Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Shmiga

  1. Please correct the bug forge!

    Please correct the bug forge! Dup items through the forge does not give us the okay to play! Any player who has evolved to forge can no longer dig the ore, and not to cut the tree and just clone them in the blacksmith's forge. Here is an example dup charcoal. First, you must completely fill out the entire inventory. For dup need one piece coal Inventory and full stack (64) of coal in the forge in the right column: Then moves the mouse over a stack of coal forge and press Shift + right click and get a full stack of coal in Inventory: You can repeat it endlessly and with any object that stack: stone, wood, food, ore, and so on. I hope this bug is fixed a soon as play with it on the server is not possible! I do not understand why it has not yet fixed a, this bug has long been present in the game.
  2. Please correct the bug forge!

    Excellent! Thank you very much, I'll wait for the next update ))
  3. [b75] Collection of all current bugs and glitches

    Here is the link to the forum, I already wrote about it: http://terrafirmacra...s-in-the-forge/ Only this method work when survival mode. In the creativity that will not work
  4. [b75] Collection of all current bugs and glitches

    Dear AlmightySquid. All this is only minor errors and bugs. They have also often angry, I will not lie, but they are nothing compared to the bug from duping items! I only know a few, but how many know the other players? I have my server TFC and I am constantly confronted with the problem, many people have already had to ban. I think fashion is the main problem. And that's not counting some blocks, which at a certain angle and become transparent, allows to look through the earth! I always ischyu caves underground ))
  5. port mod "TFC" on bukkit

    It's a pity it would be great. On bukkit more opportunities with this mod. Vanilla for a very powerful computer is needed, as when playing more than 30 people on the server, it starts to fail. Hopefully, there are good people who will suffer "TFC" on bukkit )))
  6. port mod "TFC" on bukkit

    Dear Bioxx. In the near future you're not going to port the mod to bukkit? That would be great, especially for online play on the server. Since at Vanilla very few good plugins privat area and chests.
  7. Cloning objects in the forge

    Here's a link, I'll try and shot a video, I can not deceive myself))
  8. Cloning objects in the forge

    Good day! I have a server on which you installed the mod TFC (thank you very much for this mod!). I recently ran into a bug related to the forge. The problem is that with the help forge you can clone items that can be stack. Description: Your inventory should be completed in full. Subject that we want to clone should be in the amount of 1 piece. In the forge in right field (column) must lie a full stack of items for cloning. Next, click on the full stack of items in right field while pressing Shift. And there is also a full inventory of items in the stack is full forg stack items. This does not work in the "creative".
  9. Cloning objects in the forge

    No one to fix this bug is not going to? Use it any duping an item!
  10. [Offline] Pirate TFC - Build 52e. No Whitelist.

    This problem occurs when you try to connect to any server listed in this forum. Perhaps this is due to IP address. I'll try to search the internet
  11. [Offline] Pirate TFC - Build 52e. No Whitelist.

    Hello! I live in Russia and would like to play on your server. But when I press "connect", it gives me the answer "Logon failure: Bad Login" or "Logon failure: The user not premium". My client version 52d. You do not know why I did not get to connect to you?