Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by MerryNightmare

  1. Essentially we have played through our first terafirmacraft smp year together and felt a bit lack luster at the length of season. We were prepared for a long winter and it honestly didn't last long and infact only snowed for one day due to our climate. Then I thought about it and realized we wouldn't get to appriciate our crops during the summer / early autumn much either. So my question is: Can I change the length of a year in the server config from 96 days default to some higher value? Will this adversely effect our world in anyway aside from somethings simply taking longer due to the change in time?
  2. [Question] Safe to change year length after starting server?

    hmm alright then thanks for the heads up on the time rollback
  3. [Solved] Straw & Hide Bed

    I apologize for that it was late and alcohol was involved in our decision making on how to handle things. Which also apparently made me and everyone else incapable of reading English. I do indeed see that now tho the quoted text is a bit hard to read being gray on white.
  4. [Solved] Straw & Hide Bed

    Version #: 0.78.17 SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): SMP Suggested Category:Annoying - Feature breaking Description: pure vanilla TFC server crafted a straw and hide bed attempt to sleep at night only receive message tile.customeBed.sleep Unable to utilize the bed just lay it in and nothing happens.
  5. [Solved] Straw & Hide Bed

    Ah well we have been unable to use it to sleep. We have had all but one player disconnect and then had the one remaining one attempt to sleep. so far no luck. :x
  6. [Solved] Forge MC v.1.6.4 won't load past launcher

    Ah thanks for that I am on java 8 due to problems I was having with MC 1.8. I will downgrade then! That is probably my issues! You have to fully uninstall Java 1.8 and restart for it to work. Simply disabling java version 1.8 will not allow it to work. Just a heads up also sorry I could not find a topic related to this that pointed this issue out.
  7. I am unable to follow the very simple video on how to install terrafirmacraft properly due to the fact that forge simply will NOT launch 1.6.4 Is all I get from the launcher being left open. There are no crash reports at all and I have even attempted to do this with a fresh install of the .minecraft folder. Started fresh MC - Auto updates to 1.8 (download and runs fine) Close game and back to launcher Set to 1.6.4 mc and run (downloads and launches to main MC menu fine) Download forge (install to default directory with everything else MC related) close launcher and re-open Changed profile to forge and attempted to play (Game client never opens) I am able to download the latest version of forge and load it properly to the main client. Obviously I do not need that version so I did not re-install it when I cleaned out my .minecraft folder for this fresh install. Any suggestions?