Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by lipki

  1. no Inventory

    The basket can be done very quickly, is one of the first things to do when you arrive.But you right, I need to improve the system to pose/take the barrels and such.maybe ... shift-clic with hand slot. or reeds/sugarcane
  2. 1001 Small Suggestions: Community Brainstorming~!

    Replace "crafting table" by craft skill.From 2 or 3 skill points, we can crafter 3x3.
  3. TFC API

    Where can I find information about the API TFC.And the problem of the day:Can I overload a TFC items.To add a behavior on an item "onItemUse" .
  4. TFC API

    I use a event.(I am not able to write in English in real time on IRC ) package org.tfcnt;import (...)public class NTEventHandler { @SubscribeEvent public void someEventMethod(PlayerInteractEvent event) { World world = event.entity.worldObj; if( !world.isRemote ) { ItemStack equippedItem = event.entityPlayer.getCurrentEquippedItem(); if( event.action == PlayerInteractEvent.Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK && equippedItem != null && equippedItem.getItem() == TFCItems.WoodenBucketEmpty ) { if(world.isAirBlock(event.x, event.y + 1, event.z) && world.isSideSolid(event.x, event.y, event.z, ForgeDirection.DOWN)) { world.setBlock(event.x, event.y + 1, event.z, NTBlocks.StackBucket, 1, 0x2); equippedItem.stackSize--; } } } } }
  5. TFC API

    This issue is still Current events.
  6. House in the mountain

    Can i use your pictures to illustrate the post of Summerfields pack?
  7. how to compile (next try)

    Apprentice Blacksmith It works for me.Merci beaucoup
  8. how to compile (next try)

    I made a first simple mod, to test the workflow.It is coded, tested, and it works.I'm at the stage of compilation, in order to distribute it.But I can not build it alone.Either it is compiled with the sources of TFC.Either it does not compile because it can not find the sources of TFC ...Where can I learn to create a mod (or plugin) for TFC?
  9. how to compile (next try)

    I think I understand. I'll keep you posted. And if I do, I will ask permission to do a tutorial on the wiki. It is written in the addon section : the questions are to be asked in the support section. I had this problem with the 1.6.4 version. The forge dev-team to says, "Uses the 1.7.10 version, 1.6.4 is dead"
  10. Some observations of how people play

    I do not use the beams, they are not reliable enough, and collapses all the time.I use "/time set day" for the night, because sheep refuses to spawn on my computer, and I'm tired of doing nothing at night.Sometimes, I spend "gamemode 1" temporarily :To get my stuff in the middle of the black skeleton in armor.And I am ashamed.( I do not understand why a shovel will disappear in nature, under the pretext that she is on the ground )
  11. try with forge
  12. how to compile (next try)

    Ok, I do not use all the file forge, only that there was in TFC. So I start all over again by following your instructions.I had some problem, but finally it works.Nevertheless when I execute "gradlew build", I get a series of errors like error: package com.bioxx.tfc does not existimport com.bioxx.tfc.TFCBlocks; The same problem in fact. Thank you for your help.
  13. how to compile (next try)

    I use "gradlew build", and I do not know how to answer the second question.
  14. [x32][0.78][0.79.17 83%] SummerFields

    Thank you.I thought the problem was with my skin ...But ok, I know what causes that, I'll fix it. Thank you too.I think add variety in textures, but later, it all takes time.
  15. bug css in forum

    Hello On my small (but not so small) screen, here's how the site appears. That's good, but not great , the menu is broken and we can not give the money to Dunk Like this, would be better : And for this, simply put the following code in the file ipb_styles.css #donateBlock { margin: 0 0 0 -243px !important; width: 400px !important;}@media screen and (max-width: 85em) { #logo { height: 80px; text-align: center; } #logo img { height: 40px; } #themeToggle, #primary_nav { height: 80px; } #themeToggle span, #community_app_menu > li > a { height: 30px; padding-top: 50px; width: 80px; }}This is "responsive", it reduces the size of menu only on small screens when necessary. I hope this helps.
  16. bug css in forum

    If needed I can give more details
  17. Making barrels less OP

    It was apparently made ​​on site, with axes and cut wood used to make the structure.It takes only a rope to tie everything together, it's great
  18. [Intentional][79.5] No Dirt from Farmland

    Yes it was a suggestion. Farmland Could drop sand.
  19. Animals AI

    I will not make this suggestion in English, it will be incomprehensible, but I put drawings to compensate. And you can use a translator. And you can respond in your language Une petite modification sur l'AI des animaux ajouterais du réalisme et du rôle-play. Comme les mobs agressif cherche à se protéger du soleil le jour. Les animaux passifs pourraient s'abriter la nuit. Les animaux sauvages irais naturellement sous les arbres et dans les grottes. Les animaux en enclos irais s'abriter dans les granges construite pour eu par les joueurs. At day, passive animals will wander, and hostile animals will take shelter. At night, hostile animals will wander, and passive animals will take shelter. This will result in animals hiding under trees and inside caves in the wild, or if the animal has been captured and penned, trying to find shelter in a barn or similar structure. Quand le jour se lève les animaux seraient alors attirés par les plans d'eau. Chaque espèce à un horaire différent. At day, animals will seek out bodies of water(do drink) Basically, animals will be going back and forth from their shelter, to the water source, and back. On aurait donc un mouvement de va-et-viens. Cela créera une accumulation d'animaux passifs aux alentours des plans d'eau, ces soit une qualité soit un défaut, à vous de voir. This will also result in animals gathering near bodies of water, since animals wander over to the water source, and even if they wander off again, when time comes to go to a water source again, the nearest water source will probably be the one they visited before, meaning they will most likely wander back, and as this repeats, more and more animals will gather to sources of water. What do you think ?
  20. Torch Discussion

    You can play in 78 Obviously you focused on creating. And it is obvious that the developer prefers the realistic survival. But you can still continue to play in 78 or find another mod which enables you to give free rein to your talent. Nice church -- When we take a torch in hand, It would be nice it is consumed, giving us a dynamic lighting. And also, can pick up the torches extinguished.
  21. A slight modification to logpile block physics

    a solution 4 stack * 4 = 8 stack * 1 No problem to merge.
  22. [Intentional][79.5] No Dirt from Farmland

    Farmland can drop sand.
  23. French guide - Guide Français

    Ami francophone, m'aideriez vous à traduire le changelog de la release 0.79 ?