Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by cogfactory

  1. Corpses, Food, and Butchering

    I love the idea of standing atop a pile of corpses after a long battle, watching the glorious sunrise. In response to removing the corpses, why not just hack through them with an axe?
  2. Roman-style aqueducts and lead pipes

    Rain collecting in barrels when?
  3. Patron Spirits

    Sacrifice zombie flesh to appease murderdeathevil god Use wood sparingly/eat no meat to appease naturebalancepeace god Advance technologies and discover things to appease wisdomsmartleader god I like it. Spirits are the perfect blend of subtle/supernatural and fit the tribal theme of the mod. The original idea sounds painful. There should be no randomness to this feature, just ambiguity.
  4. Go to hell

    Vanilla Nether is pretty vapid. If the Nether comes back in TFC, it should come back full force. New ores, demon-creatures, strange chemical ingredients, and enchanting materials are great ideas
  5. Ranching: tending to your animals

    Vanilla horses are pretty well done IMO, but for TFC I think that we should be able to ride bareback(less control than a saddle, maybe?) and iron horseshoes later in the game for speed increase. Putting shoes on the lesser farm animals sounds overly complicated and unnecessary.
  6. Apiculture ...* And more soon *...

    If dunk'n'bioxx add honey they will have no excuse not to add mead. It was some of the first alcohol in history, you know. Also, pollination sounds like a pain in the arse to code.
  7. List of new monsters

    These halloween/generic RPG monsters don't sound all that great to me, but I agree that TFC needs more life. At very least, vanilla mobs need re-written; skeletons do full damage even when firing fast at short range, zombie sieges make staying in one place near-impossible, and endermen explain themselves. There is a fine line between difficult and painful, and vanilla mobs sit right on the border. Really lookin' forward to the underground move, but what will be on the surface, to replace them?