temperature burning wood will move it into the !CAUTION! region, but it should be safe there, unless the temperature is raised further by bellows.


  11. Hi guys, i hope to be an active wiki editor

    here is what i have done so far:

    Firepit page: add info about how rain affect the firepit, add info on how to collect the charcoal, some aesthetic changes (more to come)

    Your first pickaxe page: I redid the unshaped ingot and will tackle the next section tonight or tomorrow.

    i'd like to add a page on food see my guide http://terrafirmacra...l-you-can-farm/

    and the metalurgy /alloys pages need to be updated too i'll be working on that too

    Also to my fellow wiki editors: Should we use the discussion page ( you know the tab next to the page tab) to discuss changes we are unsure of making


  12. Getting ores at the beginning is hard, very hard. You cannot rely on on surface rocks and sluicing alone. Until you start getting used to the prospector's pick you wanna make sure you save your ingots to make pickaxes and prospector's pick. but after finding just 2 or 3 veins, you will have so much ores its insane. I personalty gave up on searching through caves systems as they rarely have exposed veins and even the pro pick doesn't pick up much ores. My personal technique was to chose a spot dig a spiral stair case down and use the pro pick every 12 blocks on my way down. When u find even a trace of any ore ( expect for cryolite and cinnabar which are redstone and useless for now) I stop digging down and start digging in all four direction until i find the direction that the propick tells me there are increasing amount of ores you need to be in the middle of a very large sample to be very close to the vein and then u can dig up of down (bring ladders) to find it
