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Posts posted by Pyr0mrcow

  1. If I might make a suggestion on that.

    When making servers or personal TFC worlds in the past, and trying to configure sets of mods for enhanced variety/more 'living' worlds, feature additions, ect, one thing that always made it more difficult was the lack of proper biome/biome types in TFC. Caused, of course, by TFC deciding on how to populate areas based on its behind the scenes numbers like temperature and elevation.
    If biomes could be applied to their applicable areas, even if they aren't actually used to calculate TFC world gen, that would be really helpful for customization, like setting custom area spawning conditions for animals and other mobs.

    I don't remember the exact terms because it's been quite a while since I've set up a real overhaul world, but as an example...
    A high elevation, flat, almost permanently cold area in TFC, in the current system, can be considered 'plains', because the other information is separate.
    A biome label like 'high frozen plains' would allow much easier tagging for mob spawning within that specific area, such as an ice or snow-based mob. Frozen oceanic islands as gathering points for penguins...ect.
    Forge's Biome Types expand this usage further.
    This would also ease the usage of other mods that read area conditions, like Ambience.


  2. Could make crops function somewhat similarly to fruits. They might be able to stay at adulthood indefinitely if the host so chooses, but limit the time of year in which they bear edible parts. There could be plenty of overlap, but nothing would be able to sit on the vine year-round regardless of where you are.
    At least encourages crop variety, if a player is really intent on living in a tropical plantation where food is always plentiful.


  3. My one complaint is that the Blue Steel design looks a slightly more carrot-like amalgamation of the regular Steel and Black Steel designs, while Red Steel looks amazing and unique.
    What about something more diamond-shaped and sturdy looking, like the center of the armor?
    Could also take functionality into account for design ideas. The original Red Steel armor specializes in blocking slashing damage, and both of the current Red Steel shapes look good for catching/moving a blade slash.
    Blue Steel is meant to block Pirecing damage.

    Given my aesthetic, Blue Steel tends to be my main armor end-game.


  4. Any plans to implement incomplete systems like body temperature?

    I second the food system question. I like cooking experimentally and figuring out how to produce/reproduce flavors using different ingredients irl, so any news on the food prep/cooking system interests me; I'd say it had a larger part in initially getting me interested in TFC than the metal-related systems did.

    Last, will this be a 'catch-all' mod like TFC, or will it follow a more open-to-customization approach? IE will it aim to replace base MC entirely or will we be able to play with vanilla/modded content at the same time? Though the base game isn't very interesting, they've added much higher variety in mobs, music and atmospheric elements over time, and it would be a shame to lose that by installing TFC.


  5. Mm, I find myself either turning off the music after a while and playing something of my own, or trying to find a way to add more music. Does get that repetitive feeling pretty quickly. Fitting music, just...yea.
    To be fair, the vanilla soundtrack somewhat suffers from the same feeling, though less so since the additions a while back.

    While more variety would be nice, smoother intros and outros could also lessen the feeling.


  6. Riding on the ideas of factional monsters/small details that give the game personality...
    I like the suggestion of Rats being a minor nuisance to stores of food.
    Sneaking their way in. Perhaps chewing small black 'holes' on the surface of weak (wood, dirt, ect) unobstructed blocks near food.
    Not completely obnoxious, but...seen. Making their presence known.

    Then Ratmen.
    In dungeons, hording food. Small rats making deliveries to piles of grains and such, Ratmen roaming around, being creepy, territorial, attacking the player on sight. Perhaps in the midst of some ransacked ruins, or whatever the plan is for the dungeons.


    Possible variant of Mice and Micemen.


    Minor buildup to later aspects of a game is a really nice thing to see. Small details contributing to something larger.


  7. Could be good to soft lock the oceans a short distance from each island, ie with shark swarms or temporary barriers, and then release the lock on surrounding islands once that island is conquered. Long term, I mean. That'd leave open the option to make use of water/ocean-based mods in combination with TFC, once the player reaches the right criteria.

    I'm a fan of the path dimension though. Ties nicely into the tiering system, breaks up regular travel. Worth the time.


  8. Thaumcraft 5 had a good progression system in that regard. Learning about the world around you and applying your knowledge, or reacting to what you see. Dispensing that knowledge afterward in multiplayer.
    Personally, I'd like to see a mixed approach. No 'locked' research (as to not annoy vets having to unlock something for the fifth time), but at the same time, providing the player with enough guidance that they don't have to open a browser and read through pages upon pages to understand the game. There's been a lot expressed on that front to begin with; providing information in a way that feels natural, leaving things to be discovered.
    So, a system where information can actually be discovered in-game through a natural-feeling process.

    With 1.12 there's the Advancements system and a recipe search function within the inventory, and it'd be a perfect fit. Basically a more readily editable version of Achievements, with branches/tiers and more display options. Good opportunity for a little in-game flavor text, too; treat it like research, with the character expressing their thoughts.
    But yea.
    Experience or see something in the world, receive a related advancement, giving the player information/an idea of how to craft it (or showing the actual recipe right there if possible).

      - Have a branch named something like 'Equipment'.
       + Within that branch, give an advancement at the start, giving information about basic tools, and how to craft them.
       + Branch can be added to with experience; come within range of an animal that flees, get information about Javelins.
       + Get hit by an arrow, Advancement talking about Shields.
       + Health drops below 50% as a result of external entity damage, get an Advancement telling the player about Armor.
     - 'Heavy Industry' talking about metals
       + Tabs about metalworking
     - 'Agriculture'
       + Animal husbandry
       + Crop care

    Get more advanced with each tier of a branch.
    Add an extra condition for unlocking advancements, by crafting a related item, so vets can skip steps. i.e. Make armor, get armor advancement without having to do it the normal way.


  9. The normal world is made up of islands arranged in a grid pattern, with increasing difficulty by island...when traveling north/south, I think?
    I don't think that the nether has even been mentioned by the devs thus-far, in regards to TFC2. Though if there is a portal system, it could have a use. Paths between islands through an old broken down hall Nether-side, so the travel is more than a simple 'poof'?
    Perhaps even a small dungeon that needs to be navigated through/conquered, since dungeons in general will be added. Part of the challenge of reaching the next area.

    I was suggesting some of the magic stuff with the tiered island system in mind. Like, you'd need certain things from one island to open that island's portal, giving you some level of preparation for the next island. Activating the portal or traveling safely through it could include some very light magic/minor magical items, at least exposing the player to the possibility of it...but like other skills, diving head-on into magic might not be completely necessary.

    Or, make it require quite a bit of magic, but have multiple portals, some of which could be activated solely with Metalworking; ie repairing them. Then the player has multiple paths that they can take with a small skillset (maybe some paths would require an east-west detour?), while a balanced team with different skills could storm straight ahead.


  10. ...personally, if a magic system is implemented, I'd like it to go more in the direction of 'conquering the world around you' than internal magic, and to do something besides the usual 'magic in the air' thing. Fortunately, TFC's in a position to do that.
    Finding magical objects, manipulating them, perhaps using the metal-working system to focus those objects for weaponry, tools, ect. Perhaps even talismans and such for other effects, or one-shot ranged spells? (A way to keep ranged attacks from being too powerful.)

    The portals between islands sounded magical in some way; what if they and other structures can be investigated and plundered for more magical understanding? A magical progression system without pure-UI, tedious research.
    Structures of that sort could also bring the world to life in a similar way to the new mobs. Small, overgrown ruins are what come to mind. Perhaps they could also be an alternative way to enter the discussed dungeons?
    It could even play a part in the island-hopping progression system. The player needs to at least find certain types of objects to activate (or pass safely through) the portal, making them aware of the potential around them. One portal might be related to one type of magic, another to another type.


    All that said though, I just hope that the damage amounts of TFC stay around vanilla levels. There're other magic/tools/ect mods out there which would be amazing in combination. Thaumcraft in particular, once its current version is released...which sounds pretty close to happening.
    If TFC does implement a limited magic system, it could actually make compatibility easier. I'd really like to adapt Thaum without having everything immediately available at the beginning of the game. I like the idea of TFC as being a 'base game' for other things to possibly be added onto.


  11. As one of the aforementioned lurkers, hell yes we're interested.

    What you're saying you have so far/will have at early release is at least of more interest than vanilla. And heck, once farming changes (if those are still a thing?) plus metals and the resulting equipment are'd be pretty much right back up to par with TFC1, with the addition of more interesting world-gen and the mobs as a bonus; even if they're not fleshed out yet, they add to the atmosphere.


  12. 8 hours ago, ciekma said:

    Cauldron effect? There are some mods equivalents for bukkit plugins, such ForgeEssentials, MyTown2 etc.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that we've been totally Forge-based since the crashed map started. We've already got mod-based protection.

    ...from our best guesses when discussing it, it might've been either the Small Boats mod or some really rebellious zombie.


  13. Hm, so I had that backwards.
    We were thinking about Towny for a while, and I ended up doing configs for it...and putting in item IDs for everything relevant but wood piles and ingot piles.
    Well, guess it could be useful now. I'll send over a more organized document with the new item IDs in a while.

    The IDs unfortunately change by setup (and even between different hosts with exactly the same setup), so you have to write your own. Not many ways to do it other than going through and manually adding each entry.


  14. Would be nice if animals including dangerous ones reproduce in the wild and move around more off-screen. Then you couldn't just ignore the bear. Offspring ventures out on its own when it reaches adulthood, something like that. Dangerous if you let a den live near you.


    I'd really like to see a few compatibility mods, to the point of thinking about doing a semi-simple one myself, particularly Chisels And Bits since it's basically the same as the old TFC chisel with a few extra options and more freedom. Just making the chisels themselves and blueprints craftable would put things back where they were. But, how that's done would depend on what metalworking is like in TFC2, how easy or difficult it ends up being to work with that system as far as external mods go, and what MC version TFC2 will be released in. Or...could just make the original CAB chisels craftable in a bench with metal bars/gems, but that feels like a waste of the metalworking system.

    ...on that note, any word on whether TFC2 initial release will still be for 1.8 or if it'll jump up to more recent MC versions? I mainly ask because 1.8 was a seemingly difficult version for the modding community. A lot of mods, even popular ones, left their 1.8 iterations in a pretty unfinished state, or skipped the version entirely, so...TFC2 in later versions would be quite welcome, given some of the amazing things the modding community as a whole has been doing lately. Especially with the Thaumcraft dev looking like he's making great progress, and the new version looking even better than the last. It'd be nice to be able to play TFC2 alongside new/updated things, and the offhand slot.


  15. 10 hours ago, rushedman said:

    Hey I am interested. Though I am more the merchant type. Well I will need guards to protect me from bandits. Any takers??


    The server's actually pretty peaceful despite PvP being an option, and there's a plugin for sales if you really don't want to risk meeting.


    Had a lot of new people over the past few days. I think we even had 12 on at once for a while? Here's hoping for more!


  16. Some of this seems like way more of a headache than it'd be worth...but, if NPCs were added, they wouldn't need to be built from scratch. While they wouldn't fit in their current state, vanilla NPCs would be a good base; working crops, pathing, village expansion basics and trade are all built into them.

    If say they were re-introduced with re-balanced trades and new models/textures, maybe with more region-based building variations, they could fit the mod nicely.


    Villagers building structures is entirely possible. There's even a server plugin capable of creating NPCs that do so, if they have the blueprint of course; a mod would definitely be able to do it.
    But...would it be worth it? Villagers building your camp would take the 'Craft' part out of the game. While some people might like it, I think it'd actually make the game get stale more quickly, if you end up seeing nothing but the same few buildings in the same style throughout your world.
