Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Androyed

  1. I found Douglas Fir!

    If the fact that Douglas Fir saplings don't grow really is a bug, did someone report it to Bioxx already? And if not, how would I do that? I have tried to grow some in Creative with TMI (I clicked day, then night, then day, etc, to progress in time). and it didn't work. The Pine and Willow saplings I planted did grow. This isn't really proof that the growth of Douglas Fir is bugged, I know, but I'm not sure how I can test this another way. Might be the spawning of Douglas Fir is also bugged. Until someone shows me a picture of Douglas Fir in build 52e or up, I'm not convinced.
  2. I found Douglas Fir!

    It's actually pretty fun. I've done this before on vanilla MC servers. I started a glass/smooth stone smelting buissiness. It's more profitable to just do what everyone does; mine. But I like doing things that you aren't really "meant" to do. And I'm just too lazy to progress through the stone/bronze/iron age.
  3. I found Douglas Fir!

    It would be really boring book. I just sprint/boat from west to east finding trees, and when I see a new type of tree I punch the leaves until I have 9 saplings. The reason? Well, why do we do anything in games? I was going to make a tree farm. Everyone is always mining but why not focus on one of the other great aspects TFC has to offer? And I'm sure some people will be happy with having all the trees near at hand. I could sell/trade (I play SMP) them for tools, food or other stuff I need. Also, I like building. And that. I'm not really sure if I'm going to collect Sequioa and Kapok wood. I think not. It isn't worth it in my opinion. Sure, one tree gives a lot of wood, but I've done enough traveling for a while. I just want the stupid Douglas Fir so I can start my farm.
  4. I found Douglas Fir!

    I am collecting saplings of every tree. So far I have 9 saplings from each tree... except for, you guessed it, Douglas Fir.
  5. I found Douglas Fir!

    I went from -8k to -15k and I found every single tree there is. Except Douglas Fir. I'm even punching some Spruce leaves because they look a little like Douglas Firs (at least I think so). At -14k/-15k the trees stop growing, so the only thing i can do is walk from east to west now. Is it possible that some trees just won't appear in a world? Maybe Bioxx did this to annoy us ;p
  6. I found Douglas Fir!

    is z=-10k or further okay? Vanilla pine trees you say? Thanks for the tip!
  7. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    Are you a genius?
  8. Some (Minecraft) days are pretty dull. You wake up. You hit some wood (no pun intended). You mine some ores. Might be very productive, but not always fun. One of the reasons why I love Minecraft though, is that there can always happen something unpredictable. Certainly with TFC, "no game is the same" is true. In this thread you can post your awesome (short) story, of something fun/scary/interesting that happened to you (in TFC, obviously). Maybe we can collect the stories Let me start off: First of all, you need to know about two mods that I'm using. They make the game scary as hell (in my opinion). One is Gammabright. Most people use this mod to make the game brighter. I do the opposite. In my opinion, it should be so dark that you can't see ANYTHING in a cave. Try it yourself. Go stand in an area without light, and just look around. Can you see silhouettes of different kind of rocks? Turn down the brightness. When you can't see any difference between looking north, south, west, east, up or down, your brightness is low enough. My monitor is too bright, so I have to use Gammabright. The brightness of MC itself is at moody, and with Gammabright I turned it down to -50%. This also makes nighttime more interesting. You can see the sky and stars, and you can see the silhouettes of trees in the distance, but you won't be able to see the ground. Anyway, because this makes the world so dark, I also needed another mod: Dynamic Light, Not every PC can run this. With Optifine I run it pretty well, but I have some lag drops every once in a while. The mod is awesome though. You can even throw torches and they will emit light! I lost all my savegames, so I am just beginning with a new game. I've spawned in a pretty interesting area, with a cave that has two entrances at the surface. They both lead to the same area, but one passage ends a little too high. At first I only knew about that passage. Because of the darkness, I couldn't see what was down there at the end of the passage. I threw down a torch, but that didn't really help. I heard skeletons, zombies and spiders, so jumping down was out of the question. How would I get back up? So I let the cave be. After a few days, I discovered another passage, not far from my house. It lead to the same area, but this time I didn't have to jump down. I was still afraid to go in though, because it was pretty big and there were skeletons everywhere. If you can't see the other side of the cave because of the darkness, it is really scary to go in. Dynamic Lights helps, but you can only see a few blocks ahead when holding a torch. Anyway, I decided to investigate a little more, when I saw a creeper. I managed to jump away in time, but there was one thing I forgot about; cave-ins. Oh, and the fact that I put them on 100% in the config. Not surprisingly, the whole passsage collapsed. Not on me, luckily, but it took down the torches I placed and left me in the dark. I quickly selected the torch in my hotbar, and wanted to go back, when I realized that I had a problem: how was I going to get back if the passage was blocked? As if that wasn't bad enough, two skeletons decided to hunt me down. I ran to the blocked passage, and luckily I found an exit. I am going back to investigate the cave further. I heard that surface caves are pretty rare. Do you usually find ore in them? I found some bismuthine in my sluices. Maybe there is some in the caves.
  9. Stone Anvil Bug?

    Again, I'm sorry. Should've used the search button. Thanks!
  10. (Stone) anvil UI bug [52e]

    I don't even use TMI anyway. Sorry for asking by the way. I should have used the search button. It seems like I wasn't the only one with this problem.
  11. (Stone) anvil UI bug [52e]

    When I go into the anvil UI, the boxes of my inventory and the anvil are all messed up. At first I thought this was because I'm using the Faithful HD texture pack + HD font, but when I disable those it's still messed up. The mods I'm running; - Forge Universal - Player API 1.6 - TFC B2 52e - Matmos sound - Gammabright 1.5.1 - TMI 2012_09_13 - Optifine 1.3.2 HD_U_B3 - Dynamic Lights
  12. Make the nights/caves more scary!

    For Dynamic Lights, you got to use MC patcher. If you patch the mods in this order, it should work: Forge Player API TFC Whatever other mods you use (also Gammabright) Optifine And last: Dynamic Lights (Optifine version) -> you need to place the jar file into the coremods (or something) folder for it to show up in MC patcher. I'm not sure about SM, because I don't use it myself
  13. This is not a request. This is a tip for you all. People always play with high brightness, because otherwise they can't see everything in the night and in caves. I think this is weird. You are alone in an endless world. There is no electricity. Without electricity, nights are freaking dark. The moon helps in real life, but let's just forget about that. The mod http://www.minecraft...tness-mod-v151/ is used to increase the brightness beyond what Minecraft can do. But what people don't know, is that it can also be used to DECREASE the brightness. In my opinion, it makes the game a lot more challenging and fun if you turn down the brightness. So how far do you need to turn it down? Go stand in an area with no light at all. This can be in a cave, but also in something you made yourself. Just make sure that there are different blocks and shapes in the area. I will get to that later. Now, turn down your brightness in Minecraft to moody. Look around in the cave. Can you still see differences between one block and the other? Can you still see outlines of blocks and shapes? Go install Gammabright. Now, turn down the brightness untill you can't see ANYTHING in a cave. Look around. There should be no difference between looking north, south, east, west, up or down. When you spin around fast, you shouldn't be able to see the outlines of blocks and shapes. Not only will this make caves a lot scarier, it will also make the nights better. Nights will be really dark. You can still see the shapes of mountains and trees in the distance (because of the fact that the sky is lighter), but you won't see anything on the ground. But the real fun is in caves. When making the screenshots below, I walked in to a dark cave when all of a sudden an arrow comes flying out of the dark, just past my head. Needless to say, I had a mini heart-attack By default Gammabright increases the brightness with 1500%. In the config I've changed this to -50%. For me that's perfect. With -45% I can still manage to see differences when I spin around fast. With -50% I can't. Another mod that goes well with this one is http://www.minecraft...dynamic-lights/. However, not everyone can run this mod, certainly not without Optifine. If you can run it, I suggest you use it. Walking around in a completely dark cave with a torch in your hand is great fun. And you can also throw torches to dark areas so that you know what's there before you walk there. Gammabright in sunset No gammabright in nighttime and torch in hand Gammabright in nighttime and torch in hand No gammabright, no torch in hand No gammabright, but with torch in hand Gammabright, no torch in hand Gammabright, but with torch in hand No gammabright, torch thrown down Gammabright, torch thrown down
  14. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    I looked up "snort" in the dictionary, and found out that it is the opposite of what I meant. So no, it wasn't a hidden joke. It was just me pretending to be a native English speaker, which I'm not. What I meant was that the coke (the drink, not the drug) came out of my noise from, like you said, sheer surprise. It's funny, but in a sad way. I wonder what Bioxx's view on our ideas is. I'm eagerly waiting on a reply from him.
  15. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    Thanks, now I snorted my cola all over the keyboard...
  16. House Ideas/Designs/Styles

    Sure. It wouldn't have to be extensive. Just so that we can collect designs in an organized fashion. Maybe make the designer tell something about his design, what's it for, what blocks he used, etc.
  17. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    "...believable and customizable by choosing your difficulty". That would be great!
  18. A small project: useful buildings with a neat design

    Really nice! Love the chimney! Have you thought about using smooth stone for the floor instead of bricks? Don't know if it will look better or not, but smooth stone looks basically like huge bricks if you use it as a floor. What I really like about the sawmill is the sleeping area above it, It looks really cool with the roof!
  19. House Ideas/Designs/Styles

    We should make a thread for everyone to show their designs, and collect them. We coulud use the thread for inspiration. You can find some designs from me and Cidd here, by the way:
  20. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    We just need to discourage people from killing themselves because it is the easier way out. For that we need some new game mechanics, but I don't think death penalties are necessary. The solutions that people here come up with sound really fun, and they are a nice idea, but I think it can be solved much simpler.
  21. Show off maps.

    Good idea! I would love to make a custom map. I've always thought of giving Minecraft a goal, a purpose. Like some sort of story, probably in the form of treasure hunting.
  22. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    Regarding skills I've always kind of hated skills in games. If you do something a lot, of course you will get better. This is also the case in real life (I hate to use that word). But as bsb23 already noted, "if experience is gained it will be by the player, not by Steve." Ultimately, this is the goal when you are making a game. To make it actually require skill of the player, not just some number that goes up as you progress to the game. However, it is very hard to implement this kind of skill in a game. In the end, gaming is nothing more than pressing buttons. You can tell yourself otherwise, but you know it's true. Of course you will get better. Some games require a certain responsiveness. But few really require tactics. There is a way in which skills as we know them from video games could be implemented into TFC. There should never, ever, ever be a number that represents the skill. The player shouldn't have to worry about the skill. In fact, you might not even notice there is a skill if you didn't read it somewhere. A skill could be mining. How good you are at mining wouldn't be decided by a number. Instead, it would be decided by a number of factors that aren't shown to the player. For example, maybe you go in the right direction a lot with the prospectors pick. Next time you use it, it gives less false negatives. I, personally, don't want a skill system, however subtle it is. I also don't like the idea of getting an advantage if you don't starve or die for a long time. In the end, it is very similar to a skill. I stand by my original idea of tackling the problem from another angle; that whe should change the game mechanics so, that death won't be the easiest way out. Hunger shouldn't kill you, hunger shouldn't replenish when you die, and when you die you "awaken" at the same point you died, unless that is impossible (in lava for example). Also, hunger should make you mine/run slower or have other consequences. By the way, I have to say that I love having discussions like this. It's great that Bioxx asks us for our opinion, but it's even better that we are actually able to discuss our opinions in a civilized manner. I don't think there is a "right" way to solve this problem, but whatever Bioxx decides to do I'm sure it will be a good decision. From what I understand, Bioxx wants to keep the mod unique to every player, and experience should always be gained by the player. I hope we will see those views in his final decision.
  23. Well, you know about the brightness mods I use. It's scarier than Herobrine, believe me.
  24. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    Oh, I didn't say anything about how one would perceive it. Of course there's a difference there. But like you said: TFC isn't as important as a test on which your future may depend. This means that the difference between punishment and reward isn't as big as it would normally be. That being said, I'm not sure what I would like better myself. Some rewards that people came up with, just don't seem really believable to me. And that's what TFC is about, right? Your idea of improved shape is nice. It feels believable, and it is basically the same as my idea of, well.. the opposite. I'd like to add to the things that seem most important to me. - Hunger doesn't kill you - The hunger bar doesn't replenish when you die - When you die, you spawn at the exact spot you died (like you were unconscious). - You should be rewarded for staying alive and not starving, by getting in better shape. This means that "normal" shape should be lowered, so that the better shape will not be too "superhuman" compared against how your shape is now. There are some disadvantages with this system. For a starting player, will the "normal" shape be too difficult? I know TFC isn't supposed to be easy, but still. A lot of things are already harder than vanilla. "Normal" shape could be the same shape as you have now, but then the "better" shape would be too superhuman. And here lies the difference. When rewarding the player, he/she will experience both the "normal" shape and the "better" shape. When punishing the player, he/she might never experience the "worse" shape (or normal, as it would be with a rewarding system). When the player dies in the rewarding system, it might feel as a punishment because he is used to be "superhuman", thus making it the same as a punishment system. While I am writing this, I kind of loose track of my thoughts... Sorry for that. I'm not really sure what would be better.
  25. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    Nice thinking. You are right. I like the idea of getting in better shape. Here is something to think about though. Sometimes a reward can be the same as a penalty. Let's say that if you don't die for a while, you get in better shape. You will be able to run faster, you will break blocks faster. You will kill mobs faster. But "faster" is only relative. Should it be faster than it is now? Or is "faster" the same as how it is now, and will "normal" be slower than how it is now (can you still follow me? )? Well, let's say that "faster" is the same as how it is now. So when you just start your world, everything will be harder than it is now. Now compare this with the idea of getting punished for dying/starving. Let's say you won't be able to starve to death. And the hunger bar won't refill when you die. And the punishment for starving is that everything will go slower (running, breaking, fighting). Isn't it kind of the same as your idea? My point is that sometimes a punishment is the same as a reward. It just depends on how you look at it.