Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Androyed

  1. Maye it's just not their zone for growing : and you happened to find a zone suitable for every single tree except pines.

    Hmm, maybe. But at around the same z axis there are some wild pine trees. I replanted them, lets see what happens.

    The vid might take a while. Collecting all the wood takes long, and I want to get double the amount of saps from each tree. Only then I will be able to replant again.


  2. They will pop out at the same rate you planted them after the time they need to grow, so it's completely normal for now, but I believe it'll going to change in the future.

    Oh, I know it is normal, but i just thought it looked really cool. Weird though that the pine saps don't want to grow.


  3. ... and see what happens!

    I have planted 9 saplings of each tree type in a big, open desert area yesterday (playing on RaiserCraft server). Today, I came online to see if they had grown yet. I was surprised, and sad, to see that they hadn't. So I went on with other work, when all of a sudden trees start to pop out of the ground like crazy. This big, open area turned in a forest in the blink of an eye. All around me, trees popping out of the ground one by one. It was beautiful to see. I will harvest the trees and plant them again, and this time I will catpure it for you. It was amazing :D.

    I wasn't able to collect all saplings (you know, with the floating tree sapling bug). Some of them started to disappear. But it was fun all the same. Only the pine trees didn't grow, and one willow because the others blocked the sunlight. I use torches and 5 blocks space in between every tree, but that still didn't help.

    Here is a screenshot (not nearly every tree is visible here):

    Posted Image


  4. It has something to do with the wasteland grass (the dirty grass type). As long as grass doesn't grow on the blocks your saplings are on, any sapling should be able to grow in any area (well, almost any area that is. Don't go too far to the north).


  5. .... off-topic. That's where I post relevant info.


    Caves can be really big in TFC, especially the "lava caves". But they are not as rare as I thought they would be. Not as rare as I would like them to be, actually. I hope there will be more "special" stuff underground. New things to discover.


  6. I designed douglas fir. Is something wrong with them? :(

    tried to model them off of ones like this:

    Posted Image

    No, no, not at all. I just had a different image in my head. Yours is actually better in my opinion. For some reason, I had Douglas Fir as some sort of christmas tree in my head.


  7. Just updated to B64, broke some surface rock and was surprised to be presented with a sequoia door. The doors functioned identically to the ones made conventionally from TFC wood. Forge version

    It was basalt surface rock if that helps.

    Hahaha, that sounds like a funny bug. It would get annoying after some time though.


  8. And the great mystery of the Douglas Fir has been resolved. I just downloaded B62, created a new world, and TADAAA! I spawned in a Douglas Fir forest.

    Posted Image

    I was kind of surprised by how they look like. They don't look like pine trees at all. That was kind of the look I was expecting. I think the size is awesome. I would love to see more big trees, but not huge trees. Like the size of willows. I know almost every tree has a "big" version with branches, but those are very rare.


  9. It doesn't snow because of bugs.

    Ah, I thought something like this was the case. That's why I didn't make this thread in the Suggestions section.

    But to be sure; will it snow in winter when the bug is resolved, even in places where trees still grow (-15500 or lower)?


  10. I noticed that it never snows in TFC. Maybe it does if you go north, where the temperatures are below zero, but no one goes that far north. No trees grow there. Somehow in TFC snow and trees are related; trees don't exist in combination with snow. I think this is a pity. I would love to have snowfall in TFC winter. Snow slows you down, something I quite like. Snow can f*ck your crops up. Snow can make areas look totally different. Snow could cover up ravines and make "bridges" at the side of mountains. You would need to look out, otherwise you could fall to your death.

    I know this sounds a lot like a suggestion, but I am not sure if it doesn't snow in TFC. I guess the rule is that if the temperature is below zero, it snows instead of rains. If the temperature drops at all in winter (never checked), it will never get below zero. Maybe at some points in the world, but not at a point where trees still grow.

    A more diverse climate would be cool. The only way to live now is in the same moderate climate. Go too far south and you will only find barren plains. Go too far north and you will only find barren plains, but with snow on them.


  11. - In frozen oceans/rivers, lily pads "drop" on the ice. The same goes for sugar cane in frozen areas.

    Posted Image

    - Blocks that have pebbles/rocks on them don't have snow. This looks weird in snow landscapes. I don't know if this is a bug or if there is just no other way to do this.


  12. North is to your right when you watching the sunset. Why would you need other means to tell this?

    No one said we need other ways. I made this thread to ask why we are only spawning south (or north, as it turned out to be). And I got my answer so I guess this thread is done.


  13. Who said that? I thought it was another update.

    I'm not sure what you mean. I thought Bioxx or dunk or whoever had planned to do something about construction, making it more believable.


  14. If my memory is right, this whole -Z=north thing is a OpenGL thing(?).

    You just can't do anything about it.

    edit: but +x remains east. :)

    Posted Image

    Well, who cares anyway. It is just a number. I'm sure something in the code could be changed to switch the -z value with the z value. It would still be the other way around, it would just look like it wasn't. One way or the other, does it really matter?


  15. Wasn't there going to be a construction update? IMO making planks should be left the way it is now, but making wooden blocks (from planks) should require nails. And nails should be forged. Not every metal should be suitable for nails. Or maybe it should, but there should be a difference between metals.

    I am wondering where Bioxx is going with the new "walls". No idea what that is going to be like. I hope it is the beginning of a series of construction updates.


  16. Poky is correct, you're actually spawning in the northern hemisphere. The reason is that I *may* potentially do some stuff with the southern hemisphere specifically.

    Ah, that's what I was hoping to hear! I would love to have a more diverse world. It's already much better than vanilla.

    If -z is north, does that mean -x is east?


  17. Bioxx just changed the spawn location. You can spawn anywhere from -3k to -15k. This is great, but why are we only spawning south? Is north just the same as south, only... north? I guess then there is no reason to spawn north, because the only difference is that there won't be a "-" before the coords.

    I have been north and as far as I can tell it's not that different. There were tons of oceans, but there are tons of oceans everywhere in TFC. Nothing new there. Still, it just feels weird to only spawn south. Is there a reason for this?


  18. Using TMI in build 52e I can get them.

    No prove as of now that Douglas Fir spawns, not only in build 52e, but also in build 60, according to TheWolf227 (thanks for checking, Wolf!). Probably related to the fact that the saplings don't grow?


  19. Apparently this is a well-known bug, but I don't think anyone has reported it as of yet.

    It's hard to test. I planted some Douglas Fir saplings along with Pine and Willow saplings. The Pine and Willow had no problem growing (I used TMI to advance through time quickly), but the Douglas Fir didn't grow. It might be the saplings just need some time. But when do I stop testing? The fact that multiple people have said to me that Douglas Fir saplings didn't grow, led me to the forums to make this thread.

    Another note; I'm not even sure if Douglas Fir spawns at all, at least not in 52e. Not going to report this as a bug, since I'm probably just not looking the right way. Or I'm just unlucky. But TheWolf227 also didn't find any Douglas Fir, and that was in build 60. As of now, I have seen no proof that Douglas Fir spawns. Probably related to the fact that the saplings don't grow?


  20. Make a new topic about this in the support section.

    Wolf, I saw that you have Douglas Fir in your B60 world in a thread in the Support section. Could you please post a screenshot of a Douglas Fir? Not only for proof, also because when I'm searching for it, it helps if I know what it looks like. Thanks in advance!


  21. If the fact that Douglas Fir saplings don't grow really is a bug, did someone report it to Bioxx already? And if not, how would I do that?

    I have tried to grow some in Creative with TMI (I clicked day, then night, then day, etc, to progress in time). and it didn't work. The Pine and Willow saplings I planted did grow. This isn't really proof that the growth of Douglas Fir is bugged, I know, but I'm not sure how I can test this another way.

    Might be the spawning of Douglas Fir is also bugged. Until someone shows me a picture of Douglas Fir in build 52e or up, I'm not convinced.


  22. Man I really need to play this game multiplayer.

    I could sell my services as a lumberjack! Or a stone cutter!

    It's actually pretty fun. I've done this before on vanilla MC servers. I started a glass/smooth stone smelting buissiness. It's more profitable to just do what everyone does; mine. But I like doing things that you aren't really "meant" to do. And I'm just too lazy to progress through the stone/bronze/iron age.
