Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Hamster Jovial

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Everything posted by Hamster Jovial

  1. [64x] Tools, metals and gems

    Hi First, smelted and ingots metals and gems: Tool heads : And finally Tools :
  2. Minecraft=Roguelike?

    ... and ascii aspect. With your elements of comparison, life in scientific POV is a roguelike (world randomly generate and perma-death)
  3. Remove Gold Pan

    Arrrr ?
  4. [Solved] Stair Mode Bug

    Because when officials Devs implements new features it's bugless?
  5. Simple Lamp

    Animal fat could be obtain by grinding raw meat then processed in a barrel to obtain animal oil (perhaps less effective than olive oil). We also could use rotten flesh but need a whole stack of them to get one animal fat. Add sunflower to get oil from them.
  6. [79.10] iron age achievement do not trigger

    Version #:.79.10SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer):smpSuggested Name: iron age achievement do not triggerSuggested Category: AnnoyingDescription: after mining a lot a bloom (i'm at steel age) the achievement do not trigger. in the code there is no : triggerAchievement(TFC_Achievements.achIronAge);Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: YesDo you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: YesIf yes, which mods? NEI smart moving fastcraft rei's minimap
  7. Bowls and Panning

    put a bowl in crafting area and that's it
  8. Version #:.79.10SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer):smpSuggested Name:stackable support beamsSuggested Category: AnnoyingDescription: if you use support beams and take them back they don't stack with unused ones (same wood of course).Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: YesDo you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: YesIf yes, which mods? NEI smart moving fastcraft rei's minimap
  9. Metal bits, cutting ingots for alloy managing

    It could be possible to craft smaller clay mold (50, 10, 5) and transfert liquid metal mold to mold or break ore
  10. [Solved][79.9] All Horses deleted from world

    Damn, seen it too late, no ways to get them back? Do I'll have to restart a world when the fix will be done?
  11. TFC translation

    Hello, some corrections about French Translation : commands.transferTamed.noTamed=Aucun animal valide à portée ! commands.transferTamed.tooMany=Trop d'animaux à portée ! item.Seeds d'orge avoine Cerise Framboisier Fraisier item.Raspberry de fraisier framboisier item.Strawberry de famboisier fraisier Ail (AIL) gui.plans.refinebloom=Rafiner Raffiner gui.Torch.CatchingFire=Prends en feu Prend feu gui.Torch.Lit=Allumée
  12. [Solved] all nutritients filled

    same here
  13. [Solved] The bow ain't firin Lads.

    Thanks !!
  14. [Solved] The bow ain't firin Lads.

    My bow is a vanilla one and doesn't work :'(
  15. French TFC server (Gro'Craft)

    Bonjour, Je m'appelle nathanaël, j'ai 42 ans et je joue a Minecraft depuis 2 ans environ, marre de jouer en solo, je tenterais bien l'expérience d'un serveur francais
  16. 0.77.11 bug and translation mistake

    after a few tests, only appear with B:enableInnerGrassFix=false in TFCOPTIONS.CFG
  17. 0.77.11 bug and translation mistake

    With Hotfix 14, grown tree (not generate when the map is generate) don't render leaves, they're here and can be broke but invisible
  18. [64x] Tools, metals and gems

    i ran a few tests and i thinks it's optifine fault. i tested my textures of course but some from weylin's and kantos's with same bad result with optifine it's odd because it's messy only with TFC textures, not vanilla ones. Without optifine partial transparency is not an issue, simply ignored and rendered like full transparency pixels. I also try 64x and 128x textures from another mod (millénaire) and have the same issue with optifine, fine without it
  19. [64x] Tools, metals and gems

    Gems Added !!!
  20. [64x] Tools, metals and gems

    You're right, modified
  21. TFC Tips and Tricks [B75]

    Quick tip: The floor of my forge is made of raw stone with hammer (stone anvil) to store Hot ingots and unshaped metals :
  22. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    a cylinder textured in blender
  23. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    Logs and planks that match trees :
  24. Make (your) custom Items in TFC!

    Want to us TNT? vanilla recipe with TFC sands: Want to create Gunpowder? mix sulfur, salpeter and coal or charcoal:
  25. Make (your) custom Items in TFC!

    You need to add 255 to values in TFC.cfg: WroughtIronIngot is 16293 (16037+256) SteelIngot is 16301 (16045+256 ( 16031(+256) is blacksteelingot)) I don't know what do you mean by Woodblock but : id for planck block is 5 and metadata is 0-15 (0 for oak to 15 for kapock) (metadata if you need special wood in ur recipe, no metadata means any type of wood works) single planck is 16977 with same metadata logs : 16298 with same metadata